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2 points
Version 1.0.0
P-3F "Orion" (Iran) Pak by Florian/stahri/Wrench 1/3/23 -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a mod to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" martime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft, creating the P-3F as used by the Imperial Iranian Air Force, and later the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force. Consider this a "new(ish)" airplane. This mod is based on Starhi's work. (thank you!) The skin is all new, from Viper63a's enhanced template, and in jpg format. It is, however still based off Starhi's original. All new decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE (I mean, c'mon -- there's only 6 airplanes!!!!). All markings are decals. All serials are 100% historically correct. All sounds, weapons* and various misc stuff are included. (*weapons are the same as the ones included in the recently uploaded P-3C Remod Pack). The SF2 date switch is "on", so in 1979 the IRIAF skin will become active. The only difference is the fin flash. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein -
2 points
Version 1.0.0
P-3A/B "Orion" Pak by Wrench/Florian 1/1/23 -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a mod to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" martime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft, "backdating" it to the original P-3A & B models of the early 1960s through 1980(ish). Consider this a "new(ish)" airplane. Included are 3 US Navy skins, representing early Orions in Fleet service. Early Paint Scheme of Seaplane Grey/White: VP-8 Tigers (2nd oldest still active USN squadron) VP-46 Grey Knights Late Paint Scheme (1968 & later) Light Gull Grey/White: VP-5 Mad Foxes The SF2 date switch is active. Each skin gets a set of 18 Serial (BuNum) and Modex numbers. VP-5 gets it Fox tail art as well. As is usual, those BuNums matched to their Modex are marked with a star (*). The others, while correct for their squadrons, could not be matched to a Modex. All skins are in jpg format. All new decals are included. Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. All markings are decals, EXCEPT the VP-5 blue tail fin top. It had to be painted on, for some odd reason I've yet to sus out. All sounds, weapons* and various misc stuff are included. (*weapons are the same as the ones included in the recently uploaded P-3C Remod Pack) As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein -
1 point
Eritrea/Ethiopia Terrain for SF2 = For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended) This terrain is a rebuild version of the 'beta - (minus)' uploaded by Wingwinner some years ago. It has been completly rebuilt, from the HFD up. This terrain also uses JSF_Aggie's Enhanced Desert tiles, with the tile set =GREATLY= expanded, with many new tiles, many tiles with minor & major corrections and repairs, and LOTS and LOTS of custom TODs. The area covered includes parts of Somilia, Djbouti, a little of eastern Yemen, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan as far west as the Nile rivers (Blue & White) confluence at Khartoum. The 'addon' terrain objects have been kept to a minimum. Stock in-game items have been used in most cases, although some additional units may (or may not!) be required. Add-on GroundObjects, while heavily listed in the _Types.ini, have been kept to as small amount as possible. See "Notes" for what you might need. You've probably got most of them already. Some additions to several Userlists for both Stock 3W and 3rd Party add-ons (in particular for some SAM units) have been included, as several nations simply weren't listed. Limited Nations, Limited Missions and Operations years do NOT reflect the Real World . Eritrea did not exist until 1991; the map has the standard "all years spread". However, the various nations are listed in the Eritera_Nations.ini, but none of the Limitations are active. Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life courses, or be placed in their Real Life locations, or even exist as such. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification (ie: mountains, hills, valleys, etc). Some cities may also NOT have all their proper Real Life industries, facilities and other building classifications, or be fully loaded with 'target objects'. Accuracy has been strived for in all cases, to reflect the Real World . As much as is possible with this Engine. This map also makes use of the 'Expanded Borders' mod, wherein you make changes to the FlightEngine.ini. Instructions on making this adjustment are included (if you haven't already). Please note, that when unzipped, the terrain folder will be quite large (~350 megs) due to the size of the tiles -they're 1024x. Make sure you have enough space. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with. There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein -
1 point
Version 1.1
