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Showing most liked content on 09/17/2021 in Files

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    Version 1.0.0


    Textures for Geezer "RAF Euro Pilot Oxy" - Strike Fighters 2 (SF2) WW2 instalations. I did new textures for Geezer RAF Euro Pilot Oxy, with optional layouts, including different scarfs and two types of oxygen masks. LODs are using JPG textures. (BMPs textures included) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR "RAF Euro Pilot Oxy": *First make a back-up of your "RAF Euro Pilot Oxy" Folder, just in case if you had already one. Copy or drop the "RAF Euro Pilot Oxy" folder in your "Pilots folder". That's all ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *ATTENTION* Inside the pack, there is a (RAF Euro Pilot Oxy-PILOTS INSTALATION README) with instalation instructions for the majority of RAF aircrafts (aircraft data.ini) around. You must to edit manually the "POSITION" and the "PILOTMODELNAME". As an example: Open your (Hurricane_Mk_IA)Aircraft folder and find the MkIA_DATA.ini file, then find the name "Crew". You must to exchange two (2) lines manually. To use with Hurricane_Mk_IA // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT Position=0.0,-0.81,0.690 <------------------------------------ You must add this line PILOTMODELNAME=RAF Euro Pilot Oxy <------------------------------------ You must add this line ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The new texture has a "RAF Tunic with necktie" as standard layout. To use the others with scarfs, you must to exchange the file names: To use BLUE scarf, rename the following files: BLUE-British Pilot.JPG rename to British Pilot.JPG BLUE-Pilot Scarf-4.JPG rename to Pilot Scarf-4.JPG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To use GREEN scarf, rename the following files GREEN-British Pilot.JPG rename to British Pilot.JPG GREEN-PILOT SCARF-4.JPG rename to Pilot Scarf-4.JPG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To use RED scarf, rename the following files RED-British Pilot.JPG rename to British Pilot.JPG RED-PILOT SCARF-4.JPG rename to Pilot Scarf-4.JPG ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There is two types of oxygen masks. To exchange for another, you must to rename the "Back-up-MASK1-New RAF Pilot-2b.jpg" to "New RAF Pilot-2b.jpg" "Back-up-MASK2-New RAF Pilot-2b.jpg" to "New RAF Pilot-2b.jpg" That's all. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Credits: - Julio Junqueira (pilot textures). - Geezer (RAF Euro Pilot Oxy LODs 3D). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Thanks to Geezer for the great RAF Euro Pilot Oxy 3D. - Special thanks to CombatAce.com hosting the files. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is freeware; you are allowed to use it as you wish, but The names of all contributors listed here, must be added in any new released readmes. These files may not in any way, be used in any payware additions. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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