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Wish Her Luck

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Well the E-8 (MSG) board just adjourned for my wife's career field. She has a great shot of making when the results are released in January (or is it February). So despite what some of you might think of me, could I get some positive vibes her way in the hope she makes it? She is one hell of a Soldier and a great NCO. If anyone deserves it, it would be her.


Good lucky baby!



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Sure Dave! :good:


You can have all the positive vibes from me. They're strong enough to cross the ocean.

Good luck to her.

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damn right! good thoughts coming from california!



kevin stein

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Put on my E-7 stripe this past Monday, so I've got some extra Mojo I'll throw Sheilas way.



Edited by ST0RM
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Put on my E-7 stripe this past Monday, so I've got some extra Mojo I'll through Sheilas way.




Congrats Jeff, and well deserved!

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Sending her all the luck and tenacity that got me through Navy Chief's(E-7) selection and induction this year. It's a good year for flight simmers and advancement!

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Congrats to Jeff and David on your recent achievements and all the best to Sheila! Girl power for the win! drinks.gif

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I've no idea what you Military Types are talking about...But Best of luck to your Good Lady anyways Dave :drinks:

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Best of luck !!!:good:



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Best of luck from here my friend :good:

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I've no idea what you Military Types are talking about...


I'm not military of from the states but I recall I saw somewhere that E-X are ranks, or pay grades or both lol So basically it's a promotion :cool:

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good luck..

you buy the beer after she gets it :drinks:



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Wishing your wife the best Dave. Congrats also to you Storm. :salute:

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Best of luck, from the Top of the World! And congrats to Storm as well.

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Good luck to her...... and i refuse to salute her if she goes officer.... LMAO

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Sheila would never turn to the dark side Jim. :lol:

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