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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

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A Huge Thank You

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I don't say this often enough but thank you all that have supported and been a part of CombatAce through the years. Your support has been spectacular. You have been there through the flames wars, spats, trolls, giant new mod releases and when someone needed a place to vent or a prayer. You have been and continue to be the best online community I have ever associated with. My hats off to you and without you all, there wouldn't be a CombatAce. Thank you all, and god bless. :salute::drinks:

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Glad you and C5 invited me here from SIMHQ. I agree this community is the best IMHO I ever encountered. :drinks:



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Combat Ace is the friendliest, most informative and best place on the internet for sims bar none. I haven't seen a site like this ever, all game oriented communities could learn from you guys. good.gifclapping.gifdrinks.gif

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I wouldn't have missed it for the world.I made some great friends here and have derived hours apon hours of enjoyment here,Thank you. :salute:

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Thanks, and when you point your finger at someone - also in a positive way -, there's always three fingers pointing at yourself: you can be very proud of your hard work........good.gif




Edited by Derk

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The pleasure is all mine, my friend thank_you2.gif

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Now would it not be great if all of us could meet and have a beer or two one day :drinks:

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Thank you all, that's have been a great place so far!

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Well, I think I speak for the entire OFF community on here (as the new kids on the Block)...that the Thanks comes straight back at yer!


When we were 'evicted' from our previous Forum, and wandered around in the Wilderness...CA came to our rescue, with Tea and Sympathy...I still remember the warm welcome we recieved, from all (including the Jet Jockey's!) :drinks: ....Indeed, after we joined up...and more and more of our Wingmen did...it was fantastic to see our friends reforming...it felt like waiting for your buddies to return from a sortie!...we counted them all out...and we counted them all back, and it has since become a fantastic place for us to hang out between Sorties over the Lines!.....I like to think we have behaved ourselves as Gentlemen, and look forward to a bright Future amongst our friends here from all over the Globe!


Thank you one and all! :salute:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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UK You OFF guys are great.We are so happy to have you all here and couldn't see CA without you all here. Wouldn't be the same. Not everyday we jet jockeys can pull next to a guy at a bar, he smells like castor oil, and have a drink with the ones who started it all.

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You OFF guys are great.We are so happy to have you all here and couldn't see CA without you all here. Wouldn't be the same. Not everyday we jet jockeys can pull next to a guy at a bar, he smells like castor oil, nad have a drink with the ones who started it all. Salute.gif



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Now would it not be great if all of us could meet and have a beer or two one day :drinks:


It would be great, but some of us might need a jet ride to go wherever we had to meet. A little too expensive for a beer, I think :grin:

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I wish I was more fnancially liquid, I would gladly donate. Indeed a great group of people here, except for that gwar guy,,,,,oh wait,,thats me,,,



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this was the first site i have gone to for simming support. i originally came for the downloads but stayed for the good times. it's also amazing to talk to folks all over the worldothers sites i have looked at just dont measure up except for a very few downloads. thanks to all who mod, chat and other wise brighten my day on here. drinks.gif

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That's funny. I will try to get in the chat room this evening. I will post a message in the forums if I do.

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CombatAce : come for the downloads, stay (or continuously come back) for the people.


Dave, don't go soft on us like that, we might get scared.

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Dave, don't go soft on us like that, we might get scared.


Oh I won't get soft. I promise. I have been going through a lot of stuff in the last year. You come to realize that is this radar rat race called life, you need to stop once in awhile and say thank you to everyone that makes portions of your life great. I love CA and my hobby. I love this community. So I think by saying thank you for what you all do is something that was I think you all deserve.


Yes I can be a hard ass, part of my DNA. Some people don't like it. That doesnt put me above them though. I'm just an opinionated, loud mouth, trouble making American. :lol:



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I really praise this forum. The degree of civility is unequal.

It's really I who am thankful, guys.

Long live CA. :drinks:

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And Thank you straight back for the great work that you do in providing us a bar to vent and lament... some times some of posts here give me a laugh when one is required sometimes its thought provoking... also the sense of humour in this bar is pitched just right to my tastes :drinks:


To the OFF wouldn´t have known about OFF if you guys didn´t splutter in smelling of castor oil scorched metal and looking a shade cold... Even old Widowmaker when he straggle's in looking like he has been dragged through a hedge backwards... :lol:


As to the other sim stuff there is nowhere anyone can go which has such a great sense of purpose in it doesn´t matter if you float sink or fly or go to warp factor...


So from myself thankyou for creating this wonderful site... and may it long continue in all it´s glory...


And on a final note I think we would let Dave know if he was going soft on us... him being the CEO of the Mafia that is Combatace :lol:

Edited by Slartibartfast

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