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Showing most liked content on 11/12/2024 in Files

  1. 8 points

    Version 1.0.0


    1.What does this mod have? (1) Surface Part, it contains 3 classes of ships, Type052D, 054A and 055: ① 052D DDG is a class of guided-missile destroyers, displacement 7500 tons ,and is first dedicated multi-role destroyer in PLA also,equip with AESA,BlockIII the stretched variant(aka 052DL) has a flight deck extended by four metres(BlockI 7 ships,BlockII 6 ships,BlockIII 12 ships); ② 054A FFG is a class of guided-missile frigate, displacement 3963 tonnes (full load),has medium-range air defense capability,and enhanced anti-submarine warfare capability;(BlockII 12 ships,BlockIII 10 ships,BlockIV 4 ships) ③ 055 DDG is a class of guided-missile destroyers, displacement 13000 tonnes (full load),rated as cruisers per NATO/OSD standard parlance,equip with AESA ,has a multi- mission design;(8 ships) (2) Weapon Part, it contains a variety of missiles and artillery: ① HHQ-9A/B, long-range surface-to-air missile, operational range 120km(9A)/200km(9B); ② HHQ-10, short-range surface-to-air missile, operational range 0.5km - 9km; ③ HHQ-16A/C, middle-range surface-to-air missile, operational range 40km(16A)/70km(16C); ④ YJ-18, anti-ship cruise missile, from subsonic to supersonic mode, operational range 220–540km; ⑤ H/PJ-45, 130mm naval artillery; ⑥ H/PJ-26, 76mm naval artillery; ⑦ H/PJ-12, 7-barrel 30mm CIWS; ⑧ H/PJ-11, 11-barrel 30mm CIWS; The following are the armaments of the corresponding ships: 052D BlockI: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-12, HHQ-9A, HHQ-10; 052D BlockII: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-11, HHQ-9B, YJ-18 ,HHQ-10; 052D BlockIII: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-11, HHQ-9B, YJ-18 ,HHQ-10; 054A BlockII: H/PJ-26, H/PJ-12, HHQ-16A; 054A BlockIII: H/PJ-26, H/PJ-11, HHQ-16A; 054A BlockIV: H/PJ-26, H/PJ-11, HHQ-16C; 055 BlockI: H/PJ-45A, H/PJ-11, HHQ-9B, YJ-18 ,HHQ-10; (3)All the ships are armed, named and dated correctly,to ensure they are as "historically accurate" as possible; =========================================================================================================== 2.Usage: Unzip and copy Flight and Objects these 2 folder to where your game is installed; =========================================================================================================== 3.Note: (1) I added FLIGHTENGINE.INI into Flight folder,if you already had one, please back up yours in advance,unless you know what it is,if this file is missing, your game would CTD when using this mod; (2) It is possible that updates will continue to be made to make more accurate adjustments to the weapon system in the future; =========================================================================================================== 4.Credits: 1.Ice is silent water (off-site user,for model and texture of 052D and 054A); 2.Mei_Young (off-site user,for model and texture of 055); 3.BF2_pilot (off-site user,for model and texture of HHQ-10,YJ-18); 3.Me (for model of HHQ-9/HHQ-16, AND add a lot of detail objects,do a lots of animation and texture works);
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    The UTVA 75 is a light utility aircraft produced by the Yugoslav aircraft manufacturer UTVA. It was first introduced in the late 1970s and has since been used primarily for training, reconnaissance, and light transport roles. Known for its reliability and versatility, the UTVA 75 has been adopted by several military and civilian operators around the world. This Project was carried out with Anunk47 assistance.🦅 Enjoy, I wish you good hunting.
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    The Saturn V is a retired American super heavy-lift launch vehicle developed by NASA under the Apollo program for human exploration of the Moon. This Project was carried out with Anunk47 assistance.🦅
  4. 1 point



    *********************************** Iceland 02 Full-Scale Terrain v1.0 by Baltika *********************************** Thanks to:- Gepard for his terrain tutorials, which started this adventure off all those years ago. Also for his new WoE runways which are included here. JSFAggie for his Highway runway Mod, which has been altered and modded for use as glacier-based FARPs. Brain32 for sound advice on creating terrain tiles. Cheers mate;-) Your hi-res lava tile has not been used here, but may see the light of day if I ever manage a hi-res set for this little terrain. Wrench, Dave & all the gang at CA for invaluable advice on how to make things work, garnered over the years and hopefully put to good effect here. MajorLee, Deuces, Edward and anyone else who made a terrain mod and posted about how to do it. Thanks! TK for making the whole bag of bolts hang together. *********************************** Installation instructions:- Unzip and drop the "ICELAND02" folder into your Saved GamesThirdwireStrikeFighters2Terrains folder. If there is no terrains folder in your mod folder, create one and drop the ICELAND02 folder into it. That's it! Go fly, and fight for the liberation of Iceland. This terrain has been completed using SF2 June 2010 patch. It is not supported on WoX series or earlier patch levels. But, if you really must try, use the ICELAND02_DATA.INI file included in the "Use_in_WoX" folder for SF1 series. Your mileage may vary. *********************************** This terrain features a completely new Iceland map, scaled up to full size and with a completely new tileset. All mission types are flyable for Red and Blue force. It has taken a number of years and several false starts to get to this point. Like gepard said about his Israel terrain, I feel the journey may never be finished, so if you spot any oddities or bugs, drop me a line at CombatAce and I'll try to fix it. I will post targetisation updates as and when these are completed. For now, kick back, enjoy the Arctic scenery and have a blast. Slainthe! Baltika 27 October 2010 ***********************************


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