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Showing most liked content on 11/08/2017 in Files

  1. 2 points

    Version 0.2.1


    In this package you find the current versions of my programs. Since all programs are using the same Qt and Microsoft Visual Studio libraries I thought it is convenient to put them all together. This package contains currently: LOD Viewer V0.5.2 Target Area Editor V0.2.2 (Updated) CAT Extractor V0.1.0 (NEW!) For usage instructions of the programs please read the readme files located in the Readme folder.
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    This will allow you to attack Airfields, Fuel Tanks, Evil Comm Buildings, and many other land targets in game assigned Strike missions. The Mod uses JSGME to allow an easy, (almost) one click change between land and naval targetting. JSGME also ensures that if you don't like the Mod, you can easily restore your install to it's original condition. I've only tested this in single missions; I don't think you'll fufill the Campaign Victory Conditions with this installed (you'll never even see the Kiev, much less sink it). To anyone who already knows the trick cheers, you don't need this, anyone else, thank snapper 21 for the original idea. SupGen 5/6/2013


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