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Commodore 64 reborn! (Really?)

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Load "$" .......clunk clunk cluck chug chug.....ah miss the daisy chained 1541's.

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I was messing with C64's in 1985-87.I was 12 years old or so.I remember getting my first flying experience playing what I think was MSFS 2 or 3?

Like 3 or 4 colors.I remember the big cracked glass graphic across the screen when you crashed. :lol:

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Huh. I've heard of those, wasn't born yet when they came and died though. First gaming system I remember is the original Nintendo. My first video game was either Mario or Zelda, not sure which.

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Huh. I've heard of those, wasn't born yet when they came and died though. First gaming system I remember is the original Nintendo. My first video game was either Mario or Zelda, not sure which.


Back then the sims on consoles trumped any of the FPS flying games you see on them today.


Good old LHX,F117,and F-22 on the SGEN.Played those to death!Turn and burn F-14 sim on the SNES.Mig 29 and Silent Service on the NES.While they weren't top notch sim's they had a lot more simulation quality then anything on a current console.Memories. :good: I still have a working Sega Genesis and F117. :grin:

Edited by SopmodMikeFour

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Still have one in working order. Sometimes fire it up and crack myself up again,

ahhhhhh the retro feelings!

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I went the Spectrum, Amiga, 386DX route myself (sighs longingly)


386DX and DOS 6.00....Those were the days...mere Mortals never had a hope with them!...The age when a DOS system Disk (floppy) was your GOD!!!!! :grin:

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Tch! What are you guys going on about? C64??? Think I wasn't even born yet then. :grin:

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TI 99/4A here...went to the C128 after that.

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I think my first experience with gaming might have been with the Commodore 64, I imagine it was my brothers - although we might have bought it late during the 90s for a laugh, can't quite remember...


i remember a James Bond game, where the first level was you in a parachute gliding towards a yacht or some such, and that it took an extreme amount of time to load!


The first console that was mine though was a Sega Mega Drive - and the first game was Desert Strike - now THAT was a game!


And that theme tune!


Den-dee, den-deee, den-deeee, den-deeeee - dililililililililiiiuuuuuuuuu!


And of course Jungle Strike, then Urban Strike, then I think they started going down hill. :grin:

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Tch! What are you guys going on about? C64??? Think I wasn't even born yet then. :grin:

Ahahah. Yes tell us what was your first computer. Olham.

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Ahahah. Yes tell us what was your first computer. Olham.


Windows XP I bet!..hahahahahaha

(sorry Olham, just kidding)

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I wasn't quite a computer nerd back then but a good friend had one of the early mac's and it had some interesting space physics simulators on it. Later when my wife was getting her degree in IT she brought home the an orphaned 386SX MB with the math Co-processor and we assembled a 'puter from leftovers of the IT department. And I learned a little about the Devil's Own System. My first 'gaming' PC was an 486 DX 100 with the psuedo Pentium CPU, and the Very LARGE Bus, 2 meg Orchid video card.


WOW! All of 600X800 resolution at 256 mind bending colors and it ran Flying Model Simulator 6.1


I used to think the POST graphics for the Orchid card was particularly nice as they had the text do a slow fade from pink to violet as the memory sorted itself out. I kinda liked Window 3.11.


No Commodore or Amiga stories here..

Edited by Lewie

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I was at the cutting edge of video games when my dad and I saw the future with PONG. My dad being the adventurous type picked her up and I was playing video games before most people - must have been 1976 or so. It was such a simple game but at that time it was the best (or only) game out there and I had a lot of fun with it.

Edited by Shiloh

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.... My first 'gaming' PC was an 486 DX 100 with the psuedo Pentium CPU, and the Very LARGE Bus, 2 meg Orchid video card.


WOW! All of 600X800 resolution at 286 mind bending colors and it ran Flying Model Simulator 6.1


I used to think the POST graphics for the Orchid card was particularly nice as they had the text do a slow fade from pink to violet as the memory sorted itself out. I kinda liked Window 3.11.


No Commodore or Amiga stories here..


My curiosity got the better of me and I dug through our old computer stuff. I still have that old Orchid vid card, both the DX100 and the Pentium 133 486 DX processors and all of the main board memory and cache chips. I never seems to throw old stuff away.

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I was at the cutting edge of video games when my dad and I saw the future with PONG. My dad being the adventurous type picked her up and I was playing video games before most people - must have been 1976 or so. It was such a simple game but at that time it was the best (or only) game out there and I had a lot of fun with it.

I too played Pong back in the seventies, in the arcades and in the TV.

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who remembers the microprose range for c64 ,gunship,massive manual (i miss them) and taking an hour to load

only for it to crash at the last minute,ahh happy days :good:

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Why not :rofl:

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It's impressive we've gone from C64 to Over Flanders Fields in thirty years. I'm hoping by the time I'm 50 or so we'll have put all this current craze about 3D, touch screens, and motion detection to work.


You know, Flanders Fields Phase 20. You sit in your high tech force feedback gaming chair, the monitor wraps around your head, and you completely immerse yourself in virtual reality World War 1 flying. Or maybe you could use those headbands like in Caprica or Minority Report. That's what I'm waiting for good.gif

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When Commodore 64 came out, I was still using typewriters and computers were something of a mystery to me. I didn't even know there were games for them. A friend introduced me to gaming in the late 1980's, and it's been my hobby ever since. I still remember how amazingly, incredibly brilliant Red Baron was when I first played it in 1991. Until then I had been restricted to reading about WW1 and building some models, but then I was suddenly able to fly those planes myself! And here I am, twenty years later, still flying the old crates in a virtual environment.

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I had an Atari 400, which I called my "McDonalds computer" because it looks just like a cash register at Micky Ds. Nothing like a membrane keyboard folks!! From there, list went Atari 800XL, Commodore 64, Commodore 128, IBM PC XT (4.77 / 8Mhz turbo switch baby!!!). Then I got a Commodore Amiga 1000, a 500,a 2000 and then an Amiga 600 (which had the upgraded AGA chipset). Finally I switched back over to IBMs with a 268, then a 386 clone. From that point on, I built my own machines. But I must say the Commodore 64 / 128 and Amiga series were the most fun. They felt like you could do anything on them!



Edited by Hellshade

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My computer story:

Zx-Spectrum 16K, ZX-SPectrum 48K, Atari 800XL, Commodore 64, Commodore A500, Commodore A3000, PC 486 DX-33, PC486DX-40, PC486DX2-66, PC Pentium 133, PC Pentium 200MMX, PC PII 350, PC PII 450, PC PIII 866, P PIV 2Ghz, PC PIV 2.66Ghz, PC C2D E6420, PC C2D E8500 and PC i5-750. :grin:

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yep, remember early 80's gaming. My friend had commodore and we played river raid, wargames and spy vs spy. I think he had the atari 800 xl. Only thing i had was Colecovision and 5 games before they died out. then the module to play atari 2600 games. But pc's were a mystery and luxury then.

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And here's my first computer game (not video game). Yes I had to type it. (Personal Computer Weekly 07/10/1982)


Edited by Von Paulus

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