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A word on deleting modded installs - hopefully obvious to most but suggest backing them up for a bit in case you need something later or want to see how something was done before!

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Don't have Vista, so, I really don't see the point, quite yet. I imagine I will have no choice when I finally make the jump to my next gaming laptop, the Dell XPS-M1730, I plan on buying. At this point, I'll nab all four, (SF2/V/E/I), at my earliest convenience. I've already started a library of SF2 upgraded aircraft and materials from CA.


.....which reminds me, I should probably make a donation, this coming pay, it's long overdue.


Edited by MigHound

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Don't have Vista, so, I really don't see the point, quite yet. I imagine I will have no choice when I finally make the jump to my next gaming laptop, the Dell XPS-M1730, I plan on buying. At this point, I'll nab all four, (SF2/V/E/I), at my earliest convenience. I've already started a library of SF2 upgraded aircraft and materials from CA.


.....which reminds me, I should probably make a donation, this coming pay, it's long overdue.



Having Vista is not a requirement for any of the SF2 sims. It simply changes the files structure, which seems to baffle some people. 5 or 10 minutes of reading and you'll have it down.

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I just have, deleted all my legacy WoX installs, the whole shebang.


Managed to free up 32 GB HD space too.


It's SF2\E\V or bust now.


Drastic ? Nah, progress !


Anyone else been so foolhardy of late ?


No, not me. I have SF2 WOV and the rest are the first versions (I have all of them) so no way I am going to delete all those good games. All of them work fine on Vista anyway with just a little tweak.

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Having Vista is not a requirement for any of the SF2 sims. It simply changes the files structure, which seems to baffle some people. 5 or 10 minutes of reading and you'll have it down.


Yea, it moves the mod folder to your user account location on Windows but there is an option to make the SF2 games use the root folder instead, which is what I did with SF2 WOV.

Now when I uninstall games I have to go searching the user account folders because so many games put folders there too for save games, options etc. The problem is that the game developers have different ideas on which folder they should use in your user account folder section and I am finding game folders all over the place. Personally, I like the old Dos way of doing things. One game folder and no reg entries either. Want to uninstall a game, simple, just delete its root folder. There is no technical reason for games needing to use the registry. The only benefit it has is when you patch a game the patch can find the install location quickly by reading the registry. That can mess up some games too because they leave the old reg entries behind after uninstall. Re-install the game to a new location and now you have 2 locations for the game in the registry which can confuse the patch process and also cause the game not to run. I've seen people post with that issue numerous times on forums and is why I tell them to always re-install to the same location and folder name as they used previously. I'm not ragging on TK here, just that I am not a fan of this method of game folders in different locations and stating why.

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{First part edited by me} I've installed and reinstalled twice now with each game and haven't had any problems with patching. It knew where to go and what to patch.


If you want to stick with the the first Gen and XP, that is your right. I'm running the SF2/V/E fine in XP. But don't expect the modding world to stagnate for you.

Edited by ST0RM

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Tho I understand the reasons behind leaving the "legacy sim" in the dust. I just wish the modders would consider the concerns of the "legacy sim" crowd in there design of "new" objects.

Reasons I say this is because I remember "back in the day" when all of the "modders" left CFS2 for shinny new pastures and fancy tubliner sims. "the Modders" where they had the ability to compile there whares for CFS2 but for the most part they wouldn't do it because it would take a few extra steps during the complication process, that being the decision so be it.


I guess the SF1 folks will be considered "in the basement" also sort-ah speak like the CFS2 folks @ the outhouse. :good:




Please don't kill me I'm just expressing my ruminations pondering and thoughts..

Edited by colmack

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I just do not have the time or the want to make 2 versions anymore. I am happy with the new stuff and that is where I am moving too. If I was making money off this then I would to reach a broader audience. But I am not, so I am not going to bog myself down with extra work when I have a limited time to do the projects I am working on now.

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in fact the new series is a huge step ahead (even if it just seems to be vista/dx10 version of the old series), so why bother with the original series? (to have less functions to play with?)

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It's all down to the individual modder. Some will have the time and inclination to do both versions, others won't. Some modders will continue with the legacy stuff only I'm sure. Which is cool.


Only having one version of a particular mod may inspire folks to dabble a bit themselves, whether it's forward or backward compatability. It isn't hard to do, but like USAFMTL says it is time consuming.

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It's all down to the individual modder. Some will have the time and inclination to do both versions, others won't. Some modders will continue with the legacy stuff only I'm sure. Which is cool.


Only having one version of a particular mod may inspire folks to dabble a bit themselves, whether it's forward or backward compatability. It isn't hard to do, but like USAFMTL says it is time consuming.


Exactly, I don't expect the modders to cater to me. They release the mods and making them work in WOE 08 is on my shoulders and vice versa if the Modder is using the older series. We might have to ask a few questions now and then, but so far there is nothing stopping us from making them work in the older sims.

Edited by WarlordATF

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Warlord brings up a good point. If someone asks questions about how to make them work in old sims, someone should answer.

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Warlord brings up a good point. If someone asks questions about how to make them work in old sims, someone should answer.


Yes, but we know that some people just won't make the effort to have a go themselves (or even visit the Knowledge Base).

