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To TrackIR or not to TrackIR, that is the question

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Finally I've saved up enough money to buy myself TIR5. What's weird now is that I'm not sure if i really need it, since it costs alot. I mean how much of a difference does it do in flying and other games?

Can you guys please write what you think about TrackIR and how it has enhanced or destroyed you're gaming experience.


Thank you

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You''l never go back once you try it. I could never play a flight sim again without it.


But save yourself some money, and get the Trackir4, not 5. The difference between the two (very little) isnt worth the extra cash.



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What are you wating for? Go get it! :grin:

Seriously. After flying with TIR for a while it's hard to imagine flight sims without it. It feels so.. uh.. natural. You want to check your 6 - you turn your head. You want to look closer - you move head to the screen. You want to lean to gunsight in First Eagles - just do it. And since I tried it in Armed Assault I don't understand why more first person games don't support it.


4th works fine too. :ok: And is cheaper

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You''l never go back once you try it. I could never play a flight sim again without it.


But save yourself some money, and get the Trackir4, not 5. The difference between the two (very little) isnt worth the extra cash.




I've been thinking about getting TIR4 but since i live in Sweden i can only get my hands on TIR5 unless i order it from Natural points website. But then i get a 60dollar shipping fee so it kinda adds up to the same price as TIR5.


Is there 6dof in the SF2 series?

Edited by xclusiv8

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no 6dof yet - but still a must have im afraid -I wont fly without one!

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no 6dof yet - but still a must have im afraid -I wont fly without one!


do you know if there are any plans to implement it?

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Cannot imagine how I ever flew without it...

Kinda like flying with the keyboard, instead of a joystick. You can do it, but once you've tried TIR, you wonder why would you.

It is worth the money.

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You''l never go back once you try it. I could never play a flight sim again without it.


But save yourself some money, and get the Trackir4, not 5. The difference between the two (very little) isnt worth the extra cash.


Actually I've tried it.. and it's nice but I hate wearing hats, so while nice, it doesn't really excite me. Besides I survive with padlock views anyways.

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I hate wearing hats more than anyone, but I'd go insane if I suddenly couldn't use TIR while flying.

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I found I'm getting a lot more kills and getting them a lot quicker. Before, when the bogie left the screen I just had to turn until I could see him again, which is a lousy way to fly combat. Now, when he the bogie starts a turn back to start a scissor, I can see it coming and cut inside his turn.


I just love it. I saved some money getting TIR4 as well.

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Cannot imagine how I ever flew without it...

Kinda like flying with the keyboard, instead of a joystick. You can do it, but once you've tried TIR, you wonder why would you.

It is worth the money.


Perfect analogy.

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Actually I've tried it.. and it's nice but I hate wearing hats, so while nice, it doesn't really excite me.


You might want to take a look at the TrackClip Pro, which clips to the side of your headset and eliminates the need for using a hat.

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You might want to take a look at the TrackClip Pro, which clips to the side of your headset and eliminates the need for using a hat.



don't get the trackClipPro, it isn't worth it. For the price difference get a trackir5 with hat and vector clip.

I had to return the trackClipPro because it felt so fragile (you can almost break it by just looking at it) and I was getting the same smooth response with the vector clip

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I've had my TIR 4 since right after its release and I can't fly without it.


I still don't use it with racing or Arma just because I'm still not used to that, but for flying it's so natural...

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Sorry to dissapoint you guys. I bought a new monitor instead :) I kinda realized that my 19" was getting cramped so i got myself a 24" Widescreen Samsung P2450H. Next saving goes for the trackIR :) Thanx for all your replies.

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LOL, I still have my 19" 5:4 monitor and don't foresee dumping it anytime soon.

A bigger monitor is a luxury...TIR is a necessity if you're a cyber pilot! :wink:

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If you're crafty at all, you can try free-track from free-track.net.


All you need is a $20 webcam, an old hat, and about $10 in parts from Radio Shack. And a little soldering skill...


That's what I did, and I couldn't be happier with it!

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If you're crafty at all, you can try free-track from free-track.net.


All you need is a $20 webcam, an old hat, and about $10 in parts from Radio Shack. And a little soldering skill...


That's what I did, and I couldn't be happier with it!


You know ive actually looked at freetrack and it would be easy to make one since im an electrician =P hehe. But i always wondered how the "smoothness" of the movements are with freetrack. Are they comparable to TIR??

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