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Boning Turkey....


Hey I did that, although not in a B-1. that is FC's prerogative

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After the Mirage IIIC, the Mirage IIIE :





Based on the TMF Mirage IIIE.



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Sud-Aviation Vulture B.2 - No.3 Squadron, RAF Germany 1964

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Mr Spinner, your poor pilot has no ejection seat, maybe no seat at all. Maybe sitting on an empyt beer crate, or a full one or something?

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Mr Spinner, your poor pilot has no ejection seat, maybe no seat at all. Maybe sitting on an empyt beer crate, or a full one or something?



well there is an old English military toast that goes " Damn the French!'

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Mr Spinner, your poor pilot has no ejection seat, maybe no seat at all. Maybe sitting on an empyt beer crate, or a full one or something?


Neither did 60% of V-Bombers crews!

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Started a Thud campaign, seeing as I'm better at dropping bombs then pinning MiGs.


Loaded for bear, low and fast,

post-28461-068596700 1285135307.jpg


and a clean getaway.

post-28461-085997300 1285135263.jpg

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well nothing in the 60's was faster than a scared Thud pilot on the deck:grin: when i used to play WOE i always got mostly a2a in the Thud campaigns. hadn't tried it in Gen 2 yet. hmmm......

Edited by daddyairplanes

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well nothing in the 60's was faster than a scared Thud pilot on the deck:grin: when i used to play WOE i always got mostly a2a in the Thud campaigns. hadn't tried it in Gen 2 yet. hmmm......


IIRC, the F-105 at one point had A2A missions listed as secondary mission types in the data.ini. I think one of the patches finally removed those... I only know this because I had the same issue that you had - lot's of CAP and fighter sweeps in F-105 campaigns! I don't see the issue anymore.

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Sud-Aviation Vulture GR.4's - No.16 Squadron, RAF 'Operation Desert Storm', February 1991

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Neither did 60% of V-Bombers crews!


I read somewhere that Vulcans towards the end of their service life often flew low, lower that 500 feet, that must have been quite a sight to see. I have seen clips of B-52's frying chickens, as one quote put it, but never a Vulcan that low. Ejections seats at the time may have been of little value, that's if they had them and the time to eject.








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What makes you think ejection seats wouldn't work at 500 feet?



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zero zero seats work at Zero speed and Zero altitude. the problem in many 50's era jets was that the ejection systems were designed for the extremes in pperformance that the jet would rarely use, not for egressing in normal situations like take off or landing.(see the Lockheed F-104 downward firing ejection seat)

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I know all about ejection seats and their limitations.


I also know that even for early aircraft, that ejection seats would work just fine in level flight with a decent amount of speed (excepting of course downward firing models such as the early F-104 and B-52).


Where ejection seats get into trouble are if you:


A) Aren't in wings level flight

B) Aren't in a zero or positive vertical velocity vector

C) Don't have minimum speed (for early seats...windspeed was used to help separate the canopy)

D) Failure of part/parts of the system


What I am saying is that high speed, low level flight was well within the ejection seat envelope for even early seats, mainly because there was usually time to convert airspeed to altitude before punching out. There have been too many deaths/injuries not because of failures within the envelope, but pilots placing themselves out of the envelope because they waited too long trying to recover the aircraft.



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very true FC. my comment wasnt aimed at you but one above. watched em in action in the desert last year when a GR4 went down.



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Ejections seats at the time may have been of little value, that's if they had them and the time to eject.



With the V-Force going low-level from the mid-1960's that's the very reason it was a national scandal and a disgrace.


FFI read the Vulcan and Victor chapters in 'Bombers of The West' by Bill Gunston.

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there is a new pilot in the RF-4E thanks to the USAF - GAF exchange program , Dave i hope you like bratwurst , bier und sauerkraut :grin:



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Badger Condor

TOTAL POWER good.gif


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there is a new pilot in the RF-4E thanks to the USAF - GAF exchange program , Dave i hope you like bratwurst , bier und sauerkraut :grin:






Dave ist deutsch!


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When they asked if I wanted to go to Germany for Beer, Brats, and F-4's, I couldnt refuse. Now excuse me, I'll be in the beer tent. :drinks:



I think Volker is trying to scare the kids away. :lol:

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Ski Sunday!

(Sud-Aviation Vulture FGA.3 - No.41 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1983)

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