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Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

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So sad to see the innocent hurt. Let's just hope perpetrators will be caught, and that personal freedoms won't be slashed again.

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I think you are right Jamie.


I think so too. Low grade explosives and some other things would point to that possibility.

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You can stop the organized groups from carrying out the big plans that kill thousands, but stopping one guy from killing a handful, whether using bombs or guns, is fairly impossible.

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You can stop the organized groups from carrying out the big plans that kill thousands, but stopping one guy from killing a handful, whether using bombs or guns, is fairly impossible.

sadly you're right JM, plenty of nutjobs on the loose

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Use of BB's as shrapnel and the fact that it is tax deadline day 15 APR, lead me to think it is domestic. Not to mention the fact it is Boston.


Possibly, although use of simplified devices and the magnitude of the attack don't necessarily mean it was domestic, the increase of security since 9/11 had to force terrorists to adapt so I doubt larger scale and overall more complex attacks would even be possible for them without being discovered during organization.


BTW. didn't know you have such domestic extremists that would go THIS far...

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BTW. didn't know you have such domestic extremists that would go THIS far...

Oklahoma City 1995 was much further in scale and materials used, yet it was pre 911 and novelty so to say

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Do they still have death penalty in Massassuchets? It won't resuscitate the dead, neither appease the maimed, nor even have the paranoiac madmen give up their fantasized war against the Federal state. But people premeditating and planning such acts won't say they were not aware of the consequences.

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Under Mass General Laws, no, however; since this was an act of terrorism and the Feds have laws since 9/11 the person(s) when found could be tried in Federal Court which has the Death Penalty.

Edited by MAKO69

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BB's are not something that many people outside the USA really know about. Black powder is easily obtainable in the USA as opposed to AMFO which is highly regulated after 95. Use of pressure cooker vessels as bomb casing is a fairly standard thing in A-ghan. 15 APR being tax day. 15 APR being "Patriot's Day" in Boston to celebrate the Battle of Lexington and Concord remember the,"shot heard round the world." In addition to 19 APR being the anniversary of Waco and Oklahoma city. Not to mention Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker-R, who was in favor of the gun background check compromise bill, got a letter filled with Ricin today.This smells of disgruntled vet ala McVeigh. To answer a previous question, yes there are a whole lot of f***ed up people in the USA that would do such a thing. Our society is more politically polarized than any other time since 1865. The whole stupid and taken out of context Thomas Jefferson quote, " The tree of liberty must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants," is sacred to those types. If this is not the work of right wing domestic extremists then I am monkey's uncle.

Edited by CrazyhorseB34
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Had a lot of friends and family in Boston yesterday. Everyone's safe. Hope the f***er who did this gets captured soon.

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Possibly, although use of simplified devices and the magnitude of the attack don't necessarily mean it was domestic, the increase of security since 9/11 had to force terrorists to adapt so I doubt larger scale and overall more complex attacks would even be possible for them without being discovered during organization.


Since most terrorism is supported by governments, it is not the question who and how made it. If there is support, they will always be able to act.

BTW. didn't know you have such domestic extremists that would go THIS far...

Whoever did it, is quite irrelevant. It can be anybody paid or brainwashed enough. They will be captured... they will say what they need to say...

Think about the consequences and the future answer to such an action. And most importantly the impact it will have on the life of people there. That would give an idea about who benefits from such terror.

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Brain32 Domestic terrorism has been in the United States since It's inception. Edited by MAKO69

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Up until a decade or so ago, this would be 'Just another Day' in Northern Ireland

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The idea that it's ok to kill or maim others because you perceive your "way of life" is merely threatened needs to change.

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they have the suspect in custody


reports vary at the moment, let's hope they'll get on the perp(s) soon

Edited by Stary

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Up until a decade or so ago, this would be 'Just another Day' in Northern Ireland


Very true.


One thing that always strikes me as rather strange is the sheer amount of public panic whenever things like this occur. Someone asked me once post 9/11 if i worried about terrorists. My answer was that i was more concerned about the guy next door. Having lived many a year in places where violence was(is) a common and accepted course of action to deal with certain situations, i can't get myself to do more than shrug and carry on at such outbreaks.


One observation about the news coverage...CBS news a few hours ago had a "Breaking News" bit where they said there was someone of interest who was seen with a backpack and it went on to describe the suspect's clothing in detail. Thanks CBS, maybe next time you might want to just say, "Hey you! Time to get the hell out of dodge and lay low".



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If a fertiliser plant in Texas blows up, but there's no media presence to capture every second of destruction and agony, does it make a sound?

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I think

Very true.


One thing that always strikes me as rather strange is the sheer amount of public panic whenever things like this occur. Someone asked me once post 9/11 if i worried about terrorists. My answer was that i was more concerned about the guy next door. Having lived many a year in places where violence was(is) a common and accepted course of action to deal with certain situations, i can't get myself to do more than shrug and carry on at such outbreaks.


One observation about the news coverage...CBS news a few hours ago had a "Breaking News" bit where they said there was someone of interest who was seen with a backpack and it went on to describe the suspect's clothing in detail. Thanks CBS, maybe next time you might want to just say, "Hey you! Time to get the hell out of dodge and lay low".




Very good points. The Media is the best weapon the Terrorist has in his arsenal! (along with the Irrational fear spread by them)

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The more and more I hear, I begin to think that these two were just scapegoats. One is dead, one (only accidentally) alive... and all is so spectacular. Either there were more suspects whom they keep in secret.. or the bombing were done by completely different people.

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The more and more I hear, I begin to think that these two were just scapegoats. One is dead, one (only accidentally) alive... and all is so spectacular. Either there were more suspects whom they keep in secret.. or the bombing were done by completely different people.

There's a name for this kind of people: Patsies or Oswalds. Unfortunately we can only speculate.


I do wanna know the answer on one other question though. How come that during september 11 and Boston bombing letters with poison were sent to high ranking politicians of whom some died. Isn't that coincidence just too weird?

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I do wanna know the answer on one other question though. How come that during september 11 and Boston bombing letters with poison were sent to high ranking politicians of whom some died. Isn't that coincidence just too weird?

Maybe they get those letters all the time, but only bother opening them when s**t hits the fan?

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Yea ))) "Open only in emergency"


hm I wonder what this guy says makes any sense... My english is quite good, but some parts I did not understand though(



Is this a joke or a just a stupid show or what?? If it is, its a bad joke IMHO.

Edited by Snailman

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