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Has Anyone seen this story...?

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You know, killing is wrong. But sometimes one has to protect or help the innocent and sometimes that only can happen by killing. In a perfect world there should be no killing, i am strictly against wars and killing but i understand that the world is not perfect. At least these soldiers have the f***ing balls to put theire lifes on the line to try and help the ones in need while this fat ass sits on his bum and does nothing. Once a pedophile always a pedophile thats is how it goes. f***ing ashole would proberbly put a pedophile in a school.

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It's his right to say what he wants about soldiers.


But it's also people's rights to say what they want about him. And if it drives him out of business because of bad publicity? Free speech means you can say what you want without government intervention...doesn't say you can avoid consequences from the private sector.


Never pass up an opportunity to shut the hell up.



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I am ex-military and when I left the RAF finding a job was difficult at the time the paper's where full of stories of squaddies getting drunk and trashing stuff... Thankfully those times have changed and the majority of employer's in the UK appreciate ex-servicemen and women for the skill's that they can provide that no civilian job would allow to be created and used... I am not talking about the weapons etc but more the work ethic as well as the ability to get the job done no matter what the odds... and that they accept that you may be slightly damaged goods shall I say... But they realise what a bargin they get...


Whereas this low-life though in a way I commend him for his stand for about a nanosecond needs to realise that the military is there to do a job just as his sure to go bust company is doing whatever it's doing but his isn't a daily requirement whereas a strong armed forces no matter how unpalatable it may seem are required 24 hours a day 365 days a year. If for example a foreign military started operating on UK Soil he would be there wanting the military to defend him... it makes me sick and I would like to introduce him to Mr A International and his 7.62mm friend...


Sorry if this makes no sense as I get a bit miffed about people like this as in slightly annoyed bit like when the coffee machine break's down first thing in the morning...

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EDIT: He's entitled to his opinion. Mine of him is not going to be put on this forum. What I'd love to see done to someone like that won't be either. As far as I'm concerned, I never want to hear of this nutjob again.

Edited by Caesar

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My response, if that's who he wishes to hire, then so be it. His loss, not mine. More than likely he will get robbed, sodomized, and murdered by those he wishes to employ over former military members. As they say, you reap what you sow. Besides, I wouldn't want to work for someone that dimwitted anyways. Glad to know in advance of how he really feels. Makes my life a lot more easier if I ever wanted to go back to the private sector. So, anymore out there that feel that way? Please speak up. Don't want to work for you either.

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Actually, I wouldn't employ as a desk clerk a man who has been trained in sixteen ways of killing with bare hands. Would I search for a bouncer, it would be a different story.

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This bloke is a nob. Its a sad fact that soldiers are paid to protect this idiots freedom of speech. Maybe, when someone in his family or friends is affected by a terrorist incident, he will change his mind...

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as the old sayin goes better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.



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Talk about shooting oneself in the foot! As much as I admire someone who's willing to stick to his beliefs, his theory is so completely flawed it makes me wonder how on earth will someone so dimwitted be able to keep a company.

Service people do kill but are merely the enforcers of decisions made by politicians.

Will he ever hire a former PM?

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"If you have freedom of speech,don't thank an orator or speechmaker,Thank a Soldier."

If it wasn't for the military,he would be speaking Japanese or German.

He makes a blanket statement and proves to everyone that he discriminates against the military and their personnel.

A couple of former military personnel should apply for a job at his company. When they get turned down,Sue the B@#tard out of business for discrimination. It's a matter of public record now.

That guys a major J Off.

Edited by ezlead

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What about all the people who don't serve in combat roles? What about the medics who save people? And how is this any different than discriminating based on sex or ethnicity?


He also says anyone who got a paycheck from the british government. The Irish in me doesn't have a problem with that :drunks:

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ANYONE who got a paycheck from the British gov't?


TO HELL with the postal delivery people!!! :blink:

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