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OFF P4 SCENERY - Another taster

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Heck even I'm excited :)


Any shots of the Morane Saulnier "L" in game?

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This is the only I consider upgrading my PC for.

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Brilliant Pol.

...ever considered a career selling virtual real-estate ?!! :grin:


and ditto what Dej says.

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Fantastic work. There are measurable improvements in the sky, clouds, terrain AND trees. Not to mention the cows for extra immersion scenery. Extremely well done! BRAVO!






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thanks for the update. If those are crumpet cows they will be shot.......


The cables between the struts and the wings are excellent sir.



Jasta 6

Edited by Morris

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Hey, look at those trees standing neatly in rows along the roads - French alleyways, as they are so common!

Well done, Winder!


And was it UncleAl, or who else is happy now: I spotted cows at ten o'clock!


Wonderful - my new rig will be complete tomorrow; soon I'll also buy a new graphic card;

and then I'll have all the patience in the world to wait for what I know will be a great simulation.

Thanks for the pictures, guys!

Edited by Olham

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Can someone please milk those cows? They're moo-ing all the time! Nice idyllic scenes! Pity there's a war on above and below ...

Fine work!clapping.gif

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I can only hope, that there will not be others, who demand squirrels running up and down the trees

or butterflies dancing over the summer meadows; so Winder can carry on with his great landscaping.


Edited by Olham

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No Morris!..they're Hun Cows!..I know, I've seen the Black Crosses! :good:


We are venturing into the FSX world of scenery here!...stunning

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Hun Cows :rofl: black crosses :lol:

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Pol, give us mooore!


can't wait for P4! :drinks:

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is that a fence line too???..................very nice...thanks!!

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Looks absolutely great.


Now where are the partridges and pear trees that were mentioned a few months ago? :grin:

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Nice work by yourself and the team Polovski! I really like the cows - a bit of realism that only adds to the immersion. :salute:

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Can the cows be tipped?*










*Cow tipping is known to be a popular past-time in certain rural communities across America.

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I can't wait for P4...I can hardly fly anything else than OFF any more, in the restricted simming time I have lately...

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Looking good!


Any chance of Sheep? Might get a few WW2OL Players if you have Sheep, they have a thing for them for some reason... :grin:

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I was driving home from work today in sunny SW Florida and the clouds looked exactly like they do in the first picture. I was stunned at how identical they were to WMs work.


As a side note, I wonder if a small group of skinners will emerge with skill in creating funny new cow skins. Like cows with black crosses, allied circles or arrows on their backs pointing towards the nearest land targets. :rofl:



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Looking good!


Any chance of Sheep? Might get a few WW2OL Players if you have Sheep, they have a thing for them for some reason... :grin:


Yep, get some four-legged tottie in there, Devs. That'll sort the men from the boys, or the Kiwis from the Aussies, and the Welsh from the English... allegedly. :grin:


I just love the subdued tone of the trees and landscape. So much more realistic than the 'Hollywood' foliage in other sims. And turnbuckles... awesome.

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Well, I have to say, that's quite impressive.


More impressive than the cows - although, that's pretty impressive - is the impression that is left that one is contemplating a Turner or Constable landscape. If this is to be the P4 standard, then I will be delighted. I was always impressed with the clouds in OFF: they appear to be sultry, oppressive and imperious in the same instant, and, to my mind, resemble real cloud formations rather better than any other sim I've played.


As I say, if this is the standard you are building to - and much of the reskinning and cockpit screencaps seem to support this - then P4 will an absolute feast. The only problem I have is the extra load on the machine. I would be extremely grateful if you'd let me know your machine specs so I can gauge whether I have a fighting chance of running OFF's next iteration.




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It looks like an actual landscape. I want to land my plane down there and taxi around, seeing it all from ground level. This is going to be very, very nice, glad I'm upgrading my rig this summer.


OFF really has the prettiest terrain and clouds of any sim I can think of. It all looks the way it should. I fly pretty often and hey, that's exactly what the ground looks like from 10,000 feet.


Actually one of my fondest life memories is when I was two years old in 1988, I flew to Central America and saw the terrain from the aircraft. The landscape was wild, so many different colors arranged in rectangular patterns, looked like a giant quilt. I had no idea what the hell I was looking at or why the ground was so multicolored from up above. OFF reproduces that feeling in me cool.gif

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No Morris!..they're Hun Cows!..I know, I've seen the Black Crosses!

Seems, Hun cows just are black and white - like our crosses. The British don't have cows - they have Camels. :grin:

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