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What If Screenshot Thread.......

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....somewhere in Egypt in mid '60's



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Helwan HA-300, one of Willy Messerschmitt's last designs. And Egypt's first (only) indigenous fighter.

Edited by SayWhatt

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I see what you did there. lol


Well, it would have been rude not too....

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Douglas B-26K Invader - Royal Rhodesian Air Force, 1964

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Hey Spinners, have you given thought at doing up a Tu-95 in SAC markings as a stand-in Douglas 1211J?

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Hey Spinners, have you given thought at doing up a Tu-95 in SAC markings as a stand-in Douglas 1211J?


Not really. I think the Tu-95 is much more graceful looking and the tail on the Douglas 1211J just looks so wrong.

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Taxing out:



The view from another angle:



Laydown bomb run using the door weapons:



Close up of the door weapons:



Onto the next aircraft...more to come!



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Tomcat FRS.1's - 899 NAS (foreground) and 893 NAS, Royal Navy, 1991

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SF2:NA - Convair's AllStars Edition













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Trinity fighters on patrol...




This looks awesome

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Finnish Air Force in Exile BF-109G




This is just a concept Screenshot for something that may or may not be a project.

Edited by JonathanRL
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Hm, you'll have to tell us more if we are to understand the teaser. ;) Well, at least I am not perfectly familiar with Finish history...

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Hm, you'll have to tell us more if we are to understand the teaser. ;) Well, at least I am not perfectly familiar with Finish history...


This is the What If Section. And rest assured, when I am done with the basic story outline you will know about it. Above is merely a placeholder, as I hope my resident Italian of a Skinner might do a better job with a fictional skin for a fictional story :D

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1979:In an attempt to give the aging MiG-19 airframes a new lease of life, a modest modernization program is launched by Cuba in co-operation with the MiG design bureau, based on the MiG-19PT prototype and the experience gained by the MiG-17AS multirole fighter in Cuban service. DAFAAR personnel, recognizing the MiG-21s problem in a subsonic, low altitude dogfights, turn to the readily available MiG-19 which excels in these parameters. The outboard IRM pylons are complemented by the older inboard pylons, and these are wired to carry more modern IR missiles like the new R-60 dogfight missile, giving the previously guns-only interceptor an ability to carry six modern IRMs. Tasked with point defence of Cubas airbases to allow high speed and altitude interceptors like the MiG-23 and 21 to scramble, these uprated MiG-19s give any low level fighter bombers a run for their money!







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Coming in after a training run


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since it's back now, thought I'd just post a shot of velro's F-109

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Where can I download F4U-5 ????

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Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation Firefly - ARDU, Royal Australian Air Force, 2007

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