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Showing most liked content on 03/02/2024 in Files

  1. 3 points

    Version 1.0.1


    52nd Fighter Wing 1994 This mod brings together all of the aircraft of the 52nd Fightere Wing at Spangdahlem AB, Federal Republic of Germany in 1994. It features historic serials and skins for the era Included A-10A_93, F-16C/D_B50, F-15C/D_91 aircraft Sounds, effects and decals for all of the above Assorted Weapons Special Fuel Tanks to allow selection from different aircraft. Installation unzip, add contents of "2 Mod Folder" to the mod folder of your choice. allow overwrites NOTE ON SPECIAL TANKS AND MIXED FLIGHTS I HAVE SET UP A SERIES OF ROCKET/FUEL TANKS (MINUS THE ROCKETS) SO THAT FUEL TANKS OTHER THAN WHAT IS NATIVE TO THE AIRCRAFT CAN BE SELECTED, ALLOWING MIX FLIGHTS OF AIRCRAFT. THE TANKS FOR EACH AIRCRAFT IS IDENTIFIED BY A NUMBER AT FRONT (IE "370 GAL TANK") WHILE THE NON REGULAR ONES HAVE THE AIRCRAFT NAME IN FRONT (IE F-16 370 GAL TANK). THEY WILL APPEAR FOR THE MOST PART AT THE BOTTOM OF THE MENU SCROLL IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO THIS, IT IS HIGHLY RECCOMENDED THAT YOU SELECT THE F-16C, THEN CHANGE TO THE F-15 OR A-10 IN THE LOADOUT MENU SCREEN ( flightname 1-1 IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE LEAD). THIS WILL ALLOW YOU TO USE ALL AVAILABLE WEAPONS, AS THE F-16 CAN CARRY ANYTHING THE A-10 OR F-15 CAN. _____________________________________ UPDATE 3 Mar 24 _______________________________ ____________________________ data inis on F-16s updated based on work by FANATIC MODDER Viper loadouts adjusted to automatically add HTS after 1994 loading screen changed for F-16C_B50 ___ INSTALL UPDATE IF YOU DOWNLOADED BEFORE 3 MAR 24, INSTALL WHOLE PACKAGE IF AFTER 4 MAR 24 ______ Credits ----------F-15C/D_91-------------------------- Viper63a - Cockpit work, skin template Spudknocker - Upgraded Flight Model and Weapons Loadout. Fanatic Modder - Upgraded Flight Model and Engine Emitters, ini edits creating F-15C_91 RavenClaw_007 - Ejection Seats JAT81500 - For the excellent Florian Pilot upgrades! Hi Ho Silvers - AfterBurner Mod. AleDucat - ACES II ejection seat models.(orig) Deuces - F-15 Afterburner and weapon effects.(orig) Diego - Modern USAF Pilot skins.(orig) Fubar512 - For the FM work.(orig) JimmyBib - F-15C cockpit flight control textures.(orig) MoonJumper - Avionics work.(orig) Sundowner - Textures.(orig) Wpnssgt - Models, Textures.(orig) Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit.(orig) Brain32 - Improved/new textures for F-15C cockpit.(orig) 331KillerBee, ravenclaw_007 - SF2 Weapons Packs daddyairplanes- new textures, tgas, minor ini work, (credits fixed on site 1 Mar 24 after input from Fanatic modder) ---------F-16C Block 50-------------------------- BPAO- original model, ravenclaw_007- additional model and pit work, skin templates (this version) Brain32, Jat, Crusader- FM, Avionics Sony Tuckson tech advice Florian, Jat- Pilots Stary- MFD panel glas ravenclaw_007 and 331KillerBee- Weapons- daddyairplanes- new textures, tgas, minor ini work, ---------F-16D Block 50-------------------------- ravenclaw_007- new (2022) Block 40 model based off of BPAO's original work daddyairplanes - main and data ini to convert the existing Block 40 into a Block 50. Both were very similar the main diference being the wiring for LANTIRN or HTS ALL ELSE SEE F-16C BLOCK 50 ---------A-10A_93 -------------------------- Wpnssgt - Original model and post v3.0 3D Modifications. Spectre8750, Russouk2004 - 3D Modifications Spectre8750, Kesselbrut Cockpits Sundowner - Skin Templates Diego - USAF Pilot Ravenclaw_007 - A-10 Aces II Seat Spectre8750 - Sounds Stary, Dueces - Effects daddyairplanes - new texture, tgas, loadout -------------overall project------------------------------------------------------------------ TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims. daddyairplanes- new TW inspired loading screens, hangar screens, and research. if Frank Castle uses a f ck ton of bullets, it's safe to say i used a f ck ton of research Nightshade/PR - my usual extra set of eyes to catch what i mess up Thank you for downloading this mod and I hope you enjoy it daddyairplanes aka Kevin Unruh 29 Feb 2024 ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. *************************************************************
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    IAR 80/81 PACK. I was not originally going to release this pack, as I was unsure of the reaction to a relativley unknown ( unfortunately ) Fighter. but after the relative success of the PZL's I uploaded last week, I though it would be nice to send these IAR's your way too. The IAR's were only ever used by the Romanians, and was in service until the early 50's so that in itself speaks volumes about this rather attractive aircraft. Anyway, this is a slight rework of Pasko's IAR 80A and 81C, I have also included a <cough> alternative and completely "What if" IAR 80P I shall let you look and see at to what THAT is all about !!! So, the details, I have edited the original skins, and have reworked ALL the decals, I have added the stencilling as accurately as I could, but there maybe a few errors here and there in the actual positioning of them, as finding detailed pictures