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Hinchinbrooke last won the day on March 22 2013

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36 Neutral


About Hinchinbrooke

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    Owner Hinchinbrook Naval Yard

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  1. Atlantic Fleet - Heart of Oak

    I don't play many games these days. Don't have much time in the evenings. But this game is a keeper. For entertainment, I set up Rodney or Nelson against Bismarck, Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, etc, and just pound it out. Sure, Rodney and Nelson are a lot slower, but once those 16" guns find the target, it's goodbye Reichsmarine.
  2. Atlantic Fleet - the CombatAce review

    Well done everyone. Medals all round.
  3. Given that Storm Eagle Studios seems to have sunk without trace, perhaps Killerfish could negotiate for a license to use their models for a Killerfish WWI issue. But anyway, raising a glass to the great game you already have. Well done.
  4. Atlantic Fleet - the CombatAce review

    Atlantic Fleet is the first game I've purchased since 2012, such is my jaundiced view of 95% of games these days. Just enjoyed a slugfest between Nelson and Scharnhorst. Nelson sunk the German......... eventually, but her lack of speed told, and she had to be scuttled, such was her damage. Great fun.
  5. Atlantic Fleet - the CombatAce review

    Good review. I purchased the PC version today (I already have it on tablet). It really needs a large screen to do it justice. It is marvelous to behold............. and fun, intriguing to play. The campaigns can be hard; trying to destroy ships, keeping your own ships and hoping that you gain enough points to add something decent to your squadron/fleet. I actually like the turn-based play. Too many ships doing stuff at the same time, and you're tearing your hair out, trying to cope. I have Storm Eagle's Russo-Japanese War and Jutland. Trying to monitor large fleets is very stressful. For $10 it's a veritable steal. And a Med version would the icing on the cake.
  6. Victory at Sea

    And if a PC version of Atlantic Fleet was moddable, I could add things...
  7. Victory at Sea

    No I didn't, but they've done a very nice job within the limits of the game. Atlantic Fleet, with game play adjustments, could be a great game. Something that would last a long time and provide a lot of kudos for all.
  8. Victory at Sea

    Killer Fish made an earlier 'Pacific Fleet'. The models are cruder, but one can only hope that their efforts for both oceans are given decent support should they allow us to play via the PC. One thing. The models for Atlantic Fleet remind me of the models made for the seemingly defunct Storm Eagle Studios (Russo-Japanese War, and Jutland).
  9. Victory at Sea

    It's a shame the ship models are so crude, as it definitely looks interesting. Over the summer, I came across a game 'app' for my android tablet called "Atlantic Fleet". It has far superior models, but the game play, though good, is more restrictive. I wish it could be ported to PC.
  10. 33LIMA, Thanks for the info. Much appreciated.
  11. 33LIMA, You've inspired me to reinstall IL-2 1946. How do I get from a vanilla version to what I'm looking at here?
  12. I would hazard a guess that TW and the pc have parted ways. People flying planes on mobile phones probably aren't flight afficiandos...... and less likely to complain about 'details' (see moderating forum).
  13. England v Poland

    Visiting my grand parents every other week, we used to drive past the memorial to the Free Poles next to RAF Northolt. There were/are always wreaths. Having said that, I'm glad England beat Poland tonight. Not that they'll win the World Cup.

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