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Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

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The idea that poor uninsured folks in the States and their entitlments are responsible for galloping US debt is nonsense just like the idea that poor people who took loans for homes and later couldn't keep paying are responsible for current economic crisis.  USA is spending 20% of it's budget on military, that is one fifth of everything that is taxed and borrowed. That is what is driving Washington into bankruptcy. No country in the world can sustain that kind of percentage being spent on military and keep economy in tact. USA has reached the USSR's percentage of military expenditure in 80's. And we all know to well how that turned out.

If US would cut it's military budget by half everybody in the country would have free and one of the best healthcare in the universe.

Edited by hrc

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Long term reduction measure. That means future. Military expenses have blown up since 2001... Wonder why? Maybe invading the wrong country and hiring massive amounts of contractors. I no shit agree with cutting the military down to 1995 levels. Whatever, no matter how much we spend on anything if somebody opens up rape camps in Europe again we will drag our asses over there to help. During the last shut down in Jan 96, I was in a tank invading Bosnia so what does the shutdown really mean anyway except a bunch of sanctimonious crybabies throwing a tantrum anyway. I totally agree with the fact that we need to produce more common goods for our selves. The people that used to work at the textile mills in North Carolina where called "lint heads." Now that their jobs where lost they are now called "pill heads." Jobless youth leads to crime and drug abuse. All of this still is really irrelevant because the bottom line is racism. Tea Party racism pure and simple. I see it and hear it everyday and it seems I am one of the only ones that is willing to speak the truth. Anyone want to accuse me of throwing the race card go ahead because I just did and it just bounced off your grape. Wakeup. If these signs do not make you sick then you need counseling. Notice the guy in the Texas flag shirt cannot even spell his racist slur.....





Edited by CrazyhorseB34

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Oh, there's no doubt that a large percentage of those who oppose Obama are racists. After all, no racist would support him, would they? Therefore every racist is against him PLUS everyone who legitimately disagrees with him.


It sickens me the number of times I've heard about what a great thing it would be if he was assassinated! I don't remember anyone talking about Clinton getting killed, no matter what they thought of his loose morals.


The bottom line is that Congress is now down to blackmail. They outright lie about their motivations (which are easily exposed if you watch an old clip or read an old article, apparently politicians think our memories only extend back about a day) and see nothing wrong with bringing this country to its knees if they can spin it as the OTHER party's fault.


What's most ridiculous is they colluded to gerrymander their districts so that a huge percentage of them never have to worry about re-election. Their district will always vote for one party no matter WHAT they do. "Killed a hobo? Well, I'd still rather have him in office than one of those OTHER people!" That's why in the national elections there is the focus on the few swing states like Ohio and Florida because the population can't be redistricted to give one or the other the easy win. The Democrats will never win Texas. The Republicans will never win California. The day of that is passed.

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Been hearing stories that a lot of base commissaries are shut or shutting down, is that true?

Edited by ironroad

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I propose a new amendment allowing a public vote to dissolve Congress if the people feel it's not doing its job...like now. A simple vote of no confidence putting all 535 jobs up for grabs with NONE allowed to run again. If the people say "Congress is doing a bad job", they ALL must go and you get a new batch. They are barred for life from running again.


Sounds like a good solution, although I think dissolving the Congress should be automatic after a certain period (deadline) if they don't make a budget...

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dissolving the Congress

But where to find a vat big enough?


By the way

The U.S. Capitol was in lockdown on Thursday after gunshots were fired outside the building, injuring several people including a law enforcement officer



Wasn't there something in your constitution about keeping weapons in case of idiots in charge?

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Long term reduction measure. That means future. Military expenses have blown up since 2001... Wonder why? Maybe invading the wrong country and hiring massive amounts of contractors. I no shit agree with cutting the military down to 1995 levels. Whatever, no matter how much we spend on anything if somebody opens up rape camps in Europe again we will drag our asses over there to help. During the last shut down in Jan 96, I was in a tank invading Bosnia so what does the shutdown really mean anyway except a bunch of sanctimonious crybabies throwing a tantrum anyway. I totally agree with the fact that we need to produce more common goods for our selves. The people that used to work at the textile mills in North Carolina where called "lint heads." Now that their jobs where lost they are now called "pill heads." Jobless youth leads to crime and drug abuse. All of this still is really irrelevant because the bottom line is racism. Tea Party racism pure and simple. I see it and hear it everyday and it seems I am one of the only ones that is willing to speak the truth. Anyone want to accuse me of throwing the race card go ahead because I just did and it just bounced off your grape. Wakeup. If these signs do not make you sick then you need counseling. Notice the guy in the Texas flag shirt cannot even spell his racist slur.....

The guy who messed up the racial slur went to the same "school" as Ted Nugent.   Those are just down right filthy and disgusting.  Monkey see ? Wow !  I'd like these tea baggers to achieve one percent in life of what Obama (not the president but the man) has done.  God Damn inbred bigots.

Edited by Atreides

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Back to the original intent of this thread, seems i am too. Sort of. Just got the email that my weekend drill is cancelled. Yes thecshutdown was cited. No makeup dates currently available...

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Thought I'd pop back in here to say hey. I'm not furloughed. But I'm being forced to work and not being paid. Just like very other ATCer in the country. We're very angry. Morale is the pits, and I know a lot of folks who have no idea how they're supposed to pay the bills. I'm okay, for now, but my next pay check will be half of one and after that they'll just stop until these idiots figure things out.


Let's just hope like hell nothing happens before they do, without our support staff the airspace system is starting to fall apart.

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The House's true intentions are just becoming clear. They never expected to defund the Affordable Care Act, only to use it to grab attention before negotiations over for their strange demands. The House Republicans are essentially using political terror on Americans in order to bring the President to the bargaining table over probably the same things they have wanted for 25 years.

I don't like being pressured to react against the President anymore than a bull likes it's balls yanked at the rodeo.


Now my beef with the Democrats is that they take their power for granted. I wish that Democrats could lose sight of their many and varied long-term objectives, and learn to act tactically and effectively. If the House was to vote today to pass the budget, the bill would pass, but John Boehner has no intention of holding that vote as long as he can cause more misery. John Boehner's only leverage is the misery he causes while you guys have to take your furloughs. I'm scared too because I receive the VA education benefits I earned 6 years ago. Democrats have everything they need to get their shit together, they just got too comfortable.


Next year things will change.


I just wish we had more than two parties to better represent our differing interests. A Texas Republican is not like a Maine Republican, they are just lumped together for funding and convenience. If we had a bicameral system (Congress) with many parties and the same intimacy as the British Parliament, I would really feel a whole lot better.


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I agree Exhausted. I too have my retirement pension and veteran's disability along with my educational fund threatened by this. The Republican party as we know it died in 1964 but it has been a slow agonizing death for the once proud "Party of Lincoln" that preserved our union. To look to the Republicans to solve problems is like trying to get your alcoholic uncle to help you work on your car.........

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