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Bribing the Taliban

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Has anyone seen the news lately about the plan to raise an international fund to use to 'buy off' taliban leaders and potential soldiers.


Personally I think this is an absoloute joke. These people fight for what they believe in and the true 'believers' are never going to give up the fight for money.


I find it incredible that the government of this country are so happy to commit millions to this fund, from a country that is in recession, rather than using it to buy better equipment for the troops, or even give it to families who have lost loved ones in the conflict. (Im referring to the UK here as I have no idea what goes on in other countries in relation to this)


Does anyone else think this idea SUCKS bigtime?





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Those being bought off are tribal leaders and bandits theorically not as concerned about the yihad, as of keeping their lands for their own (either from westerners or arabs), make profits, etc. I don´t like it, but ocasionally works, mainly regarding humint. However, what is being thought off, is to buy the hardcore enemies, which would not only be as dirty and ashaming as the former, but plain stupid

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Judging from the experience of superpowers is Afghanistan from the early 80s until now, you cant just throw money at them and expect to make them go away. Chances are they will find a way to make money blow up and send it back. As I said in 2001 I will say again, nuclear weapons, asphalt, and white paint. We will turn the whole region into a giant parking lot. This is of course after giving all the nice inhabitants beach houses in Florida.

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No matter what it is still bribing... and once you do it once they will expect it everytime... and other states regimes will go down that road.

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The most stupid thing of all is how can they prove what the taliban are spending the bribe money on? Most probably weapons to continue fighting us.

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Judging from the experience of superpowers is Afghanistan from the early 80s until now, you cant just throw money at them and expect to make them go away. Chances are they will find a way to make money blow up and send it back. As I said in 2001 I will say again, nuclear weapons, asphalt, and white paint. We will turn the whole region into a giant parking lot. This is of course after giving all the nice inhabitants beach houses in Florida.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Though I'd spare the asphalt and white paint - the houses in Florida would be expense enough. No matter how much asphalt or white paint you'd put on there, there'd always be a danger for anybody around there to start glowing in the night after the nuclear pasting that country would get thrown at (wouldn't want to leave those cave-dwellers any chance of survival, would we?). :diablo:

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No matter what it is still bribing... and once you do it once they will expect it everytime... and other states regimes will go down that road.




I'm blanking for the term, but many an old power would demand payment in order to not sack a city or whatever. Sort of like a protection racket. And if they REALLY want to attack, then they can just keep cranking up the demand, putting all the money you give them toward their cause, and when it finally gets to be too expensive and the bilked balk, then the scum-bags can act "justified" to boot (and not be seen as breaking a word, which the liberal sheep here would end up seeing as some sort of credit to them).

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Well bribing them is smarter than a prolonged land war in the graveyard of superpowers. Most of the tribal people don't give a sh*t who's around, they just shoot at anyone who's not their tribe, Taliban, us and karzai alike, so alot of them aren't really jihadists or aligned with the taliban.

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Well bribing them is smarter than a prolonged land war in the graveyard of superpowers. Most of the tribal people don't give a sh*t who's around, they just shoot at anyone who's not their tribe, Taliban, us and karzai alike, so alot of them aren't really jihadists or aligned with the taliban.



And while we're at it, we might as well just turn our backs on Isreal too, right?

Edited by UnknownPilot
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Buy them all a new ford pickup free tank full of gas 1/2 tons of semtex and let them go 4X4 ing in the desert ,then hit the detinator switch.

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Its a typical idea of politicians and "good humans".

Or to say it with the words of Michael Crichton "Good intentions and to small knowledge are a very dangerous combination."

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WTF does Israel have to do with anything?



lol, not surprising.


So let me guess, you think the only reason they are pissed off and attacking us is because we are "there", right? So if we give them money and say we're sorry and ask them nicely, they'll just stop..... right?

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Like Eraser said, what does Israel have to do with it?


Personally I think its a bad idea, whats to stop them taking the money an then buying arms/fuel/med suplies/food etc and continuing the fight?



