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Ok Let's Start A Virtual "NATO"

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Pretty cool download! I've mainly kept it to the CAG and CO birds but may get around to working a file for each aircraft



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*********************How to use the same pilot names mission after mission and have them show up in your after action reports.**********************


1, Extract the 'NAMESxxxx.LST file that your nation uses (you can see which one by looking in the NATIONS.INI file).


2, Delete all the names in the file exept for A; the amount of pilots in a squadron which is roughly 1.5 times the number of aircraft, or B; the amount of aircraft in your squadron if you want the same pilots flying all the time.

There are two or three sections to the list: '[LastNames]', [MaleFirstNames]' and '[FemaleFirstNames]' You should have the same amount of names in the [LastNames] section as the [MaleFirstNames] and [FemaleFirstNames] combined (a lot of names.lst files have no female first names so you can have what ever number from each gender you want).


3, Put the file in your mods folder in the 'Flight' folder


Every time you create a single mission the game engine randomly pairs a name from the [LastNames] section to one from the [MaleFirstNames] section or, if filled out, the [FemaleFirstNames] section. By limiting the names in the file to the number of pilots in your squadron you limit the names the game can chose from. In the roster screen you can pair the same pilot with a particular airframe. The last names will be probably be paired with a different first name each time you create a different single mission but since only the last names show up in the debrief screen that we are posting in the forum you should get a continuity of names and maybe create some aces :good:




An alternative (which I think is better) is to replace the names in the [LastNames] section with a first and last name. Then replace the [MaleFirstNames] with the initials of your air force in brackets e.g. (RAAF), (RAF), (USAF) etc. You will need to have the same number of airforce initials as names in the [LastNames] section. By doing this you will avoid the issue of different matches of first and last names. Pilot names in game will appear as: "Plt Off (RAAF) Joe Smith" in the roster screen and as "Plt Off Joe Smith" in the debriefing screen.





Edited by dtmdragon

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Just a note Dave, Shiraz AB was historically an F-14 base so that's one out of two, unless... And from what I can tell Badr AB is TFB 8 so I'll roll with that.

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KeyboardChap, here's my specific loadout (due missile availability) for my F/A-18s:



















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For some reason the AIM-120C has been a real poor performer with AI, here's a fixed version:


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Terrain Update Attached!!!


well, it's been brough to my attention by 2 of our resident USAF experts, (Storm & Dave), that a critically important base was left out of the map


So, Al Asad AFB has been added.

which meant reflattening that section

which meant retiling many sections, as roads had to be added (said roads link the base to nearby cities, and head west to the map's edge, toward Syria and Jordan)

which meant throwing a bridge across the Euphrates, west of Baghdad, to link Ar Ramadi to Baghdad


on the flip side, Al Asad being closer to Turkey, should allow for TuAF basing in the N/W region of the map. Downside is, it's not quite where it should be (about 8 tiles-width further n/w, closer to Tharatah Lake), but this'll do.

It's a runway 4, so large birds can use it.





unzip and drop into the IR2003 terrain folder, allowing the overwrite. go fly!


if there are no further terrain fix/tweek/retile/mess with requests, the terrain is now in it's final state



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Thanks again Kevin!



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hey there found serveral bugs and old data on the IRAN Mig29 in the package.

I´ve fixed this issues for the Mig 29 Pack 2.0


If you want i can release the upgraded Mig29 for IRAN seperatly.


one Question who of you guys is responsible for the merc su-27 skin?

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Unfortunately I'm going to habe to pull out of this. My home computer's gone on the blink. I think I need a new graphics card or a new screen.


Sorry :sad:

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Just got it all installed, and was about to do an AOR fam flight. Is the hud/debug data supposed to be shown?

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I thought I turned that off ....

open the HUDData ini, and switch the comment lines //














one of my many targeting tricks...

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No worries, I forgot that I could just Alt-D and toggle through it. yikes.gif


I'm starting some FAM flights in the AOR, just to get back into the game. Let me know if there's any oddball sorties people need.

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Scud Battery I did recon on, though I'd backup your IR_Targets file and use this one that I'm using that would keep you somewhat updated as far as what's been hit and so forth:


Be sure to backup the IR_Targets.ini and the IR_Types.ini


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And I think the issue is lack of coordination and reporting of where we're planning on hitting, which is why there isn't much participation. I'd recommend we start posting here where the various players want to hit. Since me and dtmdragon seem to be doing the most work I'd recommend strikes in the north to take off the pressure along that area since it seems me and dtmdragon have our "areas" set.


My intent is to still work my killbox or "special" strikes in other areas. It seems dtmdragon is working Tehran so I think if we stay in those areas it'd give the other players opportunities to flex their units.

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Good point Eric... though I am supposed to be running sead, and my one sortie so far was near Qods will have to get more flown. Maybe a good idea to pass down sorties in areas where people are requiring special sorties especially for the Air Forces as the Navy have full all round abilities with the Hornets...

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Well KeyboardChap has Prowlers and Growlers so he's not the only one that has limited capabilities. It just turns out in my opinion I came out with a good weapons mix for my Bugs.

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I haven't been participating in Operation Darius, but I have been playing around with the mod package. Attached is a little something that I added to my own installation and thought others might be interested as well: a semi-fictional Su-30MK2 Flanker for the IRIAF based on dubious reports of a sale in the works. See the ReadMe for important notes.


Eric Howes


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I haven't been participating in Operation Darius, but I have been playing around with the mod package. Attached is a little something that I added to my own installation and thought others might be interested as well: a semi-fictional Su-30MK2 Flanker for the IRIAF based on dubious reports of a sale in the works. See the ReadMe for important notes.


Eric Howes

To be honest Eric I would not be surprised at what the Iranians have and where they aquired them from as they could receive them from both the Russians and the Chinese (Though the later will be the Chinese variant). The Iranians are saying they have the SA-10 though Russia states they did not sell it to them but the Chinese version I wouldn't be surprised...

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Well KeyboardChap has Prowlers and Growlers so he's not the only one that has limited capabilities. It just turns out in my opinion I came out with a good weapons mix for my Bugs.

True also my problem is that the F-16 does not really suit my style prefer the 18 and its hardpoints as you can normally make a mess of just about anything with it. Also I have to be careful with the 16 as I have a habit of ripping parts of it in high G Turns etc... even on Normal settings and I know its a Beta on the flight controls... and having problems flying about Mach 1 as well means little evasion... :blink: Apart from that this is a great idea next time I will go USMC or something with a less delicate airframe...

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The F-16 is a nice jet but I had to use my ride... :smile:


I'd suggest (though STORM and Dave may give you a home for your jets) DWCAce that you find a good northern or central airfield as the southern ones are getting crowded...

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Kirkuk in the North, or Rasheed or Kut Al Hayy AB in the Central Region would look pretty empty. Wouldn't mind setting up shop with some F-15E's or Bones. Just let me know what's needed.

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-15Es personally, tactical aircraft is doing the majority of the work and we're kicking some butt too. Besides the map isn't to scale so if you want to fine, but no dodging aircraft in the numerous valleys and the like, a shame but it is what it is.

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Sounds good. I'll find a suitable field and take squad (or det) of F-15Es in.

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I think I'm up and running again. Am I OK to join in again?


If so, where can I target so as not to conflict with other players?



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