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Green Hell 3.5


This is optional high resolution repaint/treemod for SF2:V VietnamSEA map, I call it "Green Hell 3.5" ;)


SF2:Vietnam required for Vietnam map (doh!) SF2 all-merged install preferred

made and tested im May 2013 environment


-included both 1024x1024 pixels and smaller 512x512 pixels versions for those with older computers

-repainted hangars/base objects from my WW2 hangars pack, fits this particular scenery ok in my opinion

-city textures by Brain32 from his excellent Vietnam repaint, used under freeware license

-full TOD coverage included



Backup your Vietnam folder, unpack and move/copy new VietnamSEA to your Vietnam folder, overwrite when asked.


Legal mumbo jumbo:

Freeware license apply, no to be used as part of any payware


have phun



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As always - magnificent work by a magnificent B@stard!  :biggrin:

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I don't look forward to rating any of Stary's work, if only because every superlative imaginable has already been used up!  Declaring this add-on "Superb", just barely scratches the surface!

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I'm glad Stary's back. Amazing tileset, as always!

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Just archived my old set and using this one now, excellent work Stary :good:

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funny thing is this tileset just happened out of the curiousity, I was toying with year-old Solomons(v3) tileset and asked myself "what would happen if I'd ran some colour corrections and some filters on this one to make if more vietnamish looking"


but hey! I like the results too :smile:

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..... :shok:


..shut up and take my gratitude.









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Whoa, trees back in Vietnam - great!


Any glitches with the Expansion Pack anybody, yet?


The only thing I just noticed, are some layer "problems" with trees (hard/impossible to catch on screenies) - like trees in the distance showing through some nearer ones...


Edited by stingray77

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  On 9/27/2013 at 5:22 PM, stingray77 said:

Whoa, trees back in Vietnam - great!


Any glitches with the Expansion Pack anybody, yet?


The only thing I just noticed, are some layer "problems" with trees (hard/impossible to catch on screenies) - like trees in the distance showing through some nearer ones...



I have an "older rig" and after installing, it loads to 80% and freezes. So unfortunately I can't enjoy it, but love seeing the screenies of other users who are. Looks ABSOLUTELY amazing!

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Try 512 version that should work on a calculator...

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Your job is awesome , but I´am a problemyf5o.jpg



what is the problem. Thank´s

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Hi Stary, need some help. I have SF2 Vietnam (not merged with anything else) and cannot get Green Hell 3.5 working. I copy the folder VietnamSEA into the terrains folder, where there is a default file VietnamSEA.


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yes you do, and when asked, overwrite the files -of course make first backup of the VietnamSEA folder from your mods installation


@Jack: open your VietnamSEA_data.ini and change these values to as shown:



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Thanks Stary, however I think I have not explained myself: In the \Terrains folder there is only a default hugue file "VietnamSEA.cat", nothing else. I don't know how to replace this .cat file with the Green Hell 3.5 folder VietnamSEA.

Maybe I need some previous installation? Or it only works with merged SF2?


Thanks again!

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so you want to install this to your installation folder like Drive:\Program Files\Thirdwire\Strike Fighters 2 (for example)


BUT mode must go to your Drive:\Users\your username\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam\Terrains\VietnamSEA\ -for windows 7 for example

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oh! It never entered my head it could be anywhere else! Now it works. By the way, what a great job, the game is x1000 improved!!

Thanks again!!

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good you have it sorted


in the future I strongly recommend reading our "Strike Fighters Knowledge Base" -it covers alot of issues and answers tonnes of questions novice used might have regarding installing mods, setting up etc

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Just installed Green Hell 3.5 (512 pixels...older rig)... One thing to say- OUTSTANDING!!!  Superior ground textures yet higher FPS- you can't beat that with a stick!  Thanks Stary!!!

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Seems like I missed these!

They sound so amazing... I only have one question : are these compatible with the big mod expansion pack? 

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  On 9/9/2014 at 6:06 PM, Emp_Palpatine said:

Seems like I missed these!

They sound so amazing... I only have one question : are these compatible with the big mod expansion pack? 




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