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About Crab_02

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Oberpfalz, Freistaat Bayern
  • Interests
    sportbikes, armor and aeroplanes


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  1. Hey Dave...just a quick shout to say hello. Hope all is well with you and your family. Hope to talk with you soon. Until that time take care my friend. Pete

  2. Those were Happy Times. Good to see this post. Yes, RIP Oli, you are still missed....
  3. F-100F Super Sabre (*)

    Yeah, when I made this *substandard* model in 2007, the average machine was did not handle shadows well - so shadows were not a requirement for the owner of the YAP product.
  4. Jug Has Passed Away

  5. One word: Arclight Yes, I am back.
  6. Phull Phrottle........

    ... it just dosen't get any better than that ....
  7. Congratulations to My Wife

    Congratulations to Sheila, from us both!!! Well done!
  8. Happy Birthday

    Thanks Guys. Happy B-Day, Don.
  9. HOLY s**t!

    r u 40 yet?
  10. Mrs. Crab_02 delivers

    Thank you to all! John Eric is his name. He and Mrs. Crab are doing well. Am back to field tomorrow.
  11. Mrs. Crab_02 delivers

    Finally, my Son has arrived.... am out on training excercise and my Son arrived 1515 Local - missed his birth by 23 mics... was on road to hospital and of course in traffic... everything is ok, Wife is good - kiddo is healthy and me at 40yrs old and 20 1/2 years in the Army... have to stick around a few more years .... :) I am proud FATHER again !!!!
  12. Honorable Discharge

    Congratulations and Good Luck!!!!!!!
  13. WAHNSINNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Back to the world

    Welcome Back, Jeff!!!!!! v/r 1SG Hobbs (aka Crab_02)

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