This is an all-inclusive package. It already contains everything you need to play. (Please read the included Credits file. I could not do what I do without the lovely people who helped me by allowing me to use their work!) The official soundtrack of the mod is with Sabaton. Before downloading the main files again if you seek to patch the game, check the support topic. Patches are posted there too. Main Features: New 512x512 Terrain Tiles by Stary; resident master of Terrains who have made sure that the Baltic region looks the part and steadily pushes the limits of the SF2 Engine. New Campaign: That is right. We did not settle with just upgrading the ones we already had, you will get a remake of the classic Operation Mannerheims Shield set in the year 2014. New Flyable Aircraft: F 16AM Falcon, F 18 Hornet, J 32E Lansen , The J 35J Draken, Danish & Finnish Drakens, SK-16 & Helikopter 15B amongst others, the Helicopter with its own Visby Operations Mission! While most of these have been available by talented modders for some time; we have now a proper playground for them. Others, such as Ravenclaws J 32E and the Helicopter 15B has never been released. New AI Aircraft: S 100C Argus, MiG 31BM, SU-25TM, Tu 16T Badger, Tu 22M3 Backfire, IL-10 Beast as well as compatibility with the AI Planes Pack Su-9. New Ground Objects: Swedish Anti-Aircraft Units, Russian Amphibious Landing ship, Soveremmeny Class Destroyer, Kresta Class Cruiser and more. All new effects. A number of corrections, smoother code, changes and small additions to existing campaigns as well as numerous bug fixes. Included Campaigns: Campaign Name: The Catalina Affair Year: 1952 Flyable Services: Swedish Air Force Naval Combat: Yes Ground War Scale: Small What to expect: A quick campaign with props and early jets over the Baltic. Made to resemble a larger battle that does not go deeper into a full blown war. Campaign Name: Operation Isbjörn Year: 1956 Flyable Services: Swedish Air Force, Finnish Air Force, Norwegian Air Force Naval Combat: Yes Ground War Scale: Medium What to expect: A longer campaign with jets and props. More focus on the ground war. Campaign Name: Operation Mannerheims Sköld Year: 1966 Flyable Services: Swedish Air Force, Finnish Air Force, Norwegian Air Force, Danish Air Force Naval Combat: Yes Ground War Scale: Large What to expect: The Total War in Scandinavia. A long campaign, where no stops will be pulled in order to succeed in the battle. Large air battles, air assaults and intense dogfights are on the schedule. Campaign Name: Midvintermörker Year: 2012 Flyable Services: Swedish Air Force Naval Combat: In a manner of speaking Ground War Scale: Small What to expect: Based on a novel by Lars Wilderäng. The ultimate pilots challenge as you fight to retake Gotland from a Russian Invasion Force. Survival is your goal. Campaign Name: Operation Mannerheims Sköld 2014 Year: 2014 Flyable Services: Swedish Air Force, Finnish Air Force, Norwegian Air Force Naval Combat: Yes Ground War Scale: Large What to expect: The Total War in Scandinavia. A long campaign, where no stops will be pulled in order to succeed in the battle. Large air battles, air assaults and intense dogfights are on the schedule. Just with modern aircraft and adjusted accordingly. Gets very interesting as both sides start to run low on supply and have to risk losing missions to preserve their aircraft. Installation: This mod requires SF2: Europe. SF2 North Atlantic, Expansion Pack 1 and DLC 008 J 34 Hawker Hunter is highly recommended. First of all, make sure you are using SF2: Europe and that it is patched to the latest version. This is _vital_. Check http://www.thirdwire.com if you are unsure what the latest patch is, but the game should notify you if there is new patches out. Delete ANY PRIOR TSF MOD INSTALLATION! This is vital as items has been renamed, moved or otherwise changed. If you are using a mod, or plan to use one, TSF will mess around with settings other mods may be using. As such, creating a seperate mod folder for TSF is a good idea. If you only plan to use TSF, then this step can be bypassed. Go to your installation folder (Usually C:\Program Files\Thirdwire\Strike Fighters 2). Make a copy of Strike Fighters 2.exe / Strike Fighters 2 Europe.exe depending on what you prefer and got installed. Name the Copy Strike Fighters 2 TSF.exe . Start your new .exe once, then close the game. Now go to your Mod Folders. For Windows 7/Vista, this is located in C:\Users\Name\Saved Games\Thirdwire. For Windows XP Users, it is usually in My Documents. Unzip the contents of the 7zip files "TSF2" into the mod folder of your choice. Allow any overwrites. If you do not own Strike Fighters 2: North Atlantic, then unzip "Unzip if you do not have SF2: NA.7z". Read the Readme included and follow it to the letter. If you own Strike Figthers 2 Expansion Pack 1, unzip Install if you have SF2 Israel Expansion Pack 1.7z". Allow any overwrites. If you own DLC 008 J 34 Hawker Hunter, unzip "Install if you have DLC 008 J 34 Hawker Hunter.7z". Allow any overwrites. (Please read the included Credits file. I could not do what I do without the lovely people who helped me by allowing me to use their work!) -
1 point
Version v2.0
*********************************** Iceland 02 Full-Scale Terrain v2.0 by Baltika *********************************** This is a major upgrade to my little Iceland terrain. New features:- Forest tiles and trees - yup, there are now some forests on Iceland, just as in reality. Extensive targetisation upgrade, with many newly targetised areas. Several new terrain tile types. Network of NATO radar stations, with accurate operational dates. Re-tiling of some coastal areas to fix tsunamis. Some terrain HFD work for greater accuracy. Custom environment file to create snowstorm conditions for inclement weather. Cheers to Stary for that one ;-) No substitute for SF2:NA, I know, but Merry Christmas everybody ;-) This will likely be the final version of this terrain. But, if anybody spots any show-stopping bugs, please drop me a line at Combatace and I'll try to sort them out. Slainthe! Baltika 21 December 2011 *********************************** Thanks to:- Gepard for his terrain tutorials, which started this adventure off all those years ago. Also for his WoE European