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Showing most liked content on 08/03/2023 in Files

  1. 1 point



    This terrain now uses the 250 meter resolution as described here.... http://combatace.com/topic/89389-kamchatka-250m-version-with-adjusted-tileset-etc/ Thanks Stary. Please be aware that due to the terrain resolution, number of objects etc this terrain may take a while to load or not even run at all...Reading the README's is vitally important..!! What's new ? We now have seasons but the winter version dose'nt have snow as I cant seem to get it right. Quite a few new tiles and tod's for the new airfield layouts by myself. Lots of new objects including several complete RAF style airbase layouts made by myself. I have included a few ground object files, some downloaded from here [ships] and some made by myself [RAF trucks and radar etc] but to make sure everything shows I would get just about every UK ground object you can from the CA downloads section.....there are just too many for me to add to the file and keep its size fairly small. FINALLY a big "THANK YOU" to EVERY body that has made any mods for the SF2 series..........there's a good chance some of you work is used here ....Thanks again.


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