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SF2 E\F-111\A\D\E\F USAF Combat Lancers\Aardvarks\Ravens Redux 2016

SF2 E\F-111\A\D\E\F USAF Combat Lancers\Aardvarks\Ravens Redux 2016
by Viper63a, dtmdragon, Lel and Fanatic Modder!


This mod was intended as an update to FastCargo's Super Vark Package (See link below), but it can be a standalone mod if you just want the USAF F-111s included in this pack. If you want to install both packs, FastCargo's pack must be installed first as that is the older pack.

You can get FastCargo's pack here...



What's included in this mod pack?

This mod includes the updated individual E/F-111A/D/E/F mod packs + other excellent contributions! I had some requests to put them all into one pack for it would be easier to download. So here they are. All the F-111s in this packs are also available for individual downloads in the following links...if you just want a certain model. The F-111D updates from dtmdragon, Lel and Fanatic Modder are only available in this mod pack.

* F-111D Aardvarks from Cannon AFB: The 481st, 522nd, 523rd and 524th TFS from the 27th TFW. Contribution by dtmdragon with support from Lel Fanatic Modder (FM). 
* F-111E Aardvarks from USAF/E RAF Upper Heyford 20th TFW. The 55th, 77th and 79th TFS!
* F-111F Aardvarks from USAF/E 48th Liberty Wing. The 492nd, 493rd, 494th and 495th TFS!
* EF-111A Ravens From 42nd (UH), 429th (CC), and 390th (MO) Electronic Countermeasure Squadrons!



I recommend that you back up your mod folder (or just the Effects, \Objects\Aircraft\F-111* folders). I just make a copy the mod folder, try the mod, if I like it, I delete the backup. If I don't, I delete the new/updated mod folder and rename the old backup/copy back to the original names to reset to my original setup.

* To install, simply unzip and copy the contents of the "To_Mod_Folder" folder (the uncompressed "Effects and Objects" folders only) to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder and Overwrite.

My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...

C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Europe\

Note: You should be able to install this mod into any SF2 series, it doesn't have to be StrikeFighter2 Europe.

* To remove, simply delete the active "Effects and Objects" folders and replace with the back up copies you made prior to the install.


Add F111 SoundList

Lastly, Read the "Add F111 SoundList.txt" readme file on updating your your "Flight\SoundList.ini" file with the custiom F-111 sound files included in this pack.


Thats it - Enjoy!

Please report any bugs or issues via the "Support Topic" link...




If you're interested in some of the mods I referenced/used in my mod (can't say it's mine really, my contribution?)...here they are! Excellent mods all!

* FastCargo's Super Vark package 2.4 (SF2)


* Slick Cowboy's F-111_improvedskinpack 2.0 (SF2)


* Dave's EF-111A Version 2.0 (SF1)


* LeL's F-111 TAC Pack (SF1)


* Spinners [Fictional] General Dynamics F-111A 'Early TAC' Version 1


* Hi Ho Silver - The Afterburner Mod v.1 (SF1/SF2)


* Florian - "AmokFloo" - Western Style Pilot Models (SF1/SF2)


F-111D Additions! Ravenclaw for the weapon models. dtmdragon the avionics, cockpit repaint, loadout.ini, what if AIM-7G, data.ini overhaul and repackaging with the updated skins. FANATIC MODDER and LeL helped with the data/loadout.ini information and testing.


Thank you all for your contributions!!


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In version 6, I upgraded the Desert Storm Aardvarks. I did some more tweaking on the other F-111s - cleaned up the skins and details. I also modified the pilot helmet and mask for the F-111Fs to look more modern. F-111s are one of the few SF2 ACs where you can see the co-pilots up close, so it had to look good. I am very happy with it. I hope you like it too. I've been using this pilot model for the other planes too...so I may release it as a mod of it's own. All credit to Florian - "AmokFloo" - I am using his/her LOD...I've seen other pilots and they look good, but none as good as Florian - "AmokFloo"s LOD. If you know of any other...Let me know...




= Viper =

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F111-F 1996 - I can load LGB's on the wing pylons but there's no designator pod. I thought this plane had 1 built-in but it doesn't seem to work for me, and I can't load 1 in the loadout screen.

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Check service dates inthe data ini for that designator. If end date is before 96 then tahts why it doesnt show

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From FM....



I don't know, I checked and it all seems normal!


Possibly what he did was not copying over his old folder. But even in the old vark park 2.4 the specific station code is F111. I don't know.


Ask him to change the data.ini lines of the F-111PaveTack_DATA to this


FullName=AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack (F-111)


this SHOULD work...I hope.


by the way, i corrected the mass from 0 to 629...if you add the extra drag too you understand why the pavetack was never installed into the less powerfull -E model."