style runways which are included here. JSFAggie for his Highway runway Mod, which has been altered and modded for use as glacier-based FARPs. Brain32 for sound advice on creating terrain tiles. Cheers mate;-) Your hi-res lava tile has not been used here, but may see the light of day if I ever manage a hi-res set for this little terrain. CA_Stary for being terrain guru extraordinaire. Also, thanks to Stary for his Heavy Snowfall mod for WoX series. I have included this for Iceland terrain and updated it for SF2 shaders, so you will get near-whiteout blizzard conditions for inclement weather setting. Happy flying ;-) Thanks also to Brain32 and CA_Stary for their forest tiles and trees, which I have adapted for use as Iceland's sparse forests. Cheers guys ;-) GrimViper, for pointing out that Iceland does actually have trees and forests. . . Cheers mate, hope you like it ;-) Wrench, Dave & all the gang at CA for invaluable advice on how to make things work, garnered over the years and hopefully put to good effect here. MajorLee, Deuces, Edward and anyone else who made a terrain mod and posted about how to do it. Thanks! TK for making the whole bag of bolts hang together. *********************************** Installation instructions:- Delete your old "ICELAND02" folder. This version is a complete replacement for any previous version. Unzip the package to your desktop, or wherever is convenient. Drop the "ICELAND02" folder into your Username\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2\Terrains folder. If there is no terrains folder in your mod folder, create one and drop the ICELAND02 folder into it. Drop the "Effects" folder into your Username\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2\ folder. That's it! Go fly, and fight for the liberation of Iceland. This terrain has been completed using SF2 November 2011 patch. It is not supported on WoX series or earlier patch levels. But, if you really must try, use the files included in the "Use_in_WoX" folder for SF1 series. Your mileage may vary. If you use a custom environmental mod, bear in mind that any changes must be made to the ICELAND02_ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI file included here. Just make sure your new file includes the following line:- InclementEffect=BlizzardEffect Or else, you will lose the snowfall weather conditions. It is set up this way so as not to interfere with any other environmental mod you may use. *********************************** -
1 point
Cuba "OTC Plus" Terrain for SF2 This is a complete rebuild of the 'Operation Tainted Cigar' terrain, that originally represented the time frame of the Cuban Missile Crisis. While revamped with that in mind, everyone knows that I don't build terrains that can only be used for 14 Days. This terrain has been EXTENSIVELY expanded, and has operation years spanning from 1959 (the year of the Cuban Revolution), to the Present Day and Beyond, ie: 1959-2050. This is a complete terrain, with many new/revamped/replaced/whatever tiles, and includes Stary's Enhanced Cuba pakage (meaning: LOTS of custom-made tiles and TODs). The entire map was gone over completly, moving/removing and adding dozens of new target areas and correcting errors from the original release. Unfortunately, I was not able to generate new planning maps, as for some reason SFMap kept crapping out on this terrain (volenteers, anyone??) My apologies for getting 'stuck with' the old ones. The targets, types, and movements ini have been expanded to be as historicaly and geophysically accurate as (much as is, with this terrain engine) possible. See "Notes" for more on this. The data ini uses the latest (June 2011) structure. The Limited Nations statement is set to TRUE, reducing the players to those regionally historical. So as not to conflict with any other Cuba terrain, this is called "Cuba (OTC+)" -this is how it will appear in your dropdown menu. The folder itself is called "CubaOTC". However, this terrain does NOT include the southern US (north of Orlando), Central or South America. Other than that, I think you'll find it enjoyable (no, DisneyWorld/EPCOT is NOT on the map, sorry) A large number of Ground Objects are included; some you may already have, some are new or revamped versions. Userlists have also been genrated for these, where the user(s) was known and/or discoverable. This also explains the LARGE size of the download - sorry, it's the one way I know that makes sure you have damn near everything necessary to run. Aircraft and skins are NOT included. With luck, I've remembered to add the items necessary; pleas make sure you have the needed artillery pieces. (both sides, although a new one is included) The map is 'time sensitive', with respect to the October Crisis; the IRBM batteries will turn on and off for that time frame. SAM sites are accurately placed, and for the most part remain active for the full duration up to Modern/Post-Modern Times. *Shameless Plug: several country & era-specific aircraft/aircraft skins are available in the CA SF2 downloads section* For those wishing to use this terrain on the old OTC campaign -DON'T. It will not work. A new campaign is under construction. As expected, there are several Easter Eggs -- you'll find them if you look hard enough. (Hint: one's in the Bahama's) Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life courses, or be placed in their Real Life locations. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the standard disclaimer, as it's been changed slightly. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
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