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Thinking of Buying Over Flanders Field

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I have been playing Rise of Flight and finally got disgusted. The constant errors of online logging just to play the single player got old. Half the time it works, the other half it doesn't. I spent more time just trying to log in and make the game work than I was flying. I deleted it off my system.


Has any of you people played both? Any comparisons? How about multiplayer?


I am getting ready to buy SFS3 and OFF and am wondering if it is a superior, PLAYABLE game. :biggrin:


Thanks for all your help.

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Not knowing RoF except from videos and screenshots, I can only speak for OFF.

With the latest Superpatch, this must now be the most immersive sim I ever flew.

At full realism settings, it will give you the best idea of how hard and dangerous a

pilot's life was in those days. It is very hard in some areas!


The good is: you can choose and lower the settings, to adjust it to your abilities.

It will grow on you - and you can grow with it. You can't do anything wrong with

getting OFF - perhaps only if you where more the arcade gamer. But even then,

you could set it up for that.

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Not knowing RoF except from videos and screenshots, I can only speak for OFF.

With the latest Superpatch, this must now be the most immersive sim I ever flew.

At full realism settings, it will give you the best idea of how hard and dangerous a

pilot's life was in those days. It is very hard in some areas!


The good is: you can choose and lower the settings, to adjust it to your abilities.

It will grow on you - and you can grow with it. You can't do anything wrong with

getting OFF - perhaps only if you where more the arcade gamer. But even then,

you could set it up for that.


I have FSX and IL2 Sturmovik 1946. IL2 is a very difficult flight sim, if it is even close to that, I am up for a good challenge. I just want a game to play, not sit around trying to get it to work. My system is state of the art with a NVidia GXT 285 video card. Thanks


Edit: I have the TrackIR, does it work with this game?

Edited by outfctrl

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I've both but I play much more OFF.

ROF has a nicer engine but has not much content yet.

Here you've a really SP campaing. It can be really immersive.

Besides you get big support in this forum and people are nice.

The devs team are always listening to the community, improving and optimizing the sim.

As for the MP part I confess didn't tried yet in both.


As for the TrackIR question, yest it work well, because this game is mod version for CS3 (you must have in order to play OFF)

Edited by Von Paulus

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if your intrested in mp then by allmeans check out my website, and look in the mp section of the off fourms we have weekly flights and usally somehting by someone going o n during the week as well,, andyes trackr is fully supported

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You're obviously a flight sim fan judging by the sims you already have. You are unimpressed with RoF. It seems to me that you really have no choice at all. BUY OFF! You HAVE to!


You will NOT be sorry. EVER.


This sim will not sit on your shelf to be yanked out nostalgically in a decade's time. In a decade, you'll still be playing it.

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You're obviously a flight sim fan judging by the sims you already have. You are unimpressed with RoF. It seems to me that you really have no choice at all. BUY OFF! You HAVE to!


You will NOT be sorry. EVER.


This sim will not sit on your shelf to be yanked out nostalgically in a decade's time. In a decade, you'll still be playing it.


Thanks all for all the feedback. I am off to Amazon to pick up CFS (under 10 bucks than I will order OFF) See you in the air. :good:

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Welcome! :pilotfly:



:biggrin: Good choice: imerssive game, good price, and a forum of airplane nuts for advice and help. welcome! :good:

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Welcome outfctrl, to the OFF Community! The best way I know of to describe the differences between the two is this.........

If you're looking for a WWI aircraft simulation, RoF is second to none IMO. But if you're looking for a WWI airwar simulation, OFF BH&H is head and shoulders above all of the rest. As with all my posts, it's just my opinion. YMMV.




PS: I do have both sims.

Edited by Cameljockey

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I have been playing Rise of Flight and finally got disgusted. The constant errors of online logging just to play the single player got old. Half the time it works, the other half it doesn't. I spent more time just trying to log in and make the game work than I was flying. I deleted it off my system.


Has any of you people played both? Any comparisons? How about multiplayer?


I am getting ready to buy SFS3 and OFF and am wondering if it is a superior, PLAYABLE game. :biggrin:


Thanks for all your help.