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I don't have the Weapondata.ini extracted, but using the weapon editor to view the pod, I can see the data already matches what you've listed above, yet still it doesn't work. I found a workaround though, adding a new sensor to the F111-E ini file at least got me a guidance system for the LGB's, even though it lacks the model of a designator pod. I'm beginning to remember I had similar issues with this back in WOE days, and I managed to fix it then, it's just a case of remembering what i had to do to make it work.

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I had the same problem. To fix it I had to add a weight limit to the station that uses the Pave Track in the F-111F_data.ini file. Just make sure it is slightly higher then the weight of the Pave Track pod

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Got feedback from FM...



LoadLimit=630.0 <<<<<<< Change here !
MaxExtentPosition= 0.50,1.226,-0.586



Raise LoadLimit= until it works...let me know how you make out and what you set it to...



Edited by viper63a

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I Just loaded the Strike Config for year 1991. Selected GBU and Pavetack auto loaded....

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I've just downloaded the latest version and added it to my mod folder, many thanks to everyone involved!  


Viper, are you planning to do the F-111D variant too?  I have it in my mod folder, and I have no idea which cockpit to use, the one with or without WSO's radar hood (I'd really like to know which are the differences between the F-111 variants)

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I set load limit to 630... no effect. Then I tried the aircraft in a new ODS install, where the Pave Tack pod appears in the loadout screen, in place of the forward ECM pod station, and works as advertised. So I copied the ODS F111-F folder to my Europe install.




Thanks for all the suggestions.

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Blaze, the new version 9 has F-111D models updated by dmtdragon, Lel and FM...

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Open bomb bay doors,, be in external veiw too watch what goes on under the plane

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Blaze, the new version 9 has F-111D models updated by dmtdragon, Lel and FM...


I've seen it and already downloaded it, great job guys!  I'm still slowly working (due to RL) at the new terrain for ODS and Iran/Iraq war, let's hope that sooner than later I manage to complete it, so we can see these beauties fly over it.

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Hey Blaze, in anticipation of ODS, I made all my updates for the F-111 packs. Barring any bugs, this pack should be set for now.



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Yep, version 10 sounds good (this doesn't apply to Microsoft and their latest OS  :biggrin:), it's never easy to get rid of all bugs at once, this applies to my terrain as well.  Thanks to you and the other modders who are working on other stuff, planes, etc., I'm pretty sure we can revive the Iran/Iraq war mod project, as well as updating ODS as it was meant to be.

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  • * Version 11 - 06/15/2016
  • 1) Dtmdragon's AN/ALQ-94 and AN/ALQ-137 Internal ECM is now standard for this mod pack.
  • 2) Corrected flight model for correct speeds and drag.
  • 3) New custom sound added.
  • ----------------------------

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What's New in Version 12 (See full changelog)


1) Tweaked exhaust emitter.

2) Tweaked tail decals.

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What's New in Version 13 (See full changelog)


  • 1) Corrected F-111 Years of Service. Hopefully, different F-111s with period correct decals will default by selection of year. 
  • 2) Cleaned up some decals to get rid of the white edges.
  • .Thanks!

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Really appreciate viper63a all your hard work to get to this point.  As somebody who's read all the Dale Brown novels, it's sure a treat to simulate the F-111 series in air combat.  Really fun to go down low and plug in the burners.  Also fun dropping multiple precision weapons and once in a while dogfighting.

That said,

1) I was so disappointed not to have a CCIP I put your F-111D HUD files in the Objects\Aircraft\F-111E folder.  Really like having a CCIP to drop smart bombs since I don't know how to radar bomb.  Perhaps spent too much time playing games where I just designated a target and dropped or fired a munition.  Or flew the teen-series aircraft where dumb bombs came with a CCIP.  So can you please put a CCIP in the E & F models?

2) At night, the F-111 afterburner was quite visible.  

But I must say otherwise, I rather enjoy the package.  One wonders if the F-111 was more, er, economical to keep around how valuable it would have been to have able to drop smart munition after smart munition after 9/11... not that the teen-fighters are a slouch, but still!

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Hi Jose, 

Thank you for your comments. Are you saying you fixed CCIP in E and F using the files from D? If so, can you elaborate. Most of the work I did was cosmetic and flight model...

The AB...yea, I was never happy with it. I got it to what I like and left it there. I may revisit it.


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Quite welcome.

Yup, I just copied the two ini files in F-111 Aardvark USAF Super Pack 1920 v14\Extras\F-111_IDF_What_If_Skins\Correct F-111D HUD\F-111D in your pack over to the E.  Haven't done it with the F, worried I might mess up the visual cockpit model of the F.  Having a CCIP to me is really important!

Thanks for noticing the AB issues.

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Hi Viper i noticed the afterburner tga had become corrupted smaller and bleached ..so ive uploaded the original here ...for you to use ... 



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