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This idea isn't about reconverting the converted, it's about preventing them from getting new converts so they will get killed off without repleneshing their ranks. The West is the "Great Evil" and in their mindset that can never be reversed. We could pull all forces out of that entire side of the PLANET and it wouldn't make a difference because of what we did in Iran in the 1950s, or in Blahblahland in the time of the pixies, or when pigs flew cats to the moon. They, like many before them, have found the route to power is to create a great enemy that is not easily defeated yet easily proclaimed inferior. No matter WHAT we do, they can easily twist it to make us look bad and them good yet downtrodden. Their people eat that crap up.


The only way they'll hate us less is if they can find someone else to hate more, they're not going to stop hating.

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well..fair play for trying anyhow.

Fact is, the US and UK should have swotted up on their History before sending in troops.


We will never win against the Taliban using a conventional Military Force.......period...it has been tried in History..it failed...the Russians tried...they failed...we are trying...we will fail.


You either stop the reason for fighting..or it goes on indefinately.


Really made me laugh, when a UK politician (can't remember who) said, a few days after troops going in.. "It will all be over by Christmas"


What a f****** muppet!!...where have we all heard that before?..hahahahaha

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well..fair play for trying anyhow.

Fact is, the US and UK should have swotted up on their History before sending in troops.


We will never win against the Taliban using a conventional Military Force.......period...it has been tried in History..it failed...the Russians tried...they failed...we are trying...we will fail.


You either stop the reason for fighting..or it goes on indefinately.


Really made me laugh, when a UK politician (can't remember who) said, a few days after troops going in.. "It will all be over by Christmas"


What a f****** muppet!!...where have we all heard that before?..hahahahaha



Well, yes, to a point. It's not about troops vs not, it's about what you DO with them. MacArthur would have had that place straightened out. Even that no-good socialist bastard FDR wouldn't put up with the crying and bed-wetting coming out of congress these days from the libs (or the repubes that pander to them).


Whether it be to wipe them out to a person, or to un-poison the well via a new school system we control and helping them have the good life, making a new "pet", an oasis in the sea of s**t that is the entire middle east, or simply paving over it and turning it into a new vacation and shopping spot for us and the rest of the normal world.


Trying to win them over with troops or setting up an internal gov't of their own and pussy footing it the way we are doing just isn't going to work.


Of course, even having an oasis there, or wiping out one of the trouble countries won't stop the others from acting up. We aren't the "Great Satan" for being who we are, but rather who we support (there's a clue for some). And unless or until that changes, their attitude won't. And if they then conquer that foe, we'll be on the list later on along with the rest of the non-muslim world.


The muslims have been at war with the entire world for the last 2000 years. That will NEVER stop, nor change, until the entire world is muslim, or they are eliminated. That is simply all there is to it. No amount of money, hand-wringing, or apologizing will ever make a lick of difference.

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Well bribing them is smarter..............

It's dumber than whats been tried. I say we bribe them with some 7.62.

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Had Napoleon tried to bribe the Spanish Guerillas with his Francs-Or, would there be today a Napoleon XIV on the throne of France? I don't think so. Look closer at that War. As a heir of the Age of Enlightenment, Napoleon brought to Spain the most advanced code of laws in the monarchic Europe, colleges intended to raise a large middle class in a country where there were none, and even the respect and protection of the Catholic faith through the Concordate. But the Spanish preferred to keep their Inquisitors, their greedy monks, their contemptuous aristocracy, their parasite hidalgos, and the degenerated Royal Family many former guerilleros were to turn against after the Liberation. Why? Simply because no proud people can accept what is brought by foreign soldiers and imposed by bayonets, whatever good and profitable for them it would be. Islam has nothing to do with that.

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Well, yes, to a point. It's not about troops vs not, it's about what you DO with them. MacArthur would have had that place straightened out. Even that no-good socialist bastard FDR wouldn't put up with the crying and bed-wetting coming out of congress these days from the libs (or the repubes that pander to them).


Whether it be to wipe them out to a person, or to un-poison the well via a new school system we control and helping them have the good life, making a new "pet", an oasis in the sea of s**t that is the entire middle east, or simply paving over it and turning it into a new vacation and shopping spot for us and the rest of the normal world.


Trying to win them over with troops or setting up an internal gov't of their own and pussy footing it the way we are doing just isn't going to work.


