RAF_Louvert 103 Posted November 17, 2018 . ... just nod if you can hear me, is there anyone at home? Wondering who is still checking in here on a semi-regular basis. Cheers! Lou . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hasse Wind 46 Posted November 17, 2018 There's a few of us still around, though the forum is dead. SimHQ is a terrible, terrible site. I wish the devs would move back here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RAF_Louvert 103 Posted November 17, 2018 Hi ya Hasse! I agree, these still feel like our home digs. And right now we can't even get into our usual discussion forum over at SimHQ, it has been crashed for the last two days. Maybe we should just start having our daily meetings here regardless of the "official" forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hasse Wind 46 Posted November 17, 2018 I'd gladly start our new DID campaign here. Everything works better and is much more modern. The other site is so 1990's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dutch_P47M 9 Posted November 17, 2018 28 minutes ago, Hasse Wind said: There's a few of us still around, though the forum is dead. SimHQ is a terrible, terrible site. I wish the devs would move back here. Same here, while moving from CAF to SimHQ, because of one problem, while SimHQ, and I could tell this on before hand, is a constant source of troubles. . No connection to the server Login problems Ads that are complete block the text No showing of posting date And so we can go further, I do hope OBD is reconsider if this buggy SimHQ site is the right place for hosting WoFF/Wotr. I hope they will go back to this CAF or SOH. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted November 17, 2018 The devs and the lot of you are always welcome. We've kept the runway lights on, the old wood stove is still crackling away, and there's a fresh pot in the kettle. Tie down your crate, come on in from the cold, and sit a spell won't ya? E 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RAF_Louvert 103 Posted November 17, 2018 Awfully nice of you Erik, you're a gentleman and a scholar. Join us for a fresh cupp'a and we might even be able to locate a bottle of something single-malty to spice it up a bit. Lou Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+VonS 1,427 Posted November 17, 2018 Let me put in my vote too for a return to the CombatAce forums gents' - checked today and the SimHQ forums are still down for maintenance. Happy flying, Von S Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jeanba 1,921 Posted November 17, 2018 I am still over there, but maily for SF2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Olham 164 Posted November 18, 2018 Hello, Lou, old fly-barn! Hello, Hasse, Eric and Jeanba, and all! When I see a message of a member I remember, in the right frame of the forum, then I check in! Nice to hear from you all! I don't fly recently, but die in tanks. I am REALLY, REALLY waiting for IL-2 "Flying Circus". Cause, when the landscapes get as good as in the IL-2 Kuban map, then it will be amazing! They will build the known towns like Arras and Douai etc.; and the rivers and canals. The aircraft got improved; the new damage model is less "Flyboys" but more realistic. Took me hundreds of rounds to kill a Fokker Dr.I with a SPAD XIII, and the wings, though hit many times, did not crumble away! Great! What are you guys flying/playing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RAF_Louvert 103 Posted November 18, 2018 Hello Olham, my old friend, glad to see you are still about! So you've moved from sailing ships to tanks, eh? That's quite the switch. I've not been doing much at all for the last bunch of months in terms of sims, but I am getting back to WOFF now with Raine's upcoming Deep Immersion DiD campaign, which starts in December. The IL-2 mod sounds intriguing and I will give it a look when it becomes available. I hope we will see you again in the WOFF skies, preferably sooner rather than later. Prost! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Olham 164 Posted November 18, 2018 So Raine is also still in active service, I see? And he will make a new DiD Campaign? That is nice to hear - boy, we had so wonderful times with that! My regards to him - he is a worthy successor for the DiD Campaign. Not sure if I will join at any point next year. I first want to buy me the ultimate edition, WOFF UE, just for the sake of it all and a fine little company. But that'll have to wait 'till after Xmas, when the bank account fever pitch will be down to normal again. Then I heard, that Pol announced several new planes for WOFF UE, which he said would be free for those who own it? Did he say which planes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dutch_P47M 9 Posted November 18, 2018 (edited) Pol did not say anything on that, only I think it will be the plane set, that some guys were making an half year ago and then sudely did stop. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4371787/1 BTW, I’m still hoping for an Belgium escadrille. I also did buy FC, but still does not have the immersive factor as WoFF still does have. I hope that will be changed as I did buy an VR headset. If this VR is a succes then I geuss I wil stick more to FC and BoBpl. Edited November 18, 2018 by Dutch_P47M link Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Olham 164 Posted November 19, 2018 Hey, Dutch, old Matjes! Well, FC is yet only an early purchase with no content but two aircraft. The landscape is from IL-2 Battle of Kuban, and therefor lacks historic authenticity. I really hope it will become a great sim. Yeah, a Belgian Esc. with Hanriots should be added. The could also use the Farman! You are right about the immersive factor of OFF and WOFF. I guess I will never find that a second time, anywhere. RoF and now FC are more for online flying and fighting, but WOFF entertained me for years in single player campaign - something you cannot just plan and