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Any suggestions or ideas?


I have build a basic truck model for SF2, we will use it first in the upcoming Germany Terrain. It will be a nice targer and scenery object.


This is how it looks right now, it is low poly and work without any fps hits













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Looks good, how about some older 60's & 70's versions as well ?

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Would be cool too, I have planed only till back to the 1980`s for the terrain update. Other / older version could be done later... 


I feel the need to bomb a truck!




They will get a destroyed LOD too

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How about a car trailer full of Lexus's

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good, but yeah we'd need older version too


wait, what upcoming Germany terrain? :blink:

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I smell accurate realisticly represented airbases with proper european objects... oh tease us Martin!

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Doors are at the wrong end of the container...........wink2.gif.pagespeed.ce.DG-_ZgrqXc.gif

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I have doors on both ends  :assassin:


I spoke about a proper truck not the container  :biggrin:

LOL....looks great m8......personally I prefere those long nosed Scanias meself....

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I have doors on both ends  :assassin:


Then your container would never be allowed onto a ship, or onto a rail-car.  When they're loaded into their cells on a ship, they're set "doors in" to discourage pilfering

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I like it!!

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When they're loaded into their cells on a ship, they're set "doors in" to discourage pilfering

contrary to what 97 percent of video games teached us... one needs that bloody medkit, easier to get to that way :smile:

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I smell accurate realisticly represented airbases with proper european objects... oh tease us Martin!


some minor details , Martins Trucks are not yet includet and a airbase sample is in the screen shot section


coal mountain



details added by Rends



communication tower


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could've use that pile of coal on the Euro WW2 map!! I put the refineries and gassification plants in ... but no coal!!


those stock cranes just don't cut it ... we've needed better ones for a loooooooooong time! The af51 has (nearly) the right shape, but is 1/2 the size it should be


nice work; sure that comm tower isn't for Star Wars??? looking good!

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could've use that pile of coal on the Euro WW2 map!! I put the refineries and gassification plants in ... but no coal!!


those stock cranes just don't cut it ... we've needed better ones for a loooooooooong time! The af51 has (nearly) the right shape, but is 1/2 the size it should be


nice work; sure that comm tower isn't for Star Wars??? looking good!


here you have the coal mountain , it is 200m x 100 x 34m coal mountain.7z


yap i´m sure the tower is not for star wars , we have this kind of towers all over germany  :grin:  we are a very futuristic country and camo our space ships this way :lol:



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Repainted stock Hangar:



One of Stary´s Hangars in new clothes:


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yeah! That's the good work guys!


I hope my updated tileset will be compatible with the objects layout

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This one looks amazing guys!! Looking forward to fly over it!!

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yeah! That's the good work guys!


I hope my updated tileset will be compatible with the objects layout

Stary, are you talking about your GermanyCE tileset V3 you already uploaded here or or are you talking about a version not released yet? I asked this because i use your wonderfull V3 as the base of this Germany terrain rework (that's the reason i need the city tiles stuff from you).

I have created a couple of new tiles as you can see in the harbour screenshot repainted all the roads to be better visible again and recolored the rivers to dirtier ones.

If you are working on a new textureset for Germany than we better communicate about the changes i already made and plan to make.




Btw: i should start a new thread about the Germany rework. This one seems to be the second one gone hijacked

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