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Will be on leave from Friday, 4 February 'till 16 February

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My mom got a new artificial knee, but will have to wait 14 days for a place in the reha clinic.

So I'll assist her, and have an eye on her.

This wasn't planned, but is necessary. I'll miss OFF and you all sorely.

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Good you can take care of her, make sure she uses her crutches at all times until she can get to proper rehab. I know a lot of people who have had the surgery and they have all had very good results.



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take care and look after her. ladies in higher ages are often too proud to quit doing homestuff for a while, so make her take it easy.

btw. i could also use new knees. are those bionic? if so, please tell me where to get them. :grin:

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Send your dear Mum all our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Safe travels Olham. Take care my friend.



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Best wishes to you and your mom, Olham.

See you in a couple of weeks!


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Speedy recovery to your Mom and safe travels and Godspeed to you Olham.

My best to you John

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GOD Speed to your mom. I had a hip replacement a couple of years ago so I can empathize with her.


Being away from OFF does have an upside. You won't be using up any 7.62x57 ammo "trying" to hit someone.


My best to you both.



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Best wishes to you and your mom, Olham.

I will double my efforts shooting down the foe until you can return to duty!:salute:


All the best,



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Good luck to your Mom, Ohlam.


BTW, I figure I'm going to need new knees in a few years. I was thinking of having the old ones mounted for hanging over my fireplace, or perhaps making a key fob out of a worn-out patella.


Be kind to your knees, folks. You'll miss them when they're gone.....

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Yeah the doctor said already, sooner or later, you'll have problems with your knees. It was sooner but for now I don't need any surgery.


Whenm will you buy a notebook, Olham?


Best wishes to your mom Olham,

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Joint problems are VERY common. If they weren't so common, I'd have much less work to do at the hospital. I expect my own right knee will have to be fixed in the future, as it suffers from an old injury and is not getting any better with age. Climbing down from the trees and starting to walk on two legs was a bad idea for the human species (it also makes hernias much more common than on other animals).


Best wishes to your mother, Olham. We all know you'll take good care of her. And like Von Paulus said, you really need to buy a decent laptop. I have one that can be used to fly OFF, and it's not even particulary powerful or expensive. If you had one, you didn't have to stop your flying when you go away from home. :cool:


It's a long war and we'll be here when you come back.

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Best wishes to ur mother Olham,


I heard the P4 is going to be released on the 5th Feb 2011.:grin:



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Creaghorn, they decided to use the knee of a donkey; seemed to fit most perfectly.


A couple of weeks??? I will be on leave for 13 days, TaillyHo. Not a day more!

(There are duties waiting!)

almccoyjr, I never "try to hit someone" - I shoot them down! Mmuahahahahahaaaa!!!!


Ratatat, hold the lines, till I'm back!


A good way to remind yourself, that we are mortals, Bullethead.


A notebook, von Paulus?? Why should I... Aaaahhh, for OFF!

Well, there wouldn't be time for flying. She has to move short after leaving the Reha clinic, to a smaller flat.

So I'll have to sort out lots of things. A nasty task.

"This is still like new, we can't throw it away!" "That was from my mother - I must keep that!" etc.


Nice try, Morris!


Thank you all - and the forum going, boys!

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Best Wishes to your mother Olham... means thats one less Kraut to shoot from the sky... muhahahaha...

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Hey!!! That "Mmuahahahahaaa!!!!" is copyright protected, and only to be used by German Red or Black Barons!

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All the best Olham, to both you and your Mum!...Payback time for the years she looked after you! :grin:

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Okay, I'm off then. I mean, without OFF. Thanks all; will miss you!

(Damn, another 12 days without OFF and the forum - tough!)

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