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Angola/South West Afrika Full terrain With REDONE Campaigns

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Angola/South West Afrika Full terrain With REDONE Campaigns

Campaigns Updated! Units updated and fictional campaign issues fixed... A few sample Angolan MiG skins added! More available here at CA!


Full and Final Angola and South West Afrika terrain! Also includes a few different campaigns set throughout the border war period and after.
Menu screens to fit the SAAF Theme they make the name of the Sim, Strike Fighters 2 The Last Domino, after the famous SADF documentary...
Also includes working FAPLA Mi-8 and Mi-24, as well as an Impalla Mk2 Stand in and Alouette III for the SAAF.


Ground objects from Tiospilotos have also been included so that AAA and SAMs will show up on your install.


This terrain is a Massive terrain covering most of South West Afrika with the Caprivi Strip, as well as Almost all of Angola as well as much of Botswana, some of Zambia and a small portion of the Congo. It is meant to cover the entirety of the Border War Conflict between FAPLA, SWAPO and the SADF, UNITA and SWADF. The Terrain covers many types of environments from the Skeleton Coast to the wetlands to the great plains and Bush of Ovomboland. This is meant to be a truly African terrain to fly the assortment of South African Air Force birds available here at CA.


Credits: Stratos, Ludo.m54, Jeanba, Pualopanz, Coupi, recently me Spudknocker and even more recently tiospilotos.


Here are links to all required aircraft thanks to Emp_Palpatine...


Cheetah_E, Cheetah_C, Mirage3R2Z, Mirage3EZ, Mirage3CZ : http://combatace.com...-d-e-superpack/


MF-1AZ http://combatace.com...6-mirage-f-1az/


MF-1CZ http://combatace.com...8-mirage-f-1cz/
MF-1CZ Late http://combatace.com...age-f-1cz-late/


Buccaneer-Mk50_1980 http://combatace.com...0-saaf-for-sf2/


CanberraBI12_Late http://combatace.com...saaf-canberras/


Angolan Flogger skins in Flogger super package


A note on campaigns- You may want to fly in Medium flight model mode due to the high altitude of the terrains and the limits of the SF2 AI system


Happy Terrorist Hunting!!


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Time to hunt some Cuban MiGs!


Noticed there's no read me though?

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I agree with Viggen.


An installation / configuration "readme'-file would be most welcome!

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Sorry guys I had stuff ready to go and I was leaving on a huge work trip and put it up pretty quick. But it should be pretty self explanatory if you've downloaded other items from CA

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Guys, we need a "real" Impala now!

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Sorry guys I had stuff ready to go and I was leaving on a huge work trip and put it up pretty quick. But it should be pretty self explanatory if you've downloaded other items from CA


No worries, Spudknocker. I went through the campaign files to see what aircraft I needed and it was pretty much what I had expected.

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I also should have included a read me file at least for ground objects (general information plus credits) but I had no time due to work trip. I will make one when back.

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TIOS I'm pretty sure I put Yor readme in the sound folder to show people how to get the sounds to work properly :-)

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Love the terrain and campaigns, but ... any fix for this?



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check and remove any "height map scale = "statements for any tiles NOT water related, then retest. may also be a TOD issue with the 3d object that is the tree. 

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It's a TOD issue, tree targa files must be reworked.

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By mistake, effects were not included in first version. Take them from here:




(As usual, unzip and copy to your main mod folder)


An updated version with the necessary aircrafts and tanks is coming...

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check and remove any "height map scale = "statements for any tiles NOT water related, then retest. may also be a TOD issue with the 3d object that is the tree. 

no! no and wrong Wrench


Heightmapscale= is essential to make the radar imagery terrain render properly! You always paint those black or remove them which is not the smartest thing to do IMO. And without those the say rivers in radar render ass all black or dull squares instead of more proper shapes.


This is simply wrong tree texture referenced for TOD object in some tile's entry in data.ini

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interestering! never knew that, with respect to the water.


if you notice, i did say "for any tiles NOT water related", meaning the regular bmp tiles, not the water or land/water tgas


in truth, more than likely the wrong tga or 3d object for the trees

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Hey everybody!  New Update to the campaigns put up!  Please Overwrite old campaign files... Update submitted just waiting on approval

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For those like me looking for the planes, a few links:


If I am correct, these are needed to play the campaigns. I hope the red side has its skins...

Cheetah_E, Cheetah_C, Mirage3R2Z, Mirage3EZ, Mirage3CZ :  http://combatace.com/files/file/15493-saaf-mirage-iiibcderz-cheetah-c-d-e-superpack/


MF-1AZ  http://combatace.com/files/file/15826-mirage-f-1az/


MF-1CZ http://combatace.com/files/file/15808-mirage-f-1cz/

              http://combatace.com/files/file/15823-mirage-f-1cz-late/ (don't know which ones are needed, so let's go for both)


Impala_MkII ??? didn't found it.


Buccaneer-Mk50_1980 http://combatace.com/files/file/12306-buccaneer-mk50-saaf-for-sf2/


CanberraBI12_Late http://combatace.com/files/file/16211-saaf-canberras/

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The Impalla is included with the terrain files in Parts 1, 2 and 3

Unfortunately right now it looks like there is no way around the DLC Mirage III's as a base for the SAAF mirage package... But it is nice to help support TK a little bit the DLC doesnt cost much

Edited by Spudknocker

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Mi-Hip lack sounds. So does Canberra and Alouette.

Angolan MiGs are plain metal, no camo. Is that normal?

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A sampling of MiG skins added to the Angola/South West Afrika page... The flogger skin will work on almost all the floggers available in the MiG-23 package available here at CA with only slight renaming of the skins for two seat floggers... just waiting on review from a moderator


Additional Angolan/african skins are available here at CA

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Great looking terrain, Spudknocker! :cool:


I have noticed that the trees on the city tiles look a bit odd, though. The City_trees1.tga included with the terrain doesn't seem to match whatever tod file the city tiles are using, so they look like square blobs ingame. Not a major dealbreaker as far as gameplay is concerned, but it does look a bit strange!


The link for the effects pack you posted earlier doesn't go to the download, but the provider homepage? Any chance of adding it to CA?


Mike. :smile:

Edited by Mike1

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