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And With That..........

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Sorry for your loss. Best wishes to you and your family.

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Not much can be said other than I am sorry. At least the long stretch of suffering is over so the healing can begin for everyone else. You have had a stressful stretch of years. I hope this will mark a turn toward good times for a long while after you and your family have recovered from this sad, painful loss.

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Condolences, Dave. I hope his grandchildren will keep the best loving memories of him. Brain cancer stole two of my grandparents before I could know them.

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The funeral is Friday. Sheila, her brother and her brothers G/F got into it bad. He's trying to take charge of everything and he wasn't there for my father in law for shit. He even accused him of faking at one time. I was told by Sheila not to come up there because of my....lack of sunny disposition.

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Shit like that happens. When my grandad died, my mother´s brother had not been committed enough, to say it somehow. My grandad trusted my father, his son in law, much better when taking care of issues as his condition worsened, and it became a rather unconfortable situation. After he passed away, my uncle at least had the decency to acknowledge his wrongs, and was thankful that my father never tried to take any advantage of the situation. 


Either way, fuck your bro-in-law. I strongly suggest you not to rage up, and show restrain in the sense of not comprmising your wife. Just support her in whatever she needs, and be prepared to take a lot of unfair shit, because in the end, taking care of yours is much more important. If you should come up to the funeral and burial, and whatever other issues may follow, remember that it is not the time to get mad with your family in the line of fire, no matter how right you might be. Just damage control man.

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just be there for her when she gets back. thats the best a husband can do. and tell her to take all the firing pins with in case you get extra "sunny" on her return....

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Yes, like you can´t bludgeon your brother in law to death with an AR-15 if the firing pin is inside, you may misaligne it or something

Edited by macelena

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Please accept my sincerest condolences.


- Mario -

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Tough call. But the bottom line is it's no place for a squabble, public or otherwise. If you really don't think you can endure whatever crap may be started, probably best that you don't go. The people who matter will know the reason and only think the more of you for it. And the ones who don't get it....well, I'd say what you can do with them, but you'd probably have to bleep me out.



As my father-in-law was dieing I kind of took it upon myself, as the newest member of the family, to keep the grandchildren (oldest was still preschool) busy outside. My wife told me later that she knew how much I really wanted to be there with her and that she really appreciated the sacrifice I'd made.

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As my father-in-law was dieing I kind of took it upon myself, as the newest member of the family, to keep the grandchildren (oldest was still preschool) busy outside. My wife told me later that she knew how much I really wanted to be there with her and that she really appreciated the sacrifice I'd made.



That is what I have been doing too. I took good care of my kids and any of the other grandkids who comes. I also cooked for everyone too.

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Really sorry to hear, Dave.  Give my best to Sheila.

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