build - it has to do with true passion, with far more hours than dollars, and with love and devotion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jeanba 1,921 Posted November 19, 2018 FC does not interest me The map and the planeset are not my cup of tea: my favorite planes of RoF were the SpadVII, the Breguet and the Nieuport 11 Let's wait for next version. WOFF:UE is what I am looking for at the moment, especially since VonS added the Spad variants I love the CaudronG4 and Morane Parasol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Burning Beard 15 Posted November 20, 2018 This is the most activity I have seen here in a long time, I usually check every day but somehow missed this. Anyhoo, the weather is finally cooled down enough to fly again so I have been getting killed regularly in my pilot rotation. WOFF UE is really my preference, had ROF with lots of planes but haven't flown it in years, something about the graphics which just doesn't click with me, I think the colors are just too bold, also I don't fly online anymore and haven't really since the demise of RB3D. I really do like the support that the WOFF team delivers, they keep the franchise interesting. By the way I prefer this forum also. Beard Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RAF_Louvert 103 Posted November 22, 2018 Hi ya BB, glad to see you're still active as well. I also have ROF with every plane they offered, but like you've I've not flown it for ages. And oh those old RB3D days, we had a lot of fun back then, as long as there wasn't some squabble about someone hacking the FM or ammo strength or time warp or some such thing. Lou Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RAF_Louvert 103 Posted November 22, 2018 jeanba, I love the G4 as well, but then I'm a B/R man at heart. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hellshade 110 Posted November 26, 2018 (edited) Life in the forum after such a long absence. Who knew? I have FC and they have the first 4 planes out. It's very pretty and the FM and DM seem good. Certainly tons of potential. AI is better than RoF but still mostly a 1 trick pony, unlike WOFF UE. Split S dives , I guess but at least no slow wide circling that I have seen. FC Vol 1 makes no mention of a campaign at all. It's literally 10 planes and a Quick Mission builder when they finish. They could do more in the future, but since the planes are being done by a third party company, the likelihood of them developing an entire campaign would seem less than optimal. Maybe Pat Wilson will be able to create a campaign if they get a few more volumes out. For single player goodness, WOFF UEs dynamic campaign, 80+ planes, thousands of skins and its situational value based AI doesn't have anything that can compare to it that I can see. This is me with some craptastic Camel flying and shooting skills in FC. As I said, it does look beautiful and there is no doubt it has tons of potential. I would be happy if they decided to put more meat on the bones in the future. Edited November 26, 2018 by Hellshade Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jeanba 1,921 Posted November 27, 2018 I love RoF, with PWCG (16.1, latest version havea lot of bugs) and the official career the arty spotting and recon missions The planes are very interesting to fly : I don't know how realistic it is for each plane, but for the case I know best : The breguet 14, this is very representative of pilots accounts. The graphics are great. I love the map (especially after modding) Its drawbacks compared to FE2 and WOFF are the IA and the lack of variety of planes. At the moment, I play mostly WOFF:UE because I am "playing 1917" based on my current readings WOFF:UE is better for this. I enjoy FE2 for the planes and all the terrains. But I like it for single missions. TH ecampaign engine has some limitations as the impossibility to modify aircraft formations per period Also, the terrain engine is outdated, copared to the otehr sims and despite the efforts of the community So basically, I am happy to have all three of them, the one I play most being a question of "context" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hauksbee 103 Posted December 7, 2018 What a delight to see so many of the Old Dogs turning up at the BOC mess. I must check in more frequently. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
33LIMA 972 Posted December 7, 2018 As regards current preferences, after a while almost exclusively on train sims, I'm back with First Eagles 2 here. Am appreciating the ability to 'warp' to near the mission location, the feeling of flight (and stalling!), the greater air activity, the better representation of AA fire, the light touch squadron management, the excellent dogfight experience, etc etc IE all the reasons I still rate it, on balance and with available mods, quite on a par with RoF and WoFF. FE/FE2 also has a unique vibe from being nowadays so much a product of its modding community, still active and unfettered by commercial considerations such as which planes will sell, and which won't. Not interested in Flying Circus as I have no desire to go beyond, or leave behind, my significant investment in extra flyable RoF planes, for the sake of what to me are relatively modest improvements. Besides which, there are no 'general purpose' two seaters. Now, that's really as bad as a Battle of Britain sim with no bombers, and an unpardonable sin for me. Terrain is at the lowest level (!) in terms of what matters to me, I would like better but am quite ok with the stock FE landscapes, let alone the modded ones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vladfly 0 Posted December 8, 2018 I need to copy over the CH-147-R0g.LOD from the A-Team Chinook mod. If you or someone can help me, I will be very grateful to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hauksbee 103 Posted December 17, 2018 We should arrange to meet more often. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites