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What Is Everyone Doing Over the Weekend?

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Right now I am drinking beer and smoking a 10 lbs pork shoulder. (Picnic ham to some) Going to take another 6 1/2 hours. Other than that I am pretty much confined to quarters taking care of the wife's post op. Glad I stocked up on beer. :biggrin:


What is everyone else doing?

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Got the grass cut and some other yard work done this morning... About to cook out later this afternoon with friends coming over... A pleasant West Michigan afternoon!

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Beer drinking? Steak eating? Yes, in my mind! :yes: I must go to my work, saturday and sunday. My wife and my son waiting at home for me. Maybe to end of work whit beer and a juicy steak.



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Wow.... what is a weekend? :smile:

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My weekend happens on everybody elses Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Enjoy it all :)

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Having a few beers and saying thanks for some good news this morning. My son is on his way home from Afghanistan, seems he aggravated an old knee injury to the point he'll need surgery. The fact some knuckle dragger crushed pinned his legs with a car on purpose a couple of years ago only made it worse. Anyway he called from Ramstien Germany today and told me he was on his way home, and for that the family is very grateful.


Oh yeah, I'll raise one to the guys that were in Operation Overlord today also. :salute:

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Just got back from Memphis after finishing my 6 month recur sim.


Hanging out with the fam this weekend before I start back at the squadron on Monday.


Taking care of the kiddo now that we've had to put a feeding tube back in him.


Migrating all my stuff from TW Gen 1 to TW Gen 2 sims.



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Taking care of the kiddo now that we've had to put a feeding tube back in him.


Oh man that blows.

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Simple: drawing textures, drinking beer

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Marinating steaks for later, deconstructing a computer, and moving furniture as my wife directs.


Ahhhhhhh, such is life.........

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Worked on getting NF4 converted to SF2E this morning. Just got back from a romp in the Corvette! Nothing at all planned.

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Just got back from work, gonna play some WOE2, then get some studying in for my FAA Commercial written test.

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just back from the field, been jumping out of perfectly good airplanes all day :crazy:

thinking BBQ tommorow if the weather dosnt tur, not holding my breath though.



Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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Just got back from work, gonna play some WOE2, then get some studying in for my FAA Commercial written test.


The test is a breeze, in fact here is all the answers.







easy. :good:

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Wow.... what is a weekend? :smile:


Amen bro! 75 more days to go...


I do wish the rest of you guys a fun one though.

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Have the little one until tomorrow evening. Went and saw THE HANGOVER last night (8.5/10). Then tomorrow night, after dropping off the little one, I will be going out drinking with the co-workers. Hopefully I won't type up another jacked up thread like I did last Sunday night/Monday morning......


My weekend doesn't end until Wednesday at 1700 hours, then I only work 2 days, then off for another 5 haha......

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Oh man that blows.


Literally...he's puked them out the last 2 times...



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i'm enjoying the 30+ degree weather (30 degrees celsius! it's not THAT cold here!) and the freedom of being able to motorbike solo. Also studying for year-end exams, writing a couple of essays and doing LOTS of yard work.


And sleeping. Don't forget lots of sleeping.

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friday night i was in a party for a friend that's leaving the country for a few month

then we went out to eat... got home at about 5 a.m.

i was trying to sleep... not that much luck there :P

yesterday i wanted to do something but my brother was at work and i didn't have a car so i was home ^_^

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I gotta admit I did a doubletake at the first post, Daves drinkin beer and smokin WHAT?!?


just kidding, Dave :)


But seriously, I'll be thinning out some oak trees, splitting wood and more work on the perpetual landscaping project in my back yard.


Oh yeah, and beer.

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Goin' to the range to fire the Mosin Nagant I just picked up.

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Literally...he's puked them out the last 2 times...




Make that the last 3 times...sigh.



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Just got back from two days of doing a course called FAST for my motorcycle. Bone tired but so much fun. Really allows you to learn your bike in safe environment and push it to the limit. Also learned that she will max out at 245 kph. :sad:

Edited by Atreides

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what were you riding? An F4i?


That's still pretty quick. My XL350R tops out at 100 kph, then complains about it all the way home.

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Just over a bout of flu and finally finished my motorbike rebuild project... someone stuck it in a shed for 3 years spent the last 3 months rebuilding it to go back on the road... bikes a Kawasaki ZZR1100 more speed please......................

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