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Lest we Forget


For those of our Brothers and Sisters fighting for Freedom as well as those who have fought and paid the price may we never forget the sacrifice of those who gave their all so we may have those freedoms :salute:



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We will always remember your sacrifices. :salute:

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It will be Veteran's Day here in the US tomorrow: November 11. Until recently it had been called Armistice Day. A heartfelt salute from this one veteran to all the other veterans, past and present. I am honored to be counted among you.



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They gave their Today...So we may have a Tomorrow :salute:


50 Million people killed in the Second World War alone!...When will we EVER learn

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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I also like to remember those before the First World War who often get left out, such as those from the Napoleonic Wars and the Crimea and such.


Granted nowhere near the scale of WWI or WWII, but they still died.

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I also like to remember those before the First World War who often get left out, such as those from the Napoleonic Wars and the Crimea and such.


Granted nowhere near the scale of WWI or WWII, but they still died.


A man after my own heart! :drinks:

(I even go back to Agincourt)

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I don't really go a bundle on the two minute silence thing...As they are always in my thoughts anyway.


That's fine of course, if you don't

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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50 Million people killed in the Second World War alone!...When will we EVER learn


I like to think we are, Widowmaker. Not to go political here, but if someone had done in the 1930's what's being done today in Iraq and Afghanistan.....who's to say?



Meantime, a big :salute: to all who serve and have served.

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It will be Veteran's Day here in the US tomorrow: November 11. Until recently it had been called Armistice Day. A heartfelt salute from this one veteran to all the other veterans, past and present. I am honored to be counted among you.




And also happy 236th birthday to the USMC :drinks:

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I like to think we are, Widowmaker. Not to go political here, but if someone had done in the 1930's what's being done today in Iraq and Afghanistan.....who's to say?



Meantime, a big :salute: to all who serve and have served.


Perhaps we are...let's hope so m8 :good:

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They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old

Age will not weary them, nor the years condemn

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning

We will remember them

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First year it's slipped past me. I've been comforting a friend whose husband just died.


Sorry to hear that m8.... we probably remember them more on this forum anyway, than most people do

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50 Million people killed in the Second World War alone!...When will we EVER learn

I guess we have, Widowmaker - at least we Europeans have.

Did anyone believe after all their wars and battles against each other, that Great Britain would ever come over the channel to HELP the French?

Would anyone have ever found it possible in 1914, that the French and the Germans would become FRIENDLY neighbours?

That all three countries would become the core of a peaceful Europe - together?


I want to believe, that all those poor fellers did not give most of their lifetime, and their blood, for nothing.

It DID bring a change about - the memory would otherwise just be too painful.

Edited by Olham

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The fact we came over and helped the French Olham, is what I was referring to when I said "When will we ever learn?" :lol:


(Just kidding)

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The fact we came over and helped the French Olham, is what I was referring to when I said "When will we ever learn?" :lol:


(Just kidding)




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The fact we came over and helped the French Olham, is what I was referring to when I said "When will we ever learn?" :lol:

(Just kidding)

Now I could be naughty and say: Last time I've been in an English restaurant, I thought about all the opportunities

the English had, when they were in France, to learn some decent cooking - when will they ever learn?


But that's also mostly a joke.


It counts for many restaurants on your island, where I had that sort of cooking, but I learned to know a little bit of English

home cooking as a guest in Devon and Cornwall, and I must say, that was very delicious.

And there are surely restaurants, were you would go with me, where the food is great.

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