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Showing most liked content on 09/28/2024 in Files

  1. 7 points

    Version 1.0.001


    Panavia Tornado IDS AMI Skinpack This skinpack is only for Guuruu´s Tornado IDS (Italian AF) https://combatace.com/files/file/16920-tornado-ids-italian-af/ It contains 9 brand new skins in NATO & grey camo. Included are 6°, 36° & 50° Stormo. Also included is a new data.ini, wich removes parts, that are not on the real jets. Install: You need the AMI Tornado from Guuruu extract the 7z file and then drop the Aircraft & Decals folder (and all what´s in) into your objects folder of your mod folder. Go Fly. Credits: Guuruu - Basic Tornado Template & creator of the Model Soulfreak - enhanced reworked Templates, skins, brand new decals & ini dance Schapen, Sept. 28th 2024 Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    ALBATROS D III (OAW) WITH JASTA 39 REDUX This upload comprises of 3 Rar files, the first is the standard D III OAW, 2 of which are in generic markings, and 2 which are Ottoman machines, one in earlier markings of the black square, the second with the late war red squares. The other 2 Rar files are all for Jasta 39 Albatri, 2 generic, and the rest in the markings shown in the thumbnail pictures heading this download. Again as with the previous D III's I uploaded previously, the Jasta 39 aircraft are in their own complete fils, so you can use them as a seperate Jasta so it is named Albatros DIII (OAW) (JASTA 39)......you know the drill by now I am sure !!! The red and white candy stripe one, was a real pain in the bum to do, mainly because of the bloody awful way the models were made, so getting the stripes to marry up correctly had me cursing and swearing quite considerably. So it is not 100% perfect, but it is as good as can be expected, and certainly better than the original skin that was done in this scheme, I forget who originally uploaded it, but for sure it is a vast improvement. As ever, everything is included in the package, Decals, Guns........blah blah blah..........You will need to download all the files as the decals etc for the Jasta 39 Albatri are in the first RAR file.............As for the rest, I am not going to repeat myself, as I am sure most of the folks downloading this, are used to my stuff, so I wont bore you with the blurb !!! As always...................ENJOY


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