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Showing most liked content on 11/12/2023 in Files

  1. 8 points

    Version 4.0.0


    When it became clear that the Mirage F1 was becoming a successful production aircraft, Dassault began investigating the possibility of a dedicated reconnaissance version for its most important client, the French Air Force. However, the escalating cost of fighter aircraft meant that add-on pods for this purpose were a more economical alternative. Many French Air Force aircraft, as well as those of some export clients (such as Iraq's Mirage F1EQ), did indeed have a variety of reconnaissance pods available, which were attached to the underside of the main fuselage. However, the development of a tactical reconnaissance aircraft for the French Air Force continued, and the first Mirage F1CR flew on 20 November 1981. F1CR specifics: A/A: R550/R550-2 self-defence only, no R530 and no S530F (no wiring) A/G: AUF2 (no CLB4, no CLB8), rockets (<90ies), bombs, BAP/BAT radio-altimeter Inertial Navigation System (Sagem ULISS 47), VOR/ILS Panoramic (Omera 40 75mm) and vertical (Omera 33 150 mm) cameras Radar Cyrano IV-MR Seat Mk10 AAR probe no right gun, Super Cyclope Infra-Red linescan imager (SAT SCM 2400) instead Barax, Phimat capability CC420 pods capability RPL201 EFT F1CR F7 standard specifics: RPL201 EFT "Lion" and "Shark" special deco Corail gondolas (P0 station) GPS (GPS Improved Inertial Navigation) RWR Aigle double wingtip position lights Thomson CSF RAPHAEL TH SLAR Side Looking Aiborne Radar Recon Pod (P1 Id on AMCP) Rubis FLIR recon pod (P2 Id on AMCP) ASTAC (Analyseur de Signaux TACtiques) ELINT pod (P3 Id on AMCP) Thomson CSF MDS610 PRESTO (Pod REcon STand-Off) (P4 Id on AMCP) This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware. Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms. Enjoy The Mirage F-1 Team
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    The Bombers of Oz: a 384th Bomb Wing skin for the B-1B_92 This skin represents the Bones of the Kansas based 384th Bomb Wing in their final years as a bomb wing. Recieving OZ tailcodes after teh transition from SAC to ACC, they served on 2 more years until the 384th was stood down and the bombers spread between the Kansas ANG, Georgia ANG and the 366th Wing. Included Skin and decals for the 384th Bomb Wing, set for the B-1B_92 model Required either get the original B-1B_92 and assorted sounds, weapons and effects here: or from here if you dont want to sort through the whole super pack Installation - get the required aircraft from one of the two above sources (if you dont already have it) - unzip, open "Bombers of OZ" folder, paste "Objects" folder into mod folder of your choice - allow overwrites if any Credits Jimbib support with templates daddyairplanes research, new skin, tga work Dels and Bone Team original model and skin TK the SF2 series as a whole I hope you enjoy this mod Kevin Unruh aka daddyairplanes 11 Nov 23 ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. *************************************************************


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