Welcome outfctrl... from the guys at OBD and the OFF Team, we welcome all newbies with a door open... :)


You buy the next round. Come and see us if you need help, have issues or simply want to chew the rag for a while. We're always happy to have new members.


And by all means, check out Stump and the boys for some online fun. I've done it, and it really is a good laugh, unlike the tension and aggression you can get from other Online games... OFF online is pure and simple fun.



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Just out of curiosity, Do I need the CFS 3 ETO expansion pack to play OFF? I see its available.

Edited by outfctrl

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outfctrl - I've been simming and gaming for a good while...OFF will be probably the best gaming purchase you'll have made...IMHO.

Welcome to the drome ;>)



Edited by cptroyce

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Just out of curiosity, Do I need the CFS 3 ETO expansion pack to play OFF? I see its available.


No Sir, you don't need it for OFF. I welcome you amongst our ranks. OFF campaign is fantastic! You will love the number and variety of aircraft available.

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Thanks again for the warm welcome everyone has shown to me.

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OFF is a stand alone CFS3 mod, it just needs to copy certain files from your original CFS3 install to run. After getting CFS3 installed , you will need to patch it up to the 3.1 version for OFF to run correctly.


Buying the ETO addon is just a personal choice if you want to play any more CFS3 beyond OFF.

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Guest Barnstorm


As others have said "You won't be disappointed in BHaH or OFF P3". Checkout the "sticky" posts at the top of page 1, before you start your install. There you will find answers to questions compiled over the past 3+ years. If you ever need ANY assistance, never hesitate to post a ? here. There are always more than enough "experts" to help with any problem. Welcome to the OFF Squadron.

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I haven't tried MP (yet), but the single player campaign system in OFF is the best I've ever seen in any WW1 sim. The historical accuracy is just breathtaking - there are so many different planes and squadrons available that you can spend endless hours getting yourself immersed in the Great War. I've been playing OFF for months now, and I feel like I've only scratched the surface. You'll have to see it for yourself, I can't describe it adequately. :yes:

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OFF is a stand alone CFS3 mod, it just needs to copy certain files from your original CFS3 install to run. After getting CFS3 installed , you will need to patch it up to the 3.1 version for OFF to run correctly.


If it's the UBISOFT version you don't even have to pach or install CS3. During OFF installation it will ask for the DVD and copy the files needed. And it will never ask again for the DVD.

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Thanks for this thread and feedback, I am also persuaded to buy OFF, can't wait to try it!



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I see you have already made your decision (And a great one at that!), but I also will put in my two cents about this sim. It just can't be touched by anything out there at the moment. If you think IL2 is a challenge, and a challenge is what you want, then you will NOT be disappointed with OFF. I too enjoy IL2 1946 as my favourite ww2 sim so far, but haven't touched that in months since I got OFF. What other sim comes with over 3200 historically researched aircraft skins w/o many many extra downloads? Visibly progressing frontlines as the war rages on, battles at the time and location they happened? Anyhow, I'm starting to ramble, so I'll stop myself. Welcome to the community, don't be a stranger.

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Welcome to the OFF comunity sir. I was going to post a long drawn out explanation in your other topic about the "draw" to WWI era air combat. But I really cant put it into words myself. But Being a WWII air combat sim veteran myself, and converting over to OFF and the complex simplicity that is the SE5a, i can say without hesitation that you will enjoy your experience. The folks at OBD have really done an OUTSTANDING job with this sim and the support thereof.


I often dont have time for much gaming these days. But when I do, 9 times out of 10 i fire up OFF.



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Welcome to OFF outfctrl, itifonhom,


Good choices M8's

You're gonna love BH&H


Can't add much after all the guys platitudes

'cept I've been flyin the same crate (Fok D7) for about 2 years now

It never gets boring!!!

The Dynamic Campaign is so indepth that no 2 careers are ever the same, not even close

Now imagine, there are 38 crates to choose from, something or everyone


Happy Hunting,

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After reading all the replies in this thread I also made up my mind to buy OFF :) Waiting for it to arrive in my mailbox, wohoo!

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