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Strike Fighters 2 Screenshots Thread

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Hump Happy Pappy, 90s Edition


though this shot looked mighty cool. forgot to snap a pic of Wabash Cannonball because of it



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Seventh mission was my first in RP6. Target was a railroad bridge, a proper target. We carried 3000 pound bombs but both my wingman and I missed the target. Flak was intense. On the way out I encountered my first SAM. Dove towards the ground and as I leveled out I saw it pass off to my eleven o'clock high. Took some minor damage from flak shells but nothing the maintainers can't patch up. 740 is starting to have patch work every few missions. I'm on ten missions now and since I've arrived at Korat we've lost two pilots. I've seen jets in other flights fireball and heard the radio calls. I don't know how the hell any of us are going to get out of Indochina alive.




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Twenty missions in and the SAM threat around Hanoi grows. Scored the squadron's first MiG kill by dumb luck. Caught a MiG-17 that was flying slowly after I'd just completed my dive on a target. A couple bridges here and there but still a lot of sheds, bunkers, and suspected ammo and POL sites. The lack of secondaries makes me doubt we hit anything. NMC finally let us hit an airfield, just the POL storage though. Those MiG-17s were just sitting pretty on the tarmac. NMC also scrubbed a mission as we were preparing to step. Bridge strikes still have frequent misses, so we're trying to hit them with AGM-12 Bullpups now. Took out a smaller road bridge so I think they might be put to use on some of the others we strike. img00016.thumb.JPG.08aaa6a1a77f98c852275f578f12ac88.JPG



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From the TW DLC28 Mirage 5SDE... I had forgotten this one. :biggrin:


Edited by Coupi
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"Someone make a note of these men's bravery"


Edited by Nightshade/PR
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Sabre fun:










Edited by jeanba
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First rotation in South East Asia ended with 40 missions. On my 36th, I spotted an An-2 over our target and gave it a blast from my M61. Towards the end of July and through August there were more MiGs and more SAMs. I'll be volunteering to go back.


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you could go back to Nam, or you could head to the Gulf. ya know ala the latest ODS 30th Anniversary.....

mandatory screenie,  or get away from my wingman


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"why are there so many MiG-21s in Missouri?" They heard that KC Borscht was "Bomb A$$"!!!!! This dude flew all the way in from SpangQuentin for a bowl of that "Slap yo momma soup."


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This is why I give this type of building a high point value (for strike missions)



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CAS 1985 Korea, my mission was a success, but think theirs was as well!



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