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About citizen67

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    Milan, Italy

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  1. Same problem with an A-1H in a random generated mission, along with aircraft exploding at start or CTD during an F-105 YAP mission. Otherwise a great number of beautiful eye candy, especially on carriers.
  2. severe problem to access CA

    Me too. Get the message "Not secure".
  3. Awesome. It's incredible the effort you put into making cockpits. I look forward for the releases. Thanks
  4. We are all old. And in solidarity
  5. Thanks to you for your great work. Your cockpits take the quality of SF2 to the next level.
  6. @ravenclaw_007 in F-4D_67_DATA.ini in the [DetectSystem] section, I found that HasRWR=FALSE must be setting on TRUE. Now it works. I found the same in F-4D_71_DATA.ini so I checked the stock [...]_DATA.ini and it's set on TRUE.
  7. @ravenclaw_007 tested again the F-4D_67 and the F-4D_78 cockpits together in the same terrains: the 67 still doesn’t work, the 78 works perfectly.
  8. Tested again in Rends GermanyCE terrain, North Vietnam with A&G War Expansion Pack with Green Hell 3.5 and Menrva Italy 63-91 and Sweden/Baltic Rim 52-94. It doesn't work in any of them. The old cockpit (the stock one) is working instead.
  9. Reistalled but still no functionality. I'll wait for the full release
  10. Tested in SF2: Europe with Rends GermanyCE terrain too. No framerate drop but the RWR looks blind... Tried two times. Anyway, good job as usual.
  11. Tested F-4D_67 cockpit in SF2:Vietnam. Didn't notice any particular issue. Just a slight delay in the framerate but I think it's due to the bad weather generated randomly by the single mission (it happens with other aircraft too).
    Great job! About version 2.0 with new HUD: I suggest to whom are using Better CCIP mod by orsin, to edit F-111A_COCKPIT.INI file and set OpenCockpit=FALSE to prevent the gunsight from overlapping the cockpit panel.
  12. Hi Yakarov, thanks. This is the Station3 section in your A*_DATA.ini, are you referring to this? [LeftWingStation3] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-3.35,-0.74,-0.166 AttachmentAngles=0.0,-3.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1650 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,EOGB,TER,2BR,MER,RP,FT, AttachmentType=USN ModelNodeName= RackSpecificStationCode=A-7-6 PylonMass=92.53 PylonDragArea=0.05 MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= FuelTankName=US_Tank300 FuelTankNodeName=droptank_outer_L "RackSpecificStationCode=A-7-6" is the same as in the other stations (2 and 3); only in Station3 doesn't appear, even copying all the MERs/TERs included in my weapons Folder...

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