SF2 WW2 Northen Europe/North Sea Fix-It Pak 1/22/2014
= For Use on the Recently Released WW2 Northern Europe/North Sea Terrain =
This fix-it pak contains a modified Norway.ini (main ini) and Norway_Movements.ini.
The main ini has the correction to reset the terrain size to the actual size of the terrain, now allowing the in-game planning map to show things where they truely are.
The Movements ini has a repositioned 'front line', that now also sits where it's supposed to!
The terrain is available at the following URL:
This is to be applied on those already downladed. A 'new' version of the terrain will be uploaded with these changes/repairs already added.
As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein