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WWI Aviation Books Now Available in OFF Downloads

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Greetings All,


I've just finished uploading all current sets I've put together of a few public domain WWI aviation books I have run across in the course of my studies and research. They are all in PDF format and have been sorted into two classes: BIO for biographies, diaries, narratives; and REF for reference works. You will find the downloads in the OFF Scenery and Ground Objects section of the Downloads, (as this is where Rabu placed his poster downloads it seem to be the most logical place for these). Here is a direct link for your convenience:


WWI Aviation Books Downloads


I will be adding future sets as I complete them.


Enjoy your winter's read folks!






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You have compiled quite a lot of intersting stuff there, Lou!

I saw Boelcke's: "An Aviator's Field Book" among them, which I will study. Also stuff about the American air service.

Thanks a lot! (The wall of books picture was a nice idea!)

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Oh, that is Great! :good:

I feel like I'm at school again with so much WWI reading, lately.

Thank you so much for this!

Edited by elephant

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Hihi - wait for the real flying training, elephant! And then your first fight! ...

Enjoy the peace - it will get tough very soon!

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A terrific resource, Lou. Many thanks. :good:


Wondering how best to 'read' these now. Do any of you chaps use a 'tablet' e-book reader (eg. Amazon 'Kindle') thingy (or iPad)? For eye-strain reasons I don't like having to read too much on my desktop monitor - but I can see a heck of a lot of printing necessary to get these wonderful titles the old fashioned way. :dntknw:

Do the purpose designed tablets allow an easier 'eye-friendly' reading experience?

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There are some true classics among those books, some that I've read, many more that I haven't. Thanks for doing this, Lou. :salute:


Unfortunately e-books are bad for my old eyes. Probably the best I can do is to read them from my computer's monitor and use plenty of zoom.

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You are all more than welcome my friends. Enjoy the hours of great reading contained in these sets.



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Thank you RAF_Lou... in your frozen corner of the world enjoy the coffee when you get there... downloaded them all last night and had a browse through them... :drinks:

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Someone give this man a medal!


Thanks for all your effort Lou! I just downloaded them all. :good:


TaillyHo: "Do the purpose designed tablets allow an easier 'eye-friendly' reading experience?"


Yes they do! The screen is not back-lit like your computer monitor is. Which sounds crazy I know! I'm not sure how its accomplished exactly , but it reads just like a paper page. You can take it out in bright sunlight and read it just like a regular book. Try that with a lap-top. Forget about it!

If you take it in to a dark room, guess what, you can't read it - just like a regular book. I was suspicious of it at first, but it really is cool tech.


My wife just agreed to putting these books on her Sony e-reader. Due to the fact these are scanned in books ( instead of text ) we were worried it might not work so well. But it does! The copy looked pretty darn small at first, but she showed me a trick where you can rotate the reader perpendicular and the copy will be enlarged to an acceptable degree ( text based books automatically have 3 levels of zoom which is not available to scanned in books ). Sweet bippity! I now have one book that contains all of these works provided by Lou! :yikes:


Thanks again Lou!



Edited by Ratatat

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Wow, what a great collection. Thanks for sharing!

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TaillyHo: "Do the purpose designed tablets allow an easier 'eye-friendly' reading experience?"


Yes they do! The screen is not back-lit like your computer monitor is. Which sounds crazy I know! I'm not sure how its accomplished exactly , but it reads just like a paper page. You can take it out in bright sunlight and read it just like a regular book. Try that with a lap-top. Forget about it!

If you take it in to a dark room, guess what, you can't read it - just like a regular book. I was suspicious of it at first, but it really is cool tech.


My wife just agreed to putting these books on her Sony e-reader. Due to the fact these are scanned in books ( instead of text ) we were worried it might not work so well. But it does! The copy looked pretty darn small at first, but she showed me a trick where you can rotate the reader perpendicular and the copy will be enlarged to an acceptable degree ( text based books automatically have 3 levels of zoom which is not available to scanned in books ). Sweet bippity! I now have one book that contains all of these works provided by Lou! :yikes:



Ah, splendid news Ratatat - just the advice I was looking for (much to be said for agreeable wives too, eh!).

I shall buy you (and Lou) a drink when you return from your next mission. :drinks:

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I'm reading the first book of the first set on the Sony e-reader. Some things I've discovered with scanned books that I felt I should mention. I'm back to reading it without rotating the e-reader so I can get a whole page up at once. The other way was slower as I only got a half-page. Between each page of text is a blank page with the heading "digitized by Google". Sort of annoying ,but hey, it's a free book! Also the pictures do not show up. I'm not sure why, as all the scanned text shows up just fine. Anyway, those are some minor caveats I thought you should be aware of. Your mileage may vary with other e-readers of course.


In any case I'm enjoying the reading!





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I'm reading the first book of the first set on the Sony e-reader.


Ah, that would be the Ross Smith book, yes? Interesting thing I noticed after a quick check of that publication was that they captioned the photos on the title facing page incorrectly! The gentleman on the left (in the cap) is actually Keith Smith, and the one in the flying outfit is his younger brother, Ross.

I'm very much looking forward to reading this 'book', as this was one of the all-time great pioneering flights in world aviation history (IMHO). :good:


Thanks for your further observations on the Sony e-reader (and e-reading generally), Ratatat.

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Hi Lou


Thanks a lot for sharing all those great books! :good:


It's an excellent collection!







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