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13870 days,

332880 hours,

19972800 minutes,

1198368000 seconds,

They all roughly equal 38 years,

longer than a good part of you who read this have been alive.

Now, imagine spending that time with your arms tied behind you , your elbows touching and being lifted off the floor by your wrists and hung there, indefinatly.

Or spending it in a three foot square by four foot long "tiger cage" made of bamboo in the middle of a steaming jungle.

Or in a cold damp concrete cell, shackled to your cot as a rat attempts to make dinner of your toes.

As the years go by, it is doubtfull that many, if any at all P.O.W's of the viet nam era are alive. Most definatly the family members hold onto hope of them being alive, I guess its mandatory.

If the cosmic powers that be are at all mercifull, Lt. Dennis Stanley Pike, U.S.N. was killed shortly after his capture in Laos after ejecting from his A-7, I only say that, because I would not wish 38 years

of this on anyone.

Please remember those that are P.O.W. and M.I.A. , urge your congressman, your senator, your

governer, your mayor to make those in power to do something about those unaccounted for, our

warriors deserve better.

And on march 23rd, have a drink in Lt. Pikes honor and send a thought his way.

Ive worn the bracelet with his name on it since late 72, it was randomly issued. Over the years, Ive come to know him.


Thank you for your time. And once again, thanks to comrpnt for the excellent mission file he made for me http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8217

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And on march 23rd, have a drink in Lt. Pikes honor and send a thought his way.


I'll do so.Salute.gif



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The next day I was born and I agree with your sentiments, hopefully he died because a POW for 38 years is no way to live. As I look back on everything I have done in my last 38 years I can not begin to imagine what hell he would of gone through In that time.

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I got there about one month later.

Every Memorial Day,I have a drink for:Dave,Joe,Johnny,Rob and all the others. I'll add him to the list and include him in my prayers. :salute: :salute:

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A lot of things might be told in a negative sense about yanks, many of them true, but what none can doubt, is that you leave no man behind. If you have to put in danger the lives of several men in a CSAR mission just to give a pilot the chance to get back home, you do so, and that honors you as military and as country.



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EDIT: Can anybody tell me the number of MIA in Vietnam war?

Edited by Von Paulus

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EDIT: Can anybody tell me the number of MIA in Vietnam war?



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