Of course, even having an oasis there, or wiping out one of the trouble countries won't stop the others from acting up. We aren't the "Great Satan" for being who we are, but rather who we support (there's a clue for some). And unless or until that changes, their attitude won't. And if they then conquer that foe, we'll be on the list later on along with the rest of the non-muslim world.


The muslims have been at war with the entire world for the last 2000 years. That will NEVER stop, nor change, until the entire world is muslim, or they are eliminated. That is simply all there is to it. No amount of money, hand-wringing, or apologizing will ever make a lick of difference.


Actually, Muslims have existed for only the last 1400 years. But the permanent state of war actually exist since the origins. Most commonly, it's a war against oneself, one's individual sins or inclination to evil, and that's called the Jihad too. That's when the Jihad expands to the physical neighbourhood the the problem hurts. When some lazy people think that they will see the Heaven's Doors more surely by correcting the others' sins than their owns.

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Actually, Muslims have existed for only the last 1400 years. But the permanent state of war actually exist since the origins. Most commonly, it's a war against oneself, one's individual sins or inclination to evil, and that's called the Jihad too. That's when the Jihad expands to the physical neighbourhood the the problem hurts. When some lazy people think that they will see the Heaven's Doors more surely by correcting the others' sins than their owns.


I would say its when people in power start using religion to get what they need.


It saddens me when people think that all muslims are like the talibans. Islam is a peaceful religion, the people that are waging the wars are not real muslims, they are lost souls.

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I heard early on in this campaign (dont know the source, or indeed whether it is accurate..but here goes)


It was said, that if you BOUGHT all the Poppy fields in Afghanistan, for a reasonable sum of money..ie: kept the farmers happy...made it all into Morphine..and GAVE it to the third World...it would still cost less $ than fighting this war.


Seems the only real winners in any war...are the despicable, fat cat Arms manufacturers.

Let's face it..it's a very lucrative business, which feeds on the suffering of millions...I realise of course, that we need Arms to defends ourselves...but we can only stock so many....so these ignoble bastards in suits, must rub their hands together with Glee, when a 'conflict' or 'Regime Change' (or Westerner's Jihad) as I prefer to call it occures


I only hope it's their children who get blown up with a IED

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The muslims have been at war with the entire world for the last 2000 years. That will NEVER stop, nor change, until the entire world is muslim, or they are eliminated. That is simply all there is to it. No amount of money, hand-wringing, or apologizing will ever make a lick of difference.


Not very familiar with history eh? The muslim world was peaceful compared to europe for a long time under the Ottoman empire for a good 500 or so years. WW1 saw the end of them and the british and french carved it up for themselves after they'd made promises to the arabs of independance if they helped against the ottoman turks. The british and french and US have played games with the entire region and screwing people we acted as friends towards the entire 20th century. Basically ever since petroleum products became so vital.


Which then harkens back to the discussion on energy and security, get off of oil and onto domestic renewable sources, we don't give any money to these regimes or need any interest in that area of the world and we can watch it collapse as the wells run dry.


It was said, that if you BOUGHT all the Poppy fields in Afghanistan, for a reasonable sum of money..ie: kept the farmers happy...made it all into Morphine..and GAVE it to the third World...it would still cost less $ than fighting this war.


Or poppy seed bagels.


Another excellent way. Use their only resource for legitimate needs instead of heroin, taliban and drug trade in asia collapse. Idealistic method FTW!

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MacArthur would have had that place straightened out.


Screw MacArthur. Patton would of done better. :lol: (You have to know their backgrounds for this argument, which is all in jest.)


Seriously though, paying them off will get you anywhere.

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Not very familiar with history eh? The muslim world was peaceful compared to europe for a long time under the Ottoman empire for a good 500 or so years. WW1 saw the end of them and the british and french carved it up for themselves after they'd made promises to the arabs of independance if they helped against the ottoman turks.


And prior to that, what do you call their little foray into southern Europe....a peaceful vacation? They were peaceful, alright, only after they were driven out by the Spaniards and Sicilians, and after that little episode known as (I know I'm going to regret mentioning this word, with Dave around :cool: ) the inquisition. :yikes:

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