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Showing most liked content on 02/17/2023 in File Comments

  1. 1 point
    Then the data ini should get this modified section as well: [CruiseMissileAI] ReleaseRange=40200.0 ReleaseAlt=300.0 ReleaseInterval=5.0 Otherwise the "Tu-22" defaults will be used. Customize the section as required, Range and Alt values are in meters. Take into account the "I" of the AI ....
  2. 1 point
    as to me i changed to (DONT THINK I ask to reupload, I just say what i changed for aircraft apear in random generated missions better in my opinion in my modfolder, may be someone want to do the same) [Anti-Ship_ARM] DefaultFor=SEAD_NAVAL [Anti-Ship] DefaultFor=CRUISE_MISSILE,STRIKE_NAVAL,ANTI_SHIP


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