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The Royal Wedding

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The Today show had a segment about the offical china of the Royal Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT KIND OF CHINA THEY HAVE. I dont even care about the wedding but the media is going nuts over this. Why as an American am I supposed to care if some person who has "royal blood" by the "grace of god" from another country getting married? I don't. Jesus slow news day? They even had a person on there who was being interviews about what he though about the china....OMG. GO THE HELL AWAY. Makes me want to puke. Thanks news media for blowing a non story once again into some stupid media frenzy.



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At least you dont have to live in the UK m8!...spare a thought for us..it'll be 100 times worse here.

But, to be fair..we had a load of your daft Presidential Election Stuff here!...when we really don't care if a Chicken is elected to the Whitehouse!

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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The Today show had a segment about the offical china of the Royal Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT WHAT KIND OF CHINA THEY HAVE. I dont even care about the wedding but the media is going nuts over this. Why as an American am I supposed to care if some person who has "royal blood" by the "grace of god" from another country getting married? I don't. Jesus slow news day? They even had a person on there who was being interviews about what he though about the china....OMG. GO THE HELL AWAY. Makes me want to puke. Thanks news media for blowing a non story once again into some stupid media frenzy.


Must admit I am an Englishman and proud but this stuff I hate I don't care leave the kids alone let them get wed quietly and leave them the hell alone... But no it gets turned into a media frenzy because its what the so called people want in other words what the media wants to sell so that more money is made from merchandising... etc problem is there is always some saps ooops sorry people who buy into this...

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On a side note, who wants to receive a rat's ass??


You do have to give them one thing at least...the guy is the grandson of an actual queen. Following that is 10x better than following people like Paris Hilton or the Kardashians who somehow became famous for being famous!!

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You're getting something like that on TV but without the funny?

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At least you dont have to live in the UK m8!...spare a thought for us..it'll be 100 times worse here.

But, to be fair..we had a load of your daft Presidential Election Stuff here!...when we really don't care if a Chicken is elected to the Whitehouse!


I can see your side of it but the Prince doesnt even make goverment policy or is the leader of the country, your PM is. With Prince William, he is just a figure head. However the same goes for you all, why does our presidental races have to be splattered all over your media outlets too? I dont get it. As you said the average Englishman could care less.

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Must admit I am an Englishman and proud but this stuff I hate I don't care leave the kids alone let them get wed quietly and leave them the hell alone... But no it gets turned into a media frenzy because its what the so called people want in other words what the media wants to sell so that more money is made from merchandising... etc problem is there is always some saps ooops sorry people who buy into this...


Oh man I didnt think about how much worse its going to be over there for you all. Yikes. Makes you want to have a revolution to over throw the monachy so you wont have to put up with it. :lol:

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Oh man I didnt think about how much worse its going to be over there for you all. Yikes. Makes you want to have a revolution to over throw the monachy so you wont have to put up with it. :lol:

Seriously I dont mind the Monarchy as we all know they are figure heads its the Media thats the problem... are we allowed to shoot them (the Media that is)...

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Seriously I dont mind the Monarchy as we all know they are figure heads its the Media thats the problem... are we allowed to shoot them (the Media that is)...


Good point, overthrow the media!!!!!

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wish these kinda news were our trouble..

but I guess when it's not interesting.. it's not and it's annoying

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Yes the medias are a problem, especcially the yellow press.

Personally i dislike the monarchy, but i accept that the royal family is a symbol. It has no real political power, but as a symbol it can unify the people. You see it in the Netherlands or Sweden or Danmark. The Royals are a symbol. They are a symbol like the singing of "Rule britannia! or Big Ben. Of course the live would go forward without them ...

Edited by Gepard

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I have to agree with Slarti... I though am not a monarchist, and am only interested in the wedding because it gives us all a day off work!...which will allow me to crawl into the Countryside and go Fishing for the day! :grin:


The worst of all was when Diana came a cropper in the Paris Tunnel!...I never thought we would here the end of that!....all those people (including men) blubbing in the street and on the news, week in week out...made me wanna chuck up!....nauseating to say the least!...but the great unwashed love this sort of polarising drivel!

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I have to agree with Slarti... I though am not a monarchist, and am only interested in the wedding because it gives us all a day off work!...which will allow me to crawl into the Countryside and go Fishing for the day! :grin:


The worst of all was when Diana came a cropper in the Paris Tunnel!...I never thought we would here the end of that!....all those people (including men) blubbing in the street and on the news, week in week out...made me wanna chuck up!....nauseating to say the least!...but the great unwashed love this sort of polarising drivel!


And people wonder why I have moved to Austria !!!

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And people wonder why I have moved to Austria !!!

Where you got hit by the... incest scandal of Josef Fritzl! Scandal, scandal everywhere! There are almost more scandals than sandals!!! :heat:



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What I like with the Monarchy in Denmark is that you have an unpolitical person representing the Danish people outside Denmark.. Much better than a President since people know who is going to represent Denmark now and in the future. Every fourth year we elect a Parliament which decide the Government.


I'm proud to be part of one of the oldest if not the oldest Monarchies in the world. And having the world oldest national Flag :salute:

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What I like with the Monarchy in Denmark is that you have an unpolitical person representing the Danish people outside Denmark.. Much better than a President since people know who is going to represent Denmark now and in the future. Every fourth year we elect a Parliament which decide the Government.


I'm proud to be part of one of the oldest if not the oldest Monarchies in the world. And having the world oldest national Flag :salute:


Another pro vote from here Henrik !!! I like our Queen and Crown Prince all right .:drinks:





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Don't get me started...

I'm a blue blooded Scot who could quite happily see the royals vanish into oblivion, and I'm paying for the damn thing.:mad:



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Its an extra day off, that'll do for me..... :drinks:

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But does anyome really care about their china patterns?

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by the same motive we got spammed by media when Lewinski did that BJ on Clinton....we simply didn't mind while we got trolled 24/7 about this scandal.

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I know you're clearly not interested in their China..and neither am I...but lots of American's love that s**t! :lol:

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But does anyome really care about their china patterns?



sure i do. make it into target patterns for the SF2 Range:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I know you're clearly not interested in their China..and neither am I...but lots of American's love that s**t! :lol:



Very very true......sad aren't we. :lol:






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Well, Dave..WE will make a stand against all that's s**t! :drinks::lol:

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I say screw it lets crash the wedding! I want to see Kate's bloomers... :lol:

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