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Hi everyone,

I recently got into weapon modding and wanted to edit some missiles.

I went for the Weapons Folder with the Weapons Editor, and some weapons were missing, even tho i can see them and equip them in-game.

I wanted to edit the AA-2D Atoll for my Su-22M3, but there's no AA-2 folder inside Weapons folder, nor inside plane folder, even tho the missile is equippable and i can see it/use it in-game.

Since there's no Atoll folder, i have no idea how is it possible for me to have it in-game, and even less i know on how am i supposed to edit it through Weapons Editor, since i can't select the folder.

I thought it may be a sort of "built-in-game" missile and for this reason not showing in weapons folder (idk i just made an hypothesis).

So i tried using the CAT Extractor, but seems like not working... no matter which CAT file i select, it says "error opening this .CAT file, no files can be extracted", how's that? How do i fix it? Am i doing something wrong?

Thank you in advance for helping me fixing all these issues or helping me find what i'm doing wrong

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I used Extract All for the CAT File extractor and it worked fine for me. It takes a while of course, but they should be in there somewhere.


Edited by EricJ
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9 minutes ago, EricJ said:

I used Extract All for the CAT File extractor and it worked fine for me. It takes a while of course, but they should be in there somewhere.



It's grey and unclickable to me, it forces me to select a file, but then that sentence shows up

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If it keeps that up then just download this file from the site and edit the weapons therein to your liking. It should contain everything you need including models, skins and data files. You can put these in your Objects\Weapons folder


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1 hour ago, Righteous26 said:

If it keeps that up then just download this file from the site and edit the weapons therein to your liking. It should contain everything you need including models, skins and data files. You can put these in your Objects\Weapons folder


Yep that's just what i looked for, and it worked!

Thank you very much.

Are there packs for every weapon?

And if I really need to use the CAT Extractor, what can i do?

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I would check the cat files to ensure that they have names like ObjectData001.cat and are large. They should be tens to hundreds of megabytes each.

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14 hours ago, Righteous26 said:

I would check the cat files to ensure that they have names like ObjectData001.cat and are large. They should be tens to hundreds of megabytes each.

Yep they look just like that, i can see them when trying to select them, but once i click it wont' let me extract anything just like i told you.

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back to the original question, are the weapons youre trying to edit stock?

stock weapons (or decals, pilots and guns) do not show out of the box. you have to extract at least the weapon ini from the cat and place it in your weapons folder (creating a weapons folder if your install is very much stock). when you extract it, a folder will be created for whatever your extracting

stock aircraft and ground objects are the only ones that will have folders in a vanilla stock install


final question: when yours was greyed out, had you selected(clicked on) at least one file?

Edited by daddyairplanes
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19 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

back to the original question, are the weapons youre trying to edit stock?

stock weapons (or decals, pilots and guns) do not show out of the box. you have to extract at least the weapon ini from the cat and place it in your weapons folder (creating a weapons folder if your install is very much stock). when you extract it, a folder will be created for whatever your extracting

stock aircraft and ground objects are the only ones that will have folders in a vanilla stock install


final question: when yours was greyed out, had you selected(clicked on) at least one file?

I think they are, like they are built-in the game and i can use them, but they're not there inside Weapons folder.

I don't have any WEAPONS.INI or GUNS.INI file, idk why but it's not present.

I tried using CE but it doesn't let me extract anything, not even EXTRACT ALL works.

Yep it let me open and see "Object etc etc." cat files, when i click them nothing shows up and buttons stay greyed out

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they wont be in the weapons folder if they are stock. the game will call it from the CATs unless you put something into the weapons folder.

same for those ini's, although ive never had any issue not having it in the folder. main thing they appear to do is have a compilation of all the inis for the stock weps/guns (item ini or data ini i dont recall which). but again, ive gotten by just fine without it.

check PM

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8 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

they wont be in the weapons folder if they are stock. the game will call it from the CATs unless you put something into the weapons folder.

same for those ini's, although ive never had any issue not having it in the folder. main thing they appear to do is have a compilation of all the inis for the stock weps/guns (item ini or data ini i dont recall which). but again, ive gotten by just fine without it.

check PM


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