of the type is just not there. The stencilling is very sparse, so I think I have got it mainly right ( I hope !! ) I have updated the sounds, and the weapons loadouts, as for some unknown reason, the original bomb loadouts were wrong, So the 80A now carries ONLY 2, 50Kg bombs under the wings, and the 81C has the centreline 250Kg and 2, 50Kg under wing bombs. The 80P however has the original loadout, because why not, it is a "What if" innit hehehehehe. The "real" IAR's in this pack carry German weapons, and are armed with for the 80A 6, 7.9mm FN Brownings, and the 81C has 2 MG151 20mm,s and only 2 of the FN Brownings . The 90P's are armed with ITALIAN bombs, 50, 100, and 250 KG's and gun armament comprises of 4, Breda SAFAT 7.7 mm MG's and a pair of Breda SAFAT 12.7mm MG's. All the markings have been replaced from the original ones, which I found too bright and "in yer face" and then I added on the differing markings from later years. Everything is included in the pack, aircraft, decals, guns, pilots, weapons, and sounds. I have boxed everything up so it just a drag and drop kinda deal. One point though, please please PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE ensure that the file GunBarrel20mm is in the Pilots folder, or else you will end up with a very odd looking aircraft ( this is for the 81C. ) I also swapped out the Cockpit, as the faux Spitfire one looked awful, so it is now the YAK 9 one instead, not accurate, as all the dials are in Russian, but it does look better.............Well in my humble opinion it does at least. All the sounds I used are in the sounds folder, including the sounds for the guns. That as they say, is a wrap. I forgot to credit Starfighter, for the Yak Cockpit, apologies to him for that ommision. AS ALWAYS...........................ENJOY !!!
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 TMF Mirage IIIC (AdA) Upgrade/Remod Pack 2/21/2024 -For SF2, Any and All- This is a full upgrade/remod pack for The Mirage Factory's Dassault Mirage 3C series as used by the French Air Force. Included in this package are 2 complete versions of the Mirage IIIC: Mirage IIIC ("standard" usage) 1) NMF - EC 1/2 Cigones 2) AdA Blue - EC 2/10 Seine (<1975) Mirage IIICi/SEPR (rocket boosted, single missile armed, no gun, interceptor) 1) NMF only - EC 2/13 Alpes They are set up and labeled to cause NO conflicts with the Mirage III's available as stock within the game or as a DLC from 3rd Wire. Everything needed is supplied, excepting those weapons used that are stock 3W items. Skins remain in their original bmp format. Each skin has 26 letter and number decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Almost all markings are decals. The SF2 date switch is used on the standard IIIC, changing to the Air Defense Blue in 1975. For the most part, the skins are left 'attached' to the squadrons from when originally released 'way back when. When in-game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown you'll see: Mirage IIIC (TMF) or Mirage IIIC/SEPR (TMF) So you can't mistake them for anything else but TMF Birds (tm). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. All original readmes, when discoverable, are included. The 'Change Log' is, as always, in the Notes section below. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein For Oli and The Mirage Factory
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    SENTRY '04: USAF E-3B/C's of the 552nd ACW and PACAF Since 1976 the USAF has used the E-3 Sentry to control the air battlespace it finds itself in. Starting in 1995, the E-3 fleet began to recieve the Block 30/35 upgrade. These upgrades improved its communications, navigation, and electronic support equipment over the older versions. The most visible change was the ESM pods on the cheeks, and additional fairings on the chin and rear of the aircraft. These upgrades continued until the entire fleet was completed in fall of 2001. This mod represents the E-3B/C fleet at a time of major restructuring, with the 552nd Air Control Wing having reduced to 3 squadrons and the two PACAF squadrons (961st AACS at Kadena and 962nd AACS at Elmendorf) operating 3 of each. Included This mod includes skin for the E-3B aircraft with fake pilot upgrades, skins and decals for all 5 squadrons active in 2004 as well as a 552nd ACW overall skin Installation unzip mod, add contents of "2 Mod Folder" to mod folder of your choice. allow overwrites Known Issues - The Sentry aircraft pull hard to port (left) when taking off. This only occurs when the player is hand flying the aircraft, when AI or autopilot flies this is not an issue - The cockpit is not a great match for the aircraft, however SF2 does not support any of their (E-3 or CT-49) original missions as player flyable and they were originally intended to be eye candy. Until we get a 3d modeller that wants to do a new E-3 or even 707 proper pit, this is how it will be. Credits Dave the request that brought this about, and previous TMF associated work The Mirage Factory original E-3 mod and model yakarov79 NATO_AWACS (ESSM) pod model daddyairplanes skins, tga work, research ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. *************************************************************


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