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Yes, but we know that some people just won't make the effort to have a go themselves (or even visit the Knowledge Base).


That is very true and we may never change that. But what can you do?

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That is very true and we may never change that. But what can you do?


Sorry if this borders on a double post dave, but what about a basic SF-2 to SF-1 conversion sticky thread in the knowledge base. My combat ace subscription Expired today and it would

make it much easier to re-up in these lean times if I knew I would at least be able to convert the new models to work on my existing WOX games. It will be a little while before i get SF-2, and

the time to get all of the mods installed.

Edited by Icarus999

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Well I was hoping for some backwards compatability until SF2I was released when I plan to jump.


I guess I'll have to make the leap sooner. Does anybody know much about power supplies? I'm concerned with my system (quad core, 1024mb GPU) adding a new 1TB drive might be troublesome power-wise. I'm pretty sure its a 650-watt power supply I have, is that enough for the CPU, GPU, 3 IDE drives, 1 SATA and adding a new 1TB SATA?


Also, anyone with Windows7 RC know how it will handle going to the actual release? Can one go from the RC to say the most premium professional version without losing data and install info/drivers/etc?


It would really make the difference between being fully in the SF2 environment within the next 2-3 weeks, or having to wait for a few paychecks to afford a bigger power supply alongside the hard drive and SF2 Vietnam and Europe all at once.

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Sorry if this borders on a double post dave, but what about a basic SF-2 to SF-1 conversion sticky thread in the knowledge base. My combat ace subscription Expired today and it would

make it much easier to re-up in these lean times if I knew I would at least be able to convert the new models to work on my existing WOX games. It will be a little while before i get SF-2, and

the time to get all of the mods installed.


I think someone is doing one. In fact FastCargo is leading that charge. So don't panic. I will say this, someone being able to convert new models to work with the older sims is not my problem. Sorry to be so crass but it isn't. I sat down and figured it out over the period of a few days. I don't understand why anyone else can't do that either. The problem is alot of people don't have the WANT to look it over and figure things out. Point in case, this thread here.




Only got a few people to help out, out of how many modders and people capable of modding? 5 or 6? I am sorely disappointed that there hasn't been a bigger response. Everyone is gimme gimme gimme but then the call goes out to help, most then take one step back.

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I'd blame the response on the Summer-time blues.


At least that is my excuse. :alcoholic:


That and I am leaving for New Orleans in 2 weeks for a month.


Maybe when I get back, and the crispness of fall starts to snap, I will be able to hang around a warm computer screen and

rummage through some INI's and stuff.


Heck, I may even break down and lose my prejudice about the "new" series and pop a C-note onto it.


Probably not though, as I am a stubborn curmudgeon like that... :stinker:

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Only got a few people to help out, out of how many modders and people capable of modding? 5 or 6? I am sorely disappointed that there hasn't been a bigger response. Everyone is gimme gimme gimme but then the call goes out to help, most then take one step back.


Actually I will help out later. But right now I'm playing with my new toy. Getting a feel for it before I be any help. Plus having enough skinning projects on my plate at the moment.

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No not really, it takes a little time but not much. Its usually just a few line edits and moving or making a folder. Its just a large untaking for a few people. As you can see look at all the planes that people have ready to go in SF2 format. JM have you modded anything?


Not since SWOTL in my college days! :grin:

When SFP1 first came out I spent some time tweaking the early .inis as modders were still figuring things out, but as time progressed it became less necessary.


However, I'm speaking mostly of mods that are now several steps back i.e. '06 patch levels (I still have an SFP1 install at that level for them) or FE pre-expansion pack patch (ditto).

I'm sure updating an 11/08 patch-compatible mod to SF2 isn't too big a deal, but I've had so little time for even doing the simplest things with my TW sims these past 9 months---well, it's going to 10 months a week from Sunday, man she's getting bigger every day!---that literally my folder of DL'd-but-yet-to-install-mods for TW sims is much larger than my folder of already-installed mods is!


I mean, when I don't even have time to run the one-click installers, you know it's bad! The only "new" things I've done other than the SF2 installs is ODS and NF4. :sad:

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Never will ever never

will burn my pc first

unless the new stuff gets multiplayer

my money stays in my pocket


and Happy Canada Day to all


and to all a good flight

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What seems to be happening here is its turning into a old sim versus new sim thing. The new sim people are moving forward, then there is the old sim people who refuse to move forward for one reason or another. There is new stuff coming out for the SF2 series and the old sim are complaining because they can't "play". So what do you want us to do?



Oh before you answer that last part, keep in mind that we are doing these mods for free and some of us dont have the time to make 2 of every mod.

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I don't see any reason why it needs to become an us vs them situation.


So far the differences seem pretty minor for 3rd party mods and i'm sure that soon we will have a KB post on how to convert these mods backwards and forwards. In any event, i don't blame anyone for making mods for the version they enjoy.


IMO we are really getting worked up over nothing, when TK makes a major change like what happened with the WWII birds then we might have an issue, but even in that case it was eventually figured out.


Everyone should just relax or this will just end up doing more harm than good to the community. The community has always worked together to figure these things out so far and i don't see any reason why we can't continue to.

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That is what I would like to see happen Warlord too. Just let things be, there are people making sure that there is knowledge availible to make things work in both sims.

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