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I was wondering if it is possible to only download the RAZBAM A-6 cockpit, but not the entire plane, because I need a cockpit for my SF2V Air and Ground expansion pack A-6.

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No, one must purchase the entire Razbam A-6 package in order to obtain that cockpit. Razbam did state (at one time) that he was also going to update the package to SF2 standards (new lod & ini files).

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Was that before or after his stated intent to abandon all things SF?

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I think there are other A-6 cockpit available here in CA. try digging through the Download section under cockpit. if theres none in SF2 there might be one for SF1 needs some tuning i suppose.

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  On 8/31/2014 at 4:49 PM, Z09SS said:

Was that before or after his stated intent to abandon all things SF?


It was about 18 months ago.

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I take it you do not have Wings Over Vietnam?(SF1)


I do, but I no longer have Windows Vista or XP, but its alright, I found a cockpit.

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I was wondering if you can start a CARRIER-based campaign with solely the A-6B because, from what I have seen, I am able to start a land based airfield campaign, but not  carrier campaign with the A-6B.

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The game engine does not support any "specific" anti radiation missile targeting like the one that it is used for example in the HARM and that in other games, like F-18 Korea, is present.


How to use it?


Select the missile, search for a radar in the terrain, align your sight with the radar and shoot the missile, if the radar is on and nothing extrange appears the missile should hit the target.

Edited by FRPignon

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You have to wait until the enemy guns or sams lights you up with radar (you hear the warning sound). Then, if you are flying in "normal" settings mode, press the E key until you find the radar that locked you (if your plane is equipped with an RWR you can find the direction of the radar signal looking at it), point at it and shoot. 

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The USN squadrons flying the A-6B in SF2V campaigns fly only from carriers. If you're starting an A-6B campaign and end up flying from a land base, then something is wrong with your installation. The game is defaulting to a land base because it can't find the carrier specified in the campaign INIs.


Eric Howes

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Hi, I was wondering if an A-6E cockpit would be compatible with an A-6B aircraft, and would it have any affect on shooting the AGM-45 Shrike?

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why would it not be? and should have no effect on the Shrikes

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I don't know what the heck is wrong with the shrike, I found the radar, pointed my plane at the radar, shot the shrike and it flew into the ground, can someone please post a tutorial video.

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Steps for using Shrike:


Locate/ID target

close to within 5-6 miles

point aircraft at target

pull back on stick, raising nose 10-30 degrees above horizon

fire missile

eat popcorn and enjoy the explosion


Shrikes tend to drop, giving them an "up" vector increase their ability to not hit the ground early, and allows them maneuvering room

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Hi Coolhand!


You can use it with no problem. I use the A-6E cockpit for my A-6A, A-6B, EA-6A and EA-6B. Works like a charm...

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Seem to get better results by designating a target with this one.

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I've fired STARMs at designated targets, watched them seemingly go ballistic, only to see them go off on their own and target SAM or AAA radars 20 nm away.

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The proper AGM-78 procedure in SF2 is to use the Shrike because the enemy radars never switch off, so the inertial guidance is worthless.


In fact, if the radar you targeted gets destroyed a Shrike might home in on a different one next to it, while an ARM won't do it.

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I feel stupid for asking this but what does adding the CCIP mod to the SF2V A-6 do? Does it give it a bombing system

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