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Populating the stock Airbases

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So we got this nice feature of parked aircraft. Why not have trucks loading/unloading stuff, refueling tankers, maintenance crews on the ramp?..


This is the stock german_airbase1 , with the large parking area under construction.






I intend to quickly make the 4 german airbases, with some variety. Creating a few different flood lights, generators and other things along the way. I haven't been to much military bases, just going by imagination and a few photographs. Feel free to comment and post reference pictures.


As you know, we have two kinds of parking places with variables:

ParkingMaxSpan=18.0 (for small aircraft, max wingspan 18m)

LargeParkingMaxSpan=48.0 (for larger)


Currently I have a 70m wide spots, with trucks and cargo dispersed at the edges. Would like to avoid objects appearing inside each other, considering we have B-52, C-5 and other monsters, I might have to widen or move the parking places...

Edited by pureblue

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That's awesome!

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well, that's great, a lot of stuff to explode :smile:

IMO, its just needing 2 things:


1- Peoples

2- start from the ramp

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Hmm....notable by it's absence is the CombatAce advertisement sign...I'd reccomend adding one (or a dozen!!) :rofl:


Those floods could make workable too, via ini edits like comprnt did for the 'lights in hangars' in his airfields mods



kevin stein

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Hmm....notable by it's absence is the CombatAce advertisement sign...I'd reccomend adding one (or a dozen!!) :rofl:


Were you reading my mind? :biggrin:



I'd like to light the place up too, but don't know the different light types yet, been going over comprnt's new mod, as soon as I figure it out, they'll be added. :good:


This isn't a soviet like design is it? Not that it would matter, but I want to have varied designs, so off to search some airfield photos..


@Silverbolt, yeah people would be nice, I only remember some from YAP missions, anything in the free land available?

Edited by pureblue

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@Silverbolt, yeah people would be nice, I only remember some from YAP missions, anything in the free land available?


i don't think so but i'll see if i can get something with my friends hehe



btw, i had the idea of populate airfields with people, but doing like Falcon Team did, but i had no way to do that back in the day


*i think* its something like that...an flat plane mapped with an TGA (for transparency), just with ground crew photos...




btw you asked how it would look....

i've saw some diorama while ago, you may take some inspiration from it hehe




Edited by Silverbolt

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That looks awesome. Out of interest have you flown a mission from an airbase like this yet? If so did it have any noticeable affect on your FPS?





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That does look totally amazing - the statics have always affected my system re FPS - but then again its low end now

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That does look totally amazing - the statics have always affected my system re FPS - but then again its low end now

weird, in my sistem the FPS is ok, but the loading time is increased . :blink:

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1. "Parked Aircraft" will effect the FPS. The more "Parked Aircraft", The more the FrameRate takes a Hit.


2. Ground Objects, As long as the Poly Count is kept around the recommend Guidelines, They're no Problem.



Korat "Re-Work" still in Progress.......














Still adding things. I've got some GSE in 3DMax waiting to be Mapped. Also got more work to do on Camp Friendship.



331KillerBee :wink:

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I've built Ladders, Scaffolds, NAN Carts, Light Carts, Start Carts, Tow Bars, Tugs, Fire Bottles......ect. Still working on them.



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Looking great KB! Nice details :ok:


FPS wise, the objects I added wouldn't slow it down. The parked aircraft on the hand, if high poly, does effect. Although this could be countered with lowering the "chance, percentages" that parked aircraft will appear. So this mod is basically the stock and a few hundred small, very low poly objects added.

I tried it in WOE and it was alright, but SF2 always gives better performance for me.


Edit: KB, those are perfect utilities! Just what we need.

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If your looking for people theres a guy down on the Spanish boards thats come up with something, had a quick look and don't see it at the moment however I'm fairly certain it was one of the following guys:






ps found it: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...39369&st=20


probably not what you had in mind lol... forgot it was bkini clad women. Though perhaps he would be willing to work on it with you.

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I'm gonna build characters to populate a tanker of mine, so I could whip up some for you Pureblue.

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I'm gonna build characters to populate a tanker of mine, so I could whip up some for you Pureblue.


Thanks, that would be beautiful :yes:

Perhaps a few maintenance personnel working, or just standing around smoking a cig, under a "no smoking" sign :biggrin::dntknw:

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My Stuff will take alittle. Still working on them. I've got a few finished......




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Hi folks - there is some excellent work going on here from all parties. Well done team! If you need help with lighting or ramp starts for missions let me know.


