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Although I have been dedicating a lot of my time to the WWII stuff have a few re-mods( Mirage IVA,Mig-31, KC and awacs 767,Bear,747,vautour,javelin and fencer) in the works , and this little number


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Wow, finally a nice Magister! Love all your work mate, I'll be waiting for the two weeks!

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Alright Magister! Much needed for the Israelis.

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noticed 747 in that list. will you be making a tanker version too? would be good for the Iran-Iraq war mods ya know... E-4B too.  would hope they can be easy add ons to the basic B747 model

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Don't forget your Javelin as well.

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Don't forget your Javelin as well.

its listed Sundowner..and almost forgot the Blackjack..just passed it to someone for skinning

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Ah, so it is, sorry m8 my eyes going quicker than my brain......as usual.

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Give us that Fouga Magister!! It looks great!!

Can't wait for it!!!

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As stated - Great addition for the Israeli war theaters......Nice work!

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teaser       Great close ups of the magister on youtube


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Veltro so did you forget about jets? :lol: 

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Very nice model as usual :biggrin:

What about your Breguet Br.1050 Alizé I've seen some time ago ?

It will be a great addition for the French Navy which lack of Dassault Etendard IVM and IVP too

Edited by Eole2

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V2K pls keep attention at your canopy bars, they look uneven and bended like after a crash


I had to rework my stuff sometimes more than once to get the right shape and dimensions :hi:

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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V2K pls keep attention at your canopy bars, they look uneven and bended like after a crash


I had to rework my stuff sometimes more than once to get the right shape and dimensions :hi:

the biggest problems are always the sh**Y  3-views available

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Yeah I have seen it on your other planes, the olders ones are a good example. 


I couldn`t explain how you have build it so "badly" (pls thats no offence) Until I ran into this problem my self with the rework of the canopy of the Mi-8, from the 3 view point it was perfect. But only from the front and from the side, so I used a compromise to work around it.


First I place the struts with the help of the 3 View, that I use tons of reference pics and fotos fro mthe internet and PDF`s to model it correctly. It has not to be 100% accurate as the 3 view (cause thats only a 2D pic) But It has to look "correct" ingame ;) And thats the point, 

You need to look at it in 3d max as often as possible, turn the view around the canopy and other parts as much as possbile to even get the "shape" correct <---- Its like modeling with clay, you have your 3 side views but need to work it out in 3D right?!. Use your imagination and forget the 3 Views, they are more good for proportions and not for details ;)


I hope it helps you a bit.

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yep.3 views are a pain...canopies eg sometimes look fine from sides then you look at top view and its no right...so widen it and from side its too far over...hmmm look from front...too low...so then back to side now its too high lol..a pain indeed.

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Above all else Ed - make what you want to make!


Oh, and keep up the good work!

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very true. forward progress is hard enough on the things we want to do,  let alone other requests.  but admittedly those requests sometimes sharpen the skills and point into other directions....

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When you know you have some probs with some areas, why don`t you create a mod team? I have also my people who help me out when I get into trouble!

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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Very clean modeling, as always! Liking it!

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