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20 Years and Some Change.....

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My appologies for not chiming in sooner. I've been off-line for a few days dealing with "issues" out here.


Congrats on your retirement. Your retirement day was my 20th anniversary in the Air Force, so I spent it over Afghanistan.


Thanks for your service. Enjoy being Mr. Slavens.




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My appologies for not chiming in sooner. I've been off-line for a few days dealing with "issues" out here.


Congrats on your retirement. Your retirement day was my 20th anniversary in the Air Force, so I spent it over Afghanistan.


Thanks for your service. Enjoy being Mr. Slavens.




Thanks Jeff. Oh and I didnt spend 20 years in the USAF to be called Mister, thank you.... that TSgt David J. Slavens USAF, Ret.... :lol:

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Congrats and Bravo Zulu TSgt !


Welcome to civilian life where you can get away with wearing an aloha shirt and flip-flops to a Change Of Command Ceremony.

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congrats on the retirement Dave! one more deployment and 3 1/2 and i'll be caught up with ya.

@ firehawk i wore that to drill yesterday. course it was supposed to be a family day. instead we get told sunday morning that we are on order for med screening for two day on the first day of the orders! lets say half got the email sat at midnight and half did not. care to guess which half i was in? at least we got lunch with our families, before getting our shots. i never thought i would miss being in a signal battalion!


back @ Dave now you can tell tales of how much worse you had it! you know how the bbq blew up and everyone including the wives had to get rabies shots at midnight etc etc etc :grin:

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you know how the bbq blew up


You know that really happened, 2 years ago at the 2nd CombatAce get together. Wife got a 2nd degree burn trying to flip the brisket!!!!!

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Congragulations, Dave! :salute:


I'll admit my military career was a fiasco but i'm always encouraging youngsters that have potential to give it a look. One of the kids from my old neighborhood that enlisted in the Army is just three years away from his 20. I hope to be there if and when he decides to retire.

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They still call it NCC where you are? Here it's now SIMC. Don't ask me what that one stands for, I can't remember.

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An amazing accomplishment Dave - from one vet to another, congratulations and thanks for all of your years of service! :salute:

Enjoy the civilian life, but what you will probably miss most is the "vet brotherhood" - nothing quite like it. Welcome to a new chapter in your life... :drinks:

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Congratulations Sir......Salute.gif



I have a job working at the NCC as a civilian for the USAF.


Damn for a long minute i thought that you were been scheduled to go onboard the NCC-1701 Enterprise......lol.gif



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Congratulations Sir!



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Damn for a long minute i thought that you were been scheduled to go onboard the NCC-1701 Enterprise......lol.gif

just so long as its not as a red shirt.... :rofl:

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Congrats to the one called Dave... beat my retirement by a long shot I walked out hoping the door didn't hit me in the Butt as I left :rofl:


Seriously though welcome to the weird time of going from Military to Civilian its weird man... :drinks:

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Congrats Dave :salute:


I should read the Pub forum more often as I just saw this today...

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Congratulations Dave. Im sure you will have great memories to share.



Maybe you could write a few down here for us? Memoirs of Dave :grin:




Well done. Im sure your fellow countrymen are proud of you.




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Grats Dave, I have 5 more years at least unless I choose to go to 24. Depends on the economy, don't want to start that second career in my mid 40s!!

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wow, Dave, you look so,,,,,,,,,,young! I figured you for a lifer! lol All kidding aside, congrats and a big thank you for your service

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Well done Dave !!:drinks:





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