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How Long is Two Weeks?

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we've all heard the response "it'll be here in two weeks" but how do you quantify it?

here's my wiegh in its the length of time it will take your signifgant other to mumble quietly after an argument that maybe you were right or

its the length of time it will take folks on this site to pick apart the faults in Topgun.


how do you measure two week?:grin:



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Two weeks? I guess somewhere between average NIKE commercial duration and Duke Nuke'em Forever

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14 days, you just dont know which 14 days it will be. :rofl::drinks:

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Theres no such thing as two weeks. Its a ethereal mythological cunudrum that doesnt exist.

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a thought just occurred to me at least none of the modders have ever said next year. thats when the ole hometown Cubbies will win the World Series:yikes:

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"Two weeks" is the shortened form. The long form is "two weeks from whenever you last asked, no matter when that is."


Oh, "asking" consists of not only when you typed or verbally spoke it. Even thinking it counts.

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"Not very long at all."--Dr. Who (TimeLord) :lol:

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Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so


As quoted in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... so 2 weeks is 2 weeks depending on your point of view... also if "2 Weeks" is said on any Lunchtime no matter where in the world it is usually a double illusion... now excuse me while I go and get myself a Pan Galactic Gargleblaster to allow myself to figure out what I wrote or pass out whichever comes first. :drinks::blink::drinks:

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ahhh ezlead, the Developers set up a time loop.



Leela:: How clever.

Doc:: Its criminal!



Question if anybody knows: What is the home world of The Developers?

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'Two weeks'....it's all relative...


Two weeks at .0c is two weeks...but two weeks at .99c...is a LONG time...


And since all observers are relative to each other...



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14 days, you just dont know which 14 days it will be. :rofl::drinks:



oddly i suspect you do. most of our two week waits end with an all caps announcement by.........................DAVE!

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Depends, there is a reality two weeks, 14 days ect, and then there is of course the famous Modders so you will leave me alone 2 weeks :rofl:

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2 weeks here aren´t really 2 weeks (or 14 Days).

It is a time periode from now till then.

Not really measurable. :blink:

Often used from modders, when they´ll be asked (again & again)

when a mod is finished. :grin:

Edited by Soulfreak

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Next year :grin:

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I will have to research this indepth, can you give me two weeks and I'll have an answer for you?









ZING!!!!!! :rofl:


I'll be here all day, try the veal....




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There can be 50 weeks between one week and the other one........:dntknw:





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Next year :grin:



no i said earlier next year is when the Chicago Cubs will win the World Series!:grin:

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How long is two weeks? From a modder's perspective, quite often not long enough..... :grin:

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'Two weeks'....it's all relative...


Two weeks at .0c is two weeks...but two weeks at .99c...is a LONG time...


And since all observers are relative to each other...




And its not just speed, its mass too. Two weeks next to a supermassive black hole is a long time to two weeks next to an asteroid the size of a basketball. So at relativistic speeds near a black hole, two weeks is a REALLY LONG time.


And since any release in the flight sim world is huge, well, do the math...

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How about two weekends, sounds a lot better.....





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