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Gepard last won the day on March 7

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  1. In a first step i will bring the bigger towns in "shape", so that their form will match the reality as close as possible. In a second step i will focus on smaller towns and towns with airfields. And surely Aurora will come on the map.
  2. SitRep: I putted so far 53 placeholders for bigger towns on the map. I hope that i wrote them correctly. More towns will come. This are: Name, Coordinates ++++++++++++++++++++ Michigan +++++++++++++++++++++++ Detroit 707, 543 Ann Arbor 667,529 Saginaw 667,601 Lansing 623,561 Kalamazoo 567,531 Holland 529,571 Grand Rapids 557,577 Muskegon 519,597 Cadillac 581,665 Traverse City 565,685 Petoskey 603,721 Mackinaw City 615,743 Cheboygan 637,735 Alpena 689,699 Escabana 483,745 Iron Mountain 427,745 Marinette 437,701 Marquette 419,785 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pennsylvania +++++++++++++++++++++++ Erie 895,521 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ohio +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cleveland 823,501 Akron 819,477 Youngstown 865,489 Toledo 687,495 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Indiana +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fort Wayne 607,467 South Bend 519,491 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Illinois +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chicago 437,509 Joliet 425,495 Naperville 421,509 Elgin 419,525 Rockford 387,535 Davenport 283,503 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wisconsin ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kenosha 427,559 Milwaukee 423,589 Janesville 391,563 Madison 371,587 Sheboygan 433,623 Fond du Lac 395,625 Wisconsin Dells 351,619 Oshkosh 385,641 Appleton 395,661 Green Bay 415,669 Stevens Point 359,669 Wausau 351,691 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Funny name for german ears. means "barking female pig" in german Antigo 377,703 Rhinelander 369,743 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Canada +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sarnia 757,575 London 815,571 Hamilton 903,597 Guelph 881,623 Kitchener 869,609 Tobermory 809,711 So it looks at the map:
  3. Lake Winnebago in an early stage. Screenshots shows flight along east coast to south. Then heading to west. A placeholder tile marks the location of the town of Oshkosh.
  4. Humpday Heavies

    Tu-22M3 of Soviet Naval Aviation against Royal Navy
  5. Black parts means, that either skin files are in wrong format or they are corrupted.
  6. What if Germany would have been reunited in 1956 as neutral country, as Austria in 1955.
  7. Ju-88 over London, striking railway stations.
  8. Mixed pair of MiG-21SM, consist of one fighter of the Frontline Aviation (VVS) and one of the Naval Aviation, over the Kuril islands.
  9. I was not really happy with the x-shaped tree with horizontal layer, which i used before. That's why i made a new one. It's an american white oak. I think it looks a little bit better than before.
  10. Super Sunday

    Flightline of F-100 Super Sabre of Armee de l'Air.

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