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Excuse me, dumbazz.....

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Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? :biggrin:


PBL.jpg :haha:

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Damn it Fubar, I thought that diagram I made for you in crayon explained how to off load your boat.....

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That guy probably also has the "side view" mirror adjusted so he can see cars behind him instead of to the side like they're supposed to be.


If I'm sitting in my car behind you, and I can see your face in the side view mirror, congratulations! You're an idiot.

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Stupid boat ramp! Its too steep. :yes:

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Wonder what happened there? Is it a fake photo? Doesn't seem like if someone had some sort of trouble that the truck and trailer would be so nice and straight along the ramp face first. Looks like they drove straight in. Wierd. Need the rest of the story here.

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I reckon the story boils down to "forgot handbrake"

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Wonder what happened there? Is it a fake photo? Doesn't seem like if someone had some sort of trouble that the truck and trailer would be so nice and straight along the ramp face first. Looks like they drove straight in. Wierd. Need the rest of the story here.


Not faked. The gentleman in the image is attempting to connect a tow line to the trailer in order to extricate the truck. The hood being (bent) open indicates that the truck ran into the water at a decent rate of speed.

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I reckon the story boils down to "forgot handbrake"


Or forgot to put it in park.

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Darn it! I hate it when that happens.

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Naw, that's just a submarine truck launching it's land trailer. Duh.


Or they built the boat ramp backwards...

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Well it looks OK to me, except he didn't drive far enough into the water so the boat floats off the trailer!

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Well stuff happens. Just an accident no need to knock the fella. I've done a couple of stupid things with and around boats. Not intentionally just not thinking. One of them sent me to the emergency room after standing in the wrong place and getting pinched at belly level between the 17ft skiff and trailer. Felt my inerds literally spread to the sides of my body. Thought I was going to cough up blood any second. Had I had a full bladder I'd probably not be typing this right now.


Careful with your boats folks. Take your time and don't be in a hurry and don't let anyone else rush you.

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/Rant on


The family said they will file a lawsuit


This is ridiculous. Fair enough the workers should maybe have cordoned the manhole off, but what ever happened to looking where one is going? :blink:


Classic example of how some people are always trying to put the blame on someone else and reap money out of it.


Oh and...


...the 'gross' factor that can't be ignored.


"Oh my God, it was putrid," she said. "One of her sneakers is still down there"


Bullsh1t. Stick it in a washing machine and shut the hell up.


/Rant off

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Actually.... the man hole should've been coned off first before being opened. The fact is that they had to turn away from it to grab some cones after it was open, leaving it unattended. The average person crossing the street isn't going to think of a man hole being left open. What they should be thinking of is vehicle traffic passing by where they are crossing. Now of course, we all have our part of being aware of what's happening around us, and texting while crossing a street is not one of the best things to do. However, that doesn't remove the DEP workers responsiblity to make sure that the area where they are working at has been cordoned off as best as possible to keep the public from wandering in. Now if the area was coned off already, with caution tape, and the teen still walked through it and fell inside the man hole, then shame on her. But I have a feeling DEP is going to lose this law suite.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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Will they lose? Yes. What will that loss cost them? My guess is not much. It's obvious the girl was being a ditz, she wasn't seriously hurt, and her family has come off as looking to make a quick buck. If they're smart, they'll take whatever settlement the lawyer can get them and not bother going to trial as they'll likely get less that way.

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Will they lose? Yes. What will that loss cost them? My guess is not much. It's obvious the girl was being a ditz, she wasn't seriously hurt, and her family has come off as looking to make a quick buck. If they're smart, they'll take whatever settlement the lawyer can get them and not bother going to trial as they'll likely get less that way.




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That guy probably also has the "side view" mirror adjusted so he can see cars behind him instead of to the side like they're supposed to be.


If I'm sitting in my car behind you, and I can see your face in the side view mirror, congratulations! You're an idiot.


Yes, that is correct. My father was a driving instructor in his later years and he said the same thing. Side mirrors are to see your blind spots and not behind you. The rear view mirror is there to see behind you. He said most people don't know how to set their side mirrors correctly. Friend of mine not long ago was in my car and said my side view mirrors were set incorrectly so had to explain to him why they were set that way and it was he who was wrong.

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