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Which Time period do you fly?

Which period do you fly most  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Which historical period, do you fly in most?

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I prefer Vietnam-era flying, although I really range more from the entrance of the F-100 to the exit of the F-4. I like to use the jets with huge power and even bigger turn circles.

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You're missing out on some really good dogfighting that doesn't involve pushing a button and killing from 30+ miles. Do not get me wrong I love all simming (I have entire installs dedicated to modern stuff) but there is something cold and personal (and more skill required) to get on a Mig-15's tail and shoot it down with 6 .50 cal's in 1952 with an F-86. Anyone (as an F-15 instructor told me) can push a button and kill a plane at BVR, doesn't mean they can dogfight. Even with today's training, DACT has taken a serious back seat to the air to mud mission. (Strike U is a prime example) I find a lot of combat simmers like more modern era because its turned into a point and shoot, instant gratification. But when we got those same simmers in say an F-4B (crappy missiles and no gun) or an F9F Panther, they couldn't hang. They lost their dog fighting skills, they got frustrated because they had to work hard for their kill and would often quit after 2 engagements. To prove my point (Rugg I found this interesting when we talked on the phone) Rugg stated they rarely make it to the merge in online play. Would love to see what some of those guys do in the situation I described. Ok my point to all this, there isn't any era I can't stand. I love it all. Been flying WWI stuff as of late (along with FC2). I found more than one occasion after having flown 4 or 5 missions in ROF, then went to FC2, that in the merge with the Su-27 or Mig-29, I had the advantage in tactics and going back to basics. Got to love a gun kill against a SU-27 in an F-15.


Cali I hope you do not think I am jumping on you at all by the way, if I sounded like that in anyway my apologies. Was not my intention.


I don't think your jumping on me, I understand what your saying. I have been in plenty of df's online, I also fly a lot more then Rugg does. It's not just point, fire and get a kill (unless you are fighting a noob). Even in modern fighting the missiles miss or can be defeated. I do think it is a good idea to know how to dogfight, just in case it comes down to that.

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OMG blink.gif I hear the sound of those awful whiny little jet things with nary a prop to be seen ! I think I'm gonna be .... bad.gif


I voted WW1 (or earlier).

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I prefer first jets generation era :salute: .

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those awful whiny little jet things with nary a prop to be seen !

The props are inside!

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Given the fact that my first airsims were F-19(Microprose), A-10 (Sierra), Aces of the Pacific and then Aces over Europe... And I didn't count the hours I spent on each... It's definitely WW2 and 1980's plus for me...


Edit: Since I somehow didn't like the way WOE modelled prop planes, I guess the 1980+ era is winning in terms of time spent...

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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WW1 Prop fan here...I like to hear them scream and Burn!..MUhahahahahahaha

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I prefer true historical, cold war era campaigns, over modern era and fictional campaigns.

For this reason SF2V and SF2i are in for me, and the fictional SF2 and SF2E are out.

My favorites are Korea, Six days war and Yom Kippur war.

I think the all-aspect IRM attack capability like with the AIM-9L, and BVR capability (AIM -120 Amraam) took all the fun from classic dogfights. I never fly the Lebanon war campaign in SF2I, due to luck of challenge.



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I prefer true historical, cold war era campaigns, over modern era and fictional campaigns.

For this reason SF2V and SF2i are in for me, and the fictional SF2 and SF2E are out.

My favorites are Korea, Six days war and Yom Kippur war.

I think the all-aspect IRM attack capability like with the AIM-9L, and BVR capability (AIM -120 Amraam) took all the fun from classic dogfights. I never fly the Lebanon war campaign in SF2I, due to luck of challenge.




I think Missiles period...took all the fun out

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But when we got those same simmers in say an F-4B

I think I hate that plane(C and D too lol), not because of the Misswinder(AIM-9B) and "the Great White Hope(AIM-7)", but because it does not have a gun


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I picked Vietnam, but actually it would be more like 1940s to 1960s. I admit it's fun flying a mission with some 4th/5th gen fighter loaded with lots of BVR missiles, but it becomes boring fast.

A jet fighter with armed with cannons and maybe a few 'winders in case I want to finish a fight fast is the right thing for me. I wonder what aircraft could fit that description....oh, right. :tongue:

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Any chance of getting back on Topic chaps? :drinks:

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Any chance of getting back on Topic chaps? drinks.gif



Taken care of.

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I love modern fighters, but hate modern weapons; point and shoot ain't no fun. Fix action: SF2I install with no weapon pack installed, and all A/C modified with a start/end year of 1970. Result? Huzzah! Modern aircraft with GUNS as the only truly effective weapon!


Just yesterday, I got into a 1v4 in an F-14D (Typhoid's v1.4) against Su-35's. After a long turning, climbing and rolling fight, Big Boys down, GUN/6000RPM selected, and a few green tracers flashing by the cockpit every once in a while, the Sukohi's were NO MORE! Spotted two Fishbeds and jumped them as well. One got away, the other, not so.


So I guess it's a love of Vietnam to 1980+ aircraft, with Vietnam era weaponry. I find it quite enjoyable to actually use the maneuverability of these aircraft to fight another aircraft, rather than just have it be a neat statistic and still get bagged by a next-gen missile/vice-versa. Makes the kill that much sweeter. (Voted "Vietnam Era" as I like the planes from that era too)

Edited by Caesar

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The biggest surprise so far, has been that WW2 has the least number of votes.

I knew there were a large number of Jet Jockies here, but am very surprised at that!

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The biggest surprise so far, has been that WW2 has the least number of votes.

I knew there were a large number of Jet Jockies here, but am very surprised at that!



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While I do like flying in the WWII time frame, I do feel it's a bit done to death (the same goes for all modern day flight sims)...and as far as I am concerned I have yet to come across a sim that would as much fun as SWOTL. The CFS series never did it for me really.

European Air War came close though... :grin:


What I don't like about WWII flight sims in general is that they seem omit certain theaters...like the Mediterranean. A SF2 powered WWII sim featuring all major theaters from 1939 to 1945 would be great.

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Too bad you never had CFS3 because there was a Med Air War mod for it that was quite good.

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