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Showing most liked content on 01/03/2023 in File Comments

  1. 2 points
    (just basic fix mod that everyone has already knows.. ) For those who has same problem as me, the Tank doesn't firing it's main gun, just HMG only.. add and edit this parameter to your GK-PT-76_data.ini: [Turret] ParentComponentName=chassis ModelNodeName=Turret ------ (and so on..) Armor[TOP].Thickness=11 SystemName[001]=GunBarrel <---- Add This SystemName[002]=GunBarrel1 <---- And This [Engine] SystemType=ENGINE -------- (and so on..) [GunBarrel] <------- This sections what missing from original data SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=76MM_D-56T MuzzlePosition=0.00,4.085,1.82 MaxAmmo=62 EjectShells=FALSE [GunBarrel1] SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=14MM_KPV MuzzlePosition=0.00,1.51,2.17 MaxAmmo=1000 TracerLoading=3 BurstAmount=12 EjectShells=FALSE
  2. 1 point
    Haha will get on the Indo Su-30 as soon as I can
  3. 1 point


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