Regards, comrpnt.

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I've built Ladders, Scaffolds, NAN Carts, Light Carts, Start Carts, Tow Bars, Tugs, Fire Bottles......ect. Still working on them.


[img> Pic of MJ-1 >img]




A Jammer!


Used to be a jammer jocley `til I made weapons load crew chief.


The best thing about a "Jammer?" They made C-Rations palatable.


Would love to see a few of these buggers running around.


THis looks like a good `un...



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Looks really cool, hope to see the soviet airbases populated in the same way

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That's really cool guys!!!!


Is there any way to start from the ramps with engines off instead of the runways with engines on? I was thinking about dirty tricks (such as somehow treat the ramps as a runway extension? :)

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Guys, I am absolutely GEEKED beyond all belief about this post!!! This is the original reason I created my silly little STT program; to easily place objects and otherwise populate the lifeless airbases. And now that I can get STT to do that, I quickly found there's not a lot of "airbase" and other "junk" objects available (unless you're using YAP). And to see the news of what KillerBee is working on, that is just fantastic! Thank you, thank you and keep it up please...!


OK, calling on Diego next! Diego, we previously exchanged some PMs on this, hope it's OK to post here... But with this collaborative effort going on - would you please consider lending a hand here instead (of with my previous "STT custom object requests")? Looks like Tim has a good start on some of the objects. And we know you are the master at "people making" and it looks like that's clearly where we need the most help. If there's anything you could do to support these efforts, it would be greatly appreciated I am sure by all.


Also Guys, and I know Wrench probably already knows this, but when Polak left and granted me permission to use his object sets, he mentioned there is a "goldmine of objects" within the Combat Flight Simulator 2 (CFS2) World already available. If fact, I think he said some of the CFS2 guys did the actual conversion of the objects themselves. He said that through the use of some CFS2 and other graphical converters they could "indirectly" get into the Thirdwire game. Now, I don't know all the requirements, but he mentioned something about having to do multiple conversions because ultimately I would need to get someone with 3DSMax to convert the end product to the .LOD file. Honestly, I'm just not that knowledgeable about all the scenery object stuff, but my point is..."Has anyone actually explored this any further? How possible is it to leverage the pre-existing CFS2 objects and somehow see if we can get them converted?"


Thanks to all for your efforts, I am really excited about what's to come on this topic!

- Swambast


P.S. Well, just in case someone out there is willing to take requests, here is what's on my "Wish List"


#1: People, people, people!

Maybe the way to view the "people objects" might be by "Pose" and then "Type." For example, maybe we could have these types of poses:



  • Walking pose
  • Casual standing pose
  • "Attention" stance
  • Sitting down
  • Sitting down on chair
  • Bending down (like they are unloading cargo/sandbags/weapons/or whatever)
  • Smoking a Cigarette
  • Reaching for something with one arm
  • 2 "people/soliders" next to each other "talking"
  • Soldiers in formation
    O = (officer/NCO talking to his men) - O is supposed to be in the middle but this forum strips out the spaces
    x x x x x x



And the People "Types" might be something like:

  • Fuel Handlers
  • Aircraft Mechanics
  • U.S. Soldier / VietCong Soldier (by camo/uniform type, shirt type, rank, etc.?)
  • Civilians
  • Airfield Ground Guides


I think that might help maximize the time/effort, because we should be able to create/apply new skin textures to the desired pose...? What do you guys think - I'm not a scenery or object guy so I honestly don't know how realistic or beneficial this might be...?




  • WOODEN LOCKERS for the hanagers (I even have a freeware model somewhere I think that could easily be created)
  • Wooden Desk with documents/paper image on the desk
  • Wooden benches
  • Construction objects!!! - sheets of plywood, scaffolds, pallets stacked with various cargo, etc.
  • Toolboxes
  • Generators
  • Briefing Boards (maybe use the modified "signs" .lod and make bigger?)
  • Wooden Chairs

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Great ideas and teamwork all, very happy to be a part of this! :drinks:


Here's the generic German_Airbase1 layout. 10 Large (70m wide) Parking Spots, with space around to taxi. A sun shelter (still thinking of the best way to do it, so when bombed will collapse in parts..) Forklift by Amokfloo :good:




This is generic German_Airbase2, with small additions. 5 Large (100m wide) Parking spots for B-52 and C-5 size aircraft. 1 being in front of hangars